Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1967: Three hundred years of infatuation

"Good boy, repairing is extraordinary. How long has it not been seen? It has already reached this point. In the middle of Xianzun, but according to your boy's anti-day, this cultivation is probably not even your opponent."

Xiao forgets to take Jiang Chen’s shoulder and said that Jiang Chen appeared here and saw Jiang Chen’s rapid progress. He looked a little surprised, but he was very pleased. His emotions were obviously better after seeing Jiang Chen. Some, the sadness on the face has temporarily disappeared.

"I joined the Fengchi Xianting because of some things. This time I was sent to the Tianpeng demon emperor. I have heard that you have come to Yaoxian Island many times. What is it?"

Jiang Chen asked, at this time, he had to ask these questions.

"Jiang Chen, you also saw, the attitude of Yaoxian Island to me, even if you told you, you can't help."

Xiao forgets the smile of his face.

"Predecessors, some things are always going to be solved."

Jiang Chen said that he could feel the pain of this man's heart from the smile of Xiao forgetting.


Xiao forgets and sighs heavily. He turns and walks to a dozen feet. He looks at the sea and looks gloomy. He still doesn't want to tell the story in his heart.

Jiang Chen knows that Xiao forgets that he does not want to let him bear for him. Xiao forgets to understand his temper. If he knows the inside story, he will definitely help him in desperation, but the other party is a powerful demon island, not Jiang Chen. If he can offend, he does not want to give Jiang Chen another strong enemy, so he would rather keep everything in his heart than to say it.

"The son, this person is also pitiful, it has been so many years, still have not forgotten."

The black armor guard came to Jiang Chen and said.

"This man, what is going on here? Please ask the dude to teach one or two."

Jiang Chen said that he turned his palm and took out a ring of Qiankun, which contained 10,000 pieces of celestial stone, and handed it directly to the hand of the black armor. He was not difficult to hear from the tone of the black armor. Xiao Forgetting the feelings and the distance of the demon island, this black armor guard must know it.

Since Xiao forgets not to say, Jiang Chen can only be known from the population. Xiao forgets to help himself more than once and save himself in the fire. It can be said that he is the most respected person in his life. He Jiang Chen has any reason to stand by.

The black armor guarded the sacred stone of the sacred sacred stone in the sacred ring, and suddenly the glory of the glory came out.

"Thank you for the son."

This is a gift, and the black armor guards can't find a reason for refusal. When the slogan is about to be collected, the attitude toward Jiang Chen is also very enthusiastic.

"The son does not know, this Xiao forgets the love of our saints in the past, but we have a rule on the island, the island women, especially the saints, are not allowed to combine with the outside men, this rule is not able Violation, then the saint chose to run away with Xiao, and stayed away from the fairy island, but they were too weak to repair, how to escape the pursuit of the demon island, and the things of that year angered the Tianpeng demon, the holy After the woman and Xiao forget to get back, the demon emperor was supposed to kill Xiao forget, but the saint was forced to die, and he saved Xiao’s life.

The black armor guard said that this incident caused a lot of sensation in the demon island, and basically everyone in the demon island knows.

Jiang Chenyu, he looked at the distant Xiao forgets his back, and his mood suddenly became extremely heavy.

"and after?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"Tianpeng demon emperor is extremely angry. He will hold the saint on the Wanfengtai. The detention period is three hundred years, and he will drive out the sorrowfulness of the demon fairy island. It will not be entered within three hundred years. Now, three hundred years have passed. In the past, I have been there several times before I have forgotten it. It is obvious that he is not dying. Unfortunately, the instructions of the Emperor of the Emperor dare to violate it. If it wasn’t for the sacred woman’s death, it would be forcing him to forget his life. This is enough for him to die hundreds of times."

The black armor guard said.

Jiang Chen’s face was heavy, and he finally knew the past of Xiao’s forgotten feelings. Now it seems that his way of forgetting the feelings should be related to this matter, but he is constantly stalking, leading to repairs, he still I remember that when I forgot to say something to myself, I forgot my feelings. After all, I couldn’t forget it.

Later, Xiao forgets to return to normal under his unintentional guidance, so the infatuation of 300 years ago has once again emerged.

He, after all, can't forget the saint, three hundred years, how much a person must be infatuated to be able to persevere.

"Tianpeng demon emperor has been holding the saint for three hundred years, should it be released now?"

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Which is so easy, the saint is even more infatuated than Xiao, even if it was held for three hundred years in Wanfengtai, it still hasn't forgotten Xiao's forgetfulness. From the beginning to the end, it is a kind of infatuation for Xiao, in the demon emperor's In the eyes, the performance of the saints made him very disappointed, and he did not know how to repent, so he had to continue to be held."

The black armor guard shook his head and sighed, and the feelings of the demon fairy island and Xiao forget the feelings, so that everyone who knows will sigh.

"Oh! But when the Tianpeng Emperor did not directly execute the Xiao predecessors and the saints, it was already good."

Jiang Chen is also sighing. Today, I saw the Tianpeng demon emperor, let him understand that the Tianpeng demon emperor is also a decisive person. A superior who is overseas is the most important thing for his own respect. The saint is so rebellious. He, he still did not really execute the saint, even under the circumstances of the death of the saint, but also forbearing the sorrow, it can be seen that the saint of the demon island, in the heart of Tan Peng demon, still Have a certain status.

"That is for sure, the saint is the daughter of Tianpeng Emperor, but it is the jewel of the Emperor of the Emperor, and it is very spoiled. It is afraid of being in the mouth. If it is not the saint violates the rules of the demon fairy island. How can he be willing to hold the saint for three hundred years."

The black armor guard said.

"It turned out to be."

Jiang Chen was amazed. He wondered why people like Tian Peng’s demon emperor would compromise the sorrow and the holy woman. There is still such a relationship.

"Dude, why do you have such a rule in Yaoxian Island? You know, it is normal for people in this world to marry monsters."

Jiang Chen’s incomprehensible question, the demon fairy island is the squatting place of the overseas Yaozu. According to the saying, there should be no such regulations. After all, here is the fairyland. Whether it is a beast or a human being, it is to repair the act, and some people still Deliberately absorb the blood of the strange monsters to cultivate, so that the body itself contains the blood of the monster, so the situation of the monster and the human being is also very common, and there is nothing strange.

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