Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1968: Some things, sooner or later, have to be solved

"It is a long time to say this thing. It is almost going back to the ancient times. It is said that the first generation of the Virgin Island was also in love with an outside man. Later, the man did not know what he was willing to disappear and left. The next saint was secretly injured for hundreds of years. Finally, the saint was trapped in love and ended in depression. Since then, there has been such a rule in the demon island, and all the women in the island must not fall in love with the outside world. Especially the saint."

The black armor guard said: "Of course, this is also a legend. After all, time is too long. I don't know the specific situation."

After listening to the explanation of the black guards, Jiang Chen finally understood why there is such a rule in Yaoxian Island. The reason is traced back to such a long period of time. Thinking of the encounter of the first generation of the saints, Jiang Chen is also forbearing. Living in awkwardness, a person can actually be infatuated to the end of depression, the kind of mood, Jiang Chen is unimaginable.

"So, the son still persuaded him to persuade him to let him die. He has now been promoted to the great emperor. With his current strength, no matter where he goes, he can mix and grow, forget about us. Women are not a bad thing."

The black armor guard said.

"Thank you, dude."

Jiang Chen held a fist to the black armor guard. Anyway, the black armor guard said that it was for the sake of Xiao, and the starting point of the people was good. Moreover, from the beginning to the present, the black armor guards did not forget the Xiao. Showing a bad attitude, has always been persuasion, did not drive.

Jiang Chen walked to the side of Xiao’s forgotten feelings and didn’t know what to say for a while.

"You know it."

Xiao forgets the plain tone, he looks at the sea ahead, not to see Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen sighed.

"In the past, after I was forcibly dismantled with the saint, I was also disheartened and vowed to forget my feelings. So I left this way of forgetting, but this road is not going to work, so I have passed three hundred. Years, remember what you said to me in the genius house? You told me that this thing, let it be natural, since it is destined to be forgotten, why bother to forget it, so my cultivation can continue Progress, now, I am coming to the Fairy Island, not seeking to be as good as the Virgin, but I must see her again."

Xiao forgets to say that the tone is incomparably firm. It is a kind of determination that can't be stopped. It is a kind of determination to do something.

"Predecessors, go, I will take you to see the Tianpeng Emperor."

Jiang Chen said that his tone has become extremely firm.

Sometimes, some things must be done. Jiang Chen is very clear. Three hundred years have passed. Even if he waits for another three hundred years, or three hundred years, this kind of thing still needs to be solved. Forget it, and never forget it. If this is the case, then it must be solved.

Jiang Chen has always wanted to do something for Xiao forget, now, it is time.

Jiang Chen didn't know what the ending was, but he did know that Jiang Chen was not a person who was stopped by difficulties. He decided to do something, even if it was a raging fire in the front, he would also try it.

Some things, don't try, you never know that you can't do it.

After listening to the story of Xiao forgetting, Jiang Chen himself was infected. It has been more than three hundred years. He didn't want Xiao to forget the pain for three hundred years, even five hundred years, or even longer.

"Jiang Chen, I understand your heart, but I am afraid that I can do nothing."

Xiao forgets to take a picture of Jiang Chen’s shoulders, and the words are filled with gratitude. In any case, Jiang Chen has this heart, he is already content.

"Right, this sun **** feather can be returned to you. I originally collected it to protect you. Now that you have self-protection ability, and you have joined Fengchi Xianting, this sun **** feather itself belongs to your."

Xiao forgets to take out the sun **** feather and hand it to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen took over the sun **** feather. This thing is related to the golden family. He still has to hold it, and he now has a sun fire on his body. If the sun fire supports the sun **** feather, he can exert extremely powerful energy and re-energize. Take back the sun **** feathers, Jiang Chen is also a lot more cards.

"Go, I will take you in. Let's make a statement today."

Jiang Chen said, and did not give Xiao a chance to refuse, and took a small arm that was forgotten, and strode toward the island of Demon.

Seeing the black armor guarding his face, Jiang Chen said: "Brother, I will bear all the consequences. If the Tianpeng demon emperor blames it, you will say that I am going strong. I am Jiang Chen, Feng Chi Xianting Long. A disciple."

After that, Jiang Chen and Xiao forget to walk directly into the gate of Yaoxian Island. This time, the black guards blocked them and let them walk in.

First of all, they can't help but give the face of Xian Ting genius. Secondly, they also pay tribute to Xiao forgetting. Jiang Chen's words also give them a step.

Above the Fairy Square, it is still a song and dance, and everyone’s face has a bright smile. At this time, Jiang Chen with Xiao Xiao’s feelings directly went to the Fairy Square and stood in the wind. The front of the Xianting position.

"Xiao forgets, who let you in?"

Seeing Xiao forget, the face of the Blue Wolf Emperor suddenly became unhealthy. Jiang Chen knows that if it is not because of the promise of the saint, Xiao forgets to come to Yaoxian Island, and it may become a dead person at any time.

"The demon emperor, Xiao forgets that I brought in."

Jiang Chen held a fist to the blue wolf demon, and said loudly.

The Tianpeng demon emperor, who had a smile on his face, saw his face suddenly become gloomy after seeing Xiao’s forgotten feelings. He waved his hand against the sky, and the women who danced and dance stopped. They applied to Tianpeng’s demon emperor. A gift, then retired.

"Which Jiang Chen is doing something famous, can't you see that this shame is not to be seen in the Fairy Island? He actually advocated bringing Xiao to forget, isn't that looking for death?"

"I can hear that this Xiao forgets and the demon island has a lot of friendship, because this Xiao forgets, the daughter of Tianpeng demon is still being held now, but today Tianpeng demon emperor is a big day, it is a big day, this Isn't it a bad atmosphere?"

"Hey! This Jiang Chen really has no eyes, and there is a problem in his mind. At this time, he took the initiative to stand up and do things, and the Tianpeng Emperor was not happy, and he had no benefit to him."

"Jiang Chen and Xiao forget the relationship is very good. At the beginning, Jiang Chen made a big mistake and offended the three emperors. But Xiao forgets his life and protects him. Only then can Jiang Chen live to the present, and today Xiao forgets trouble, Jiang Chen Standing out is also excusable, but unfortunately he is too high to look at himself, Xiao forgets things, he is not qualified to manage."


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