Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1965: Real attraction

Tan Jinye's pride in his face, the baby that he sent out can be seen in the eyes of the Tianpeng demon, even a smile, let him feel that he is very face, his face is also full of brilliance.

"In the next blue sage, enshrined the life of the emperor to come to the demon emperor to celebrate the birthday, to offer a bottle of heaven and earth."

Lanxian stood up, and there was a jade bottle in his hand. The jade bottle was crystal clear, only the size of the palm, but the things carried inside, but the full treasure, precious to the extreme.

Tiandi Xuanhuangshui is the root water between heaven and earth. One drop has a weight of 10,000 pounds. This baby is not used for taking, but is used to build a fairy, especially a powerful soldier. If you join the heaven and earth, you can join the heaven and earth. It is not a problem for the refining emperors to raise one level at will.

Moreover, Tiandi Xuanhuangshui can also be used as a medicine to refine the medicinal herbs. For the real superior medicinal herbs, if the essence of the sacred yellow water can be added during the refining, the grade of the medicinal herbs will be a Very big upgrade. .

Such a precious baby, now Lanxian suddenly took out a bottle, which shows that the Emperor of the Emperor paid great attention to the Emperor Tianpeng.

Of course, the reasonable degree of preciousness is not only to express the importance attached to the Emperor Tianpeng, but more importantly, the face of the emperor himself. After all, it is a generation of emperors, and he is rich in family. If the things that are brought out are not too high grade, Not to mention that Tianpeng demon is not happy, the emperor himself can not afford this person.

"Well, the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty has a heart, such a valuable gift, the Emperor is also disrespectful, and Blue Yinxian please sit down."

Tianpeng demon emperor opened his eyes and smiled. He smiled and collected the heaven and earth mysterious yellow water. Today is his great birthday. It is a very happy thing. Tianpeng demon is naturally happy.

He naturally has no unhappy reasons. He has received so many precious treasures, and whoever he is, is also happy to open his heart. This heaven and earth is not very useful for him, but it can be used in the demon. On the top of Xiandao, there are thousands of disciples of the demon fairy island, and there are more treasures. The masters who cultivated are naturally more and more masters. The influence of the demon fairy island in the fairy world is naturally growing.

Next, all the major Xianting began to rush to come up with their own gifts. Everyone who came to the birthday of Xianting was a representative figure of their younger generation. Like everyone thought, Tan Jinye and Lan Xian took The baby that comes out is naturally precious, but the other treasures that Xian Ting took out are not too much, and all kinds of colors are dazzling, and many people who watch it are grinning.

You know, these babies just take out one piece. If you put it below, it is a baby that allows countless big forces to smash the scalp to grab. Usually, you want to see one that is extremely difficult. It is all legendary. The existence of this has now appeared, and was taken out as a gift to send out.

It can be seen from this that the face of Tianpeng's demon emperor is so large that he can have such a huge face, and he is afraid that it is the Tianpeng demon. Even if the emperor of the Nine Emperors is too long, there will be no Such a scene.

It is really the location of the Tianpeng demon emperor is quite special, all the major Xianting want to pull him, naturally he is precious.

"It's really amazing. So many of the babies are taken out by them. By contrast, the gifts we prepared are really not on the table. I am embarrassed to take it out."

"Don't say this, we are small households after all, and we can't compare with the nine emperors. Even if we have such a baby, we are not willing to take it out directly as a gift. Anyway, our mind will come." Tianpeng demon emperor also knows that it is impossible for us to come up with such a good baby."

"Yes, if you have to compare with the nine emperors, then we will not be used to participate in this longevity. Now there is still a gift from Fengchi Xianting. I don't know what to prepare?"

"Don't think about it, it must be a precious existence."


The impact of the gift from the major celestial courts is not small, so that those who are overseas islands, as well as some famous scattered sorrows, are embarrassed, thinking that their carefully prepared gifts are a joke compared with others, to say Without a blow, that is impossible.

"Yu Huafan, what kind of gift are you preparing? How? Is it embarrassing to come out after seeing our gift?"

Lan Xian said in a mocking tone that this guy hated Yu Yufan and Jiang Chen. This time he brought out seven people, but now he has left a lonely family, and how depressed he is.

Unfortunately, the position that Lan Xian is doing now is exactly the opposite of Jiang Chen. When you look up, you can see that every time you see Jiang Chen and Yu Huafan, Lan Xian can't control his emotions, and he hates his teeth. Meaning, it is expressed directly.

"That is, the ups and downs of the fairy court, can't you even get a decent gift?"

"In my opinion, if you can't really get it, don't be embarrassed."

Tan Jinye and another genius are also ironic, and the words do not hide their hostility.

"Jiang Shidi, this gift is for you to send."

Yuhua Fan secretly handed the Suzaku blood to Jiang Chen. He also had a mocking smile on his face. He knew very well that compared with the blood of Zhuque, the gifts they sent were obviously weaker, at least for the day. For Peng Emperor, the attraction of Suzaku's blood is the biggest.

"it is good."

Jiang Chen nodded. He knew the meaning of Yu Huafan. This is an opportunity to show his face in front of Tianpeng Demon. After all, there are too many enemy of Jiang Chen. The people of the three emperors want to kill Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen can attract the attention of Tianpeng demon, even if it is approved by Tianpeng Emperor, it is definitely good for Jiang Chen's situation.

Jiang Chen stood up from his seat, first holding a fist to the Tianpeng demon, and then took the crystal ball directly.

"Feng Chi Xian Dang Longtang disciple Jiang Chen, I have seen the demon emperor, we are fascinating, and we have a drop of blood."

Jiang Chen said loudly, the words of Zhuque Shenxue were extremely loud, almost everyone listened clearly, and when they heard the words of Zhuque Shenxue, the scene suddenly moved, and Lan Xian and Tan Jinye taunted their faces. The smile also solidified instantly and then disappeared.

They are all knowledgeable people, and naturally know what the meaning of Suzaku's blood represents.

"God, it is actually the legendary Suzaku blood, Suzaku is a **** bird, one of the five elements of the beast, the blood is more noble than Tianpeng, is the real bird aristocrat, and the ancient dragon is the same name, Fengchi Xianting actually took out a drop of Suzaku blood, too bloody."

"Yeah, although other gifts of Xianting are also extremely precious, but for the Tianpeng Emperor itself, the value of Suzaku's blood is the greatest. Everyone knows that the real body of Suzaku contains the real Suzaku. Blood, if you can combine the blood and the blood of Tianpeng, for Tian Peng, it is simply endless benefits."

"It's amazing. You see that Tianpeng's emperor's expression is not there. It is obvious that this Zhuque blood has attracted his attention. This kind of attraction is much bigger than other gifts."


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