Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1966: Xiao forgets the story

Chapter 1966 The Story of Xiao Forgetting

Above the high platform, Tianpeng demon looked at the blood of Suzaku in the hands of Jiang Chen. With his eyesight, he can naturally see that this is the real blood of the Suzaku, which contains the blood of the gods. He can very clearly sense it. .

As people think, the attraction of this Suzaku blood to the Tianpeng demon emperor surpasses all the other treasures sent by Xianting.

"Well, this Zhuque God blood received the Emperor, Jiang Chenxian, after returning, thank you for the Emperor."

Tianpeng demon took over the blood of Suzaku, and said very happy, because of the relationship between Suzaku and the blood, Tianpeng Emperor also directly remembered the name Jiang Chen, and see Jiang Chen's eyes full of goodwill.

This kind of situation is what Yuhua wants to see most. He secretly gives Jiang Chen a look. The talents of Jiang Chen are not humble, and they show the grace of Xianting genius. Compared with Lanxian and Tan Jinye, they are not inferior. A fairy can have such a temperament and is more likely to attract attention than the emperor.

"This **** has made him a good sight."

Lan Xian hated it, and said that he was gnashing his teeth.

Others look at Jiang Chen’s eyes are also full of badness. In any case, Jiang Chen has robbed them of the limelight in the gift-giving ceremony. For those geniuses with good nature, the mood is naturally very bad. .

"The Emperor of the Stars is also very generous, and even the treasures like Suzaku's blood are willing to come out."

Tan Jinye couldn't help but say that the gods like Suzaku's blood, if they were obtained by ordinary people, immediately became a peerless baby, and it is possible to take it out and give it away.

In the following time, the gift of He Lida was the real beginning. Almost all of them came to the birthday of the baby. They brought the baby who thought they could get the most. At least, with their strength, they can come up with such a baby. The best.

Of course, these treasures are not a little bit different from the nine cents.

After half an hour, the gift-giving session was completely over. I have to say that the gift of this longevity alone is enough to upgrade the strength of the Fairy Island, which is really eye-popping.

Jiang Chen’s heart is full of embarrassment. If you say no red, it’s fake. If so many treasures are given to him, Jiang Chen even has the confidence to hit the emperor for two months, but now he can only be jealous.

"You, thank you for coming to participate in the life of the Emperor, your gift is also disrespectful, and today everyone can drink and drink well."

Tianpeng demon said loudly, he then sat on a large wicker chair, with beautiful women serving on the left and right.

There are more than a dozen young women in the sky, each of them is graceful, and they penetrate the plain yarn. The looming exquisite figure is a man who can't hold it.

This group of women have some pianos, some boast, some dances, dancing in the sky above the fairy square, soft music, graceful body, light as a butterfly, this is specially prepared for the Tianpeng demon life The show, the moment when these beautiful women appeared, attracted countless eyes.

Just as everyone was immersed in this cheerful and comfortable state, a black armor ran from outside the island.

"whats the matter?"

The blue wolf demon is talking. He looks at the black armor and has a slight anger on his face. He disturbs the Yaxing of the Tianpeng demon. This black armor guard can not afford to sin.

"The enlightenment of the demon emperor, that Xiao forgets to come again, said to come to the birthday."

The black armor guard said.

Hearing the name of Xiao’s forgotten love, Jiang Chen, who had already handed the wine to his mouth, immediately stopped his movements.

"Don't you say that the future ban will allow him to step into the Fairy Island? Let him leave."

The Blue Wolf Demon said impatiently.

"Adult, that shame has been promoted to the emperor, saying that you must come in today."

The black armor guard continued to say, if Xiao forgets the former Xiao forget, the black armor guard may not care at all, but now the other party is the great emperor, a great emperor came to Yaoxian Island, he is not qualified to drive it away directly. Must come to the top.

You know, a great emperor, even if it is only a first-class emperor, no matter where he goes to the fairyland, it is highly respected. No one dares to despise a great emperor.

"The Emperor will not do anything, let him get out of the way, tell him that he will be kept away from the Fairy Island from now on. If you come again, you will be welcome."

The Blue Wolf Demon said impatiently.

On the other side, Jiang Chen is a brow. He is not difficult to hear from the dialogue between the two. Xiao Forgetting is not the first time to come to Yaoxian Island. Even the Blue Wolf demon knows him, even a guard. Knowing that Xiao is forgotten, it is conceivable that there must be a great relationship between Xiao forgetting and Yaoxian Island.

Moreover, Jiang Chen thought of the battle between the sea and Li Wangye. At the beginning, Li Wangye concluded that Jiang Chen was following Xiao’s forgotten feelings. It seems that Xiao’s forgotten will come, and there must be some secret.

But now it seems that the attitude of the Blue Wolf Demon to Xiao forgets is not very good.

"Yes, adults."

The black armor guard gave a gift and then retired.

Jiang Chen quietly stood up from his seat.

"Jiang Shidi, is there something?"

Yu Huafan saw the change of Jiang Chen's face and asked.

"I will go back when I go."

Jiang Chen said, he left the VIP seat, followed the black armor guard and flew outside the demon island.

Beyond the gates of the Fairy Island, a trumpet of Tsing Yi is forgotten, his face is dignified and he is pacing back and forth.

"Xiao forgets, you still go, the demon emperor does not want to see you."

The black armor guard waved his hand against Xiao, and the attitude of treating Xiao forget was not bad. Even some pity and sympathy. The people on the island of Yaoxian almost knew the story of Xiao’s forgetting, so even if Xiao’s love came, A few times, even if you come once, you have to be driven away once, but anyone who knows the story of Xiao’s forgotten story will not be bad at treating Xiao’s feelings.


Jiang Chen came out from the island of Demon Island, and the speed came very fast to the front of Xiao forgetting.

"Jiang Chen, how are you here?"

Seeing Jiang Chen, Xiao’s forgotten face only showed a hint of surprise.

"This son, since you know, you still have to persuade him to let him die."

The black armor guard said that he knows that Jiang Chen is a genius in Fengxian, so he is quite polite when he speaks.

Jiang Chen was confused from beginning to end, because he really didn’t know anything about Xiao’s forgetting things. He had never forgotten about it, and he didn’t ask about it, but now it seems that Xiao’s forgetfulness The story seems to be really complicated.

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