Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1963: Large platoon

"Well, we will give the Blue Wolf Demon a face, and for the time being, let this kid live, do not destroy the life of the Tianpeng Emperor."

Seeing that the three-level demon emperor of the demon island appeared, Qin Xuanbing said, he is very clear, since the blue wolf demon emperor personally intervened, then want to kill Jiang Chen here, almost impossible.

Today is the day of the birthday of the Tianpeng Emperor, and Jiang Chen now has the identity of a disciple of Xianxian Xianting. His identity is to come to the birthday, even if they are very eager to kill Jiang Chen immediately, but They are equally clear that the face of Tian Peng's demon can't be denied.

"Jiang Chen, today is your life, but you haven't lived for a long time. When the Tianpeng Emperor's life is over, it's your death."

Qian Qianyun threatened with a finger at Jiang Chen.

"Is it? Whenever I die, I am afraid it is not easy to say."

Jiang Chen’s face is indifferent, he has never experienced any big winds and waves, and he has encountered dangerous situations. Besides, these people, even if there are no feathers and big yellow dogs around, it is impossible for these people to kill themselves. Jiang Chen is not able to beat them, but there is a big void in the body, easy to escape, no problem at all.

"It’s still arrogant when you die."

Tan Jinye's face was indifferent, and he did not put Jiang Chen in his eyes. As a strong presence of the peak of the second-class emperor, in his eyes, a middle age of Xianzun was nothing more than an ant, even if Jiang Chen was a genius, it was also an ant.

"Let's go, let this kid live a little more time, and wait for the demon island to let him die without a place to die."

A cold said.

In the eyes of the genius disciples of the three major Xianting, Jiang Chen is already dead. Undoubtedly, from now on, they will pay close attention to the movement of Jiang Chen, and will not give Jiang Chen any chance to escape. The current Jiang Chen, the biggest relying on That is to feather the van, and a feather, not enough to really save the life of Jiang Chen.

As for the wind rushing Xianting behind Jiang Chen, this backing is not small, but the three emperors do not care. After all, their own strength is the same as that of Fengchi Xianting. It is a battle relationship between each other. It is not a disciple to kill a disciple. A breeze.

"Oh! It's a pity that this Jiang Chen is dead."

"Yes, I have offended the three emperors, and also ran to participate in the birthday meeting of the Tianpeng Emperor. Isn't this looking for death?"

"Now the three major fairy courts will pay close attention to him. As long as the demon fairy island is out, Jiang Chen will die. As the situation just now, the grudge between Jiang Chen and the three major Xianting seems to be unable to resolve. The three emperors will not put it. This opportunity to kill Jiang Chen."

"Forget it, it’s a matter of death or alive. Our purpose here is to draw the Tianpeng Emperor, in order to make good friends with the Fairy Island, as for the marriage between them. The more intense the battle, the better."


Almost everyone has decided that Jiang Chen will die forever. Others think that Jiang Chen’s return to the Fairy Island to participate in the life of the Tianpeng Emperor in the case of offending the three emperors is a kind of behavior for seeking death, but for This kind of battle, other Xianting is rather enjoyable.

"You, Tianpeng demon will soon appear, and everything has been arranged on the Fairy Square. Come with me."

The Blue Wolf Demon Emperor once again said loudly that the life of the Tianpeng Emperor was the one that the Blue Wolf Demon Emperor had done. As the third-level demon of the Demon Island, it has a decisive position in the demon island itself. It is undoubtedly difficult to see the blue wolf demon emperor, and only those who are qualified to let the blue wolf demon come out to meet, only the people of the major Xianting.

Although the fairy island is strong, it is not involved in the nine major fields, but it is still very important for the major Xianting. After all, the strength of each Xianting is not weaker than their demon island.

"Well, please ask the Blue Wolf Demon."

An old man from Huangquan Xianting hugged the blue wolf demon.

"Please, please."

The blue wolf demon emperor was very big, and he turned and flew to the demon square.

Originally, I had to go to the Fairy Square to have a leader, but because of the battle between them, the Blue Wolf Demon had to come out personally. Otherwise, it would be hard to fight. The Blue Wolf Demon can not hope. At this critical moment, the battle of the people affected the mood of Tian Peng.

Under the leadership of the Blue Wolf Emperor, a large number of people who came to Heshou were flying to the Fairy Island.

"Jiang Shidi, it seems that we will have a lot of trouble this time."

Yuhua said something that was worried.

"The brothers don't have to worry, just because they want to kill me, it's still far away, let's go, let's see the style of the demon fairy island, and see what the big man of Tianpeng demon looks like."

Jiang Chen smiled and patted Yu Huafan's shoulder, and then first flew toward the Fairy Square.

Yu Huafan shook his head and sighed. He really didn't know where Jiang Chen came from, and he knew that the current situation is quite unfavorable to Jiang Chen.

However, Jiang Chen’s self-confidence also made Yu Huafan’s heart feel a lot. His newcomer, who looks like a different person, is really not a normal person.

The Fairy Square is located in the most central part of the Fairy Island. The entire square is full of a hundred miles, very large and spectacular.

At this moment, the flag of the demon island is floating, and the numerous demons wearing black armor are everywhere, and the awe-inspiring force gives people a great pressure.

At the center of the Fairy Square, there is a high platform. On the high platform, a beautiful and bright shed is built. There are five or six rows of tables and chairs on the left and right sides. There are hundreds of each row. These tables and chairs are also special. The material is specially created and looks very honorable.

In front of the highest platform, those tables and chairs are specially classified. Here, there is a real identity to be able to sit. They are divided into nine areas. Each area is hung with a golden plaque hanging on it. The name of the Daxian domain.

缥缈仙域, 风驰仙域, 迷罗仙域, 光明仙域, 玲珑仙域, 黄泉仙域, 无极仙域, 如意仙域, 无量仙域.

The Nine Wonderland is undoubtedly the most distinguished guest, and of course it must be treated specially.

After coming to the Fairy Square, the people of the Nine Great Fields automatically found their position and sat down separately. As for other people, there was no such treatment. They were all seated under the arrangement of some girls.

On the table and chairs, there are specialties of the demon fairy island. Some strange fruits have been born with colorful ones. Some of them are not ordinary things at first glance, but they are real gems. I feel refreshed.

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