Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1986: Killing blue sage


After the scene of the Qiankun was destroyed, Lanxian himself suffered a lot of shocks, his body swayed violently, his face became very difficult to look at. This time, he was really scared and looked at the opposite dragon. Thirteen, the eyes have changed completely.

"How can this monkey be so powerful?

Lan Xian bite his teeth and his heart is extremely depressed.

He has no way not to be depressed. He must know that the scene of the Qiankun that he has just displayed is not the general means, but the most proud of his skills. He thought that he would completely control the dragon thirteen, once he was himself The scene of Qiankun will be collected, and the life and death of Dragon XIII will be completely controlled by himself.

It is a pity that the strength of Dragon Thirteen is beyond his imagination. The horrible anti-sky tactics are extremely easy to tear apart his own attack, effortless.

"Great, this violent means is so horrible, he should display the fighting law of the fighting people, too strong, it seems that the blue sages are not necessarily opponents."

"This is a super enchanting ah. It is a real anti-sky existence. It has easily destroyed the offensive of Lan Xian for two consecutive times. He has not really launched an attack."

"It's amazing. If the blue sages can't beat him, then the genius who is present, who can still be this violent opponent."


No one is not shocked, the dragon thirteen performance is too strong, against the blue sage, no effort.

"Jiang Shidi, your brother, it is too much."

Yu Yi, who is on the side, said silently, the most important thing about Lan Xian’s ability is that he is comparable to himself. He thought that even if Lan Xian killed the dragon, he could defeat him at least. Now it seems that no Being defeated is already very good.

Jiang Chen has been very abnormal. Now Jiang Chen has just popped up a friend. It’s all so bad, how many of them can’t be accepted.

"Blue sage will die."

Jiang Chen said faintly, the result itself is also in his expectation. Others do not understand the strength of the Dragon Thirteen, but he is very clear about the understanding. Just now, Dragon Thirteen only showed up the fighting words of the Holy Law. If the Dragon 13 is used to destroy the word, then Lan Xian’s end can be imagined.

Yu Huafan once again looked at Jiang Chen with horror. He couldn’t help but be confident about his own self-confidence, but he said that Long XIII can kill Lan Xian, and he still can’t believe it.

"Dragon thirteen, you will lend me another trick, the world is unparalleled, and the road has traces."

Lan Xian finally showed his playing card at the bottom of the box. His body suddenly turned tall and his body floated with a hint of avenue. This is a trick he has learned through his life, which can imitate the traces of the avenue. Directly attacking the soul of the other party can fundamentally destroy the place.

"This move is powerful, but unfortunately the avenue is not so easy to master. This blue sage is only comprehending a trace of fur. The attack that is displayed is only imitated. It is also a way to attack the monkey's soul. Not self-sufficient."

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a sneer, this Lanxian also wants to pursue the avenue, but unfortunately the avenue is so easy to control, every avenue of understanding, you need a huge air transport to add.

For example, Jiang Chen’s way of killing, paying attention to killing, is the real avenue. The blue sage is self-satisfied and wants to pursue the trajectory of the avenue. It is really self-defeating. He shouts the unparalleled banner of heaven and earth. In fact, nothing is.

"Fighting the law, destroying the word."

The dragon thirteen face expressionless shot again, the horror of the word annihilation was displayed by him, and evolved a huge word of "destroy", which is like a mountain, suspended on the battlefield, itself It represents a kind of death and represents a kind of silence.

There seems to be a black face on the black characters. It is the face of the Pluto. It is the life and death referee who walks between the heavens and the earth. You can judge the life and death of the person casually.


Destroy the word is unparalleled in the world, killing everything, compared to the sensation of the avenue of the blue sage, the breath of silence, can really affect the mind and soul of the people, just like now, in the oppression of the dragon thirteen Next, Lan Xian only feels that the mind is shaking, the soul is moving, and the unspeakable is uncomfortable.

Along with a strong roar, the avenue attack exhibited by Lanxian was directly crushed by the annihilation of the word, and the huge word of "destroy" was dimmed, but it was still fiercely oppressed toward the blue sage.


Because the avenue was torn, the blue sage itself has been subjected to a huge earthquake and suffered heavy losses. In addition, the soul pressure is relatively large, and the mind has become flustered. For a time, it is impossible to continue to resist the oppression of annihilation.


The word annihilation is like a mountain pressed against the blue sage. The unbeatable power of lethality and destruction, the oppressed blue sage spurt a blood, and the breath began to languish.


The next moment, the iron rod of the dragon thirteen appeared in the hand, and smashed toward the blue sage.

Countless people have exclaimed. At this time, anyone can imagine that if this stick is strong, the blue sage will almost die, and it seems that Lan Xian’s current situation can’t fight this. .

"I surrendered."

Lan Xian screamed loudly. He felt the extremely dangerous atmosphere. It was the fear from the depths of the soul. It was the breath of death. The powerful momentum of the Dragon 13 has blocked this battlefield and the void, and even escaped. Did not give him, at this critical moment, what face and dignity are not important, life-saving is the most important, so Lan Xian shouted surrender.

"Life and death, let you surrender."

However, Long XIII is not going to give Lanxian the opportunity to surrender. The huge iron bar is almost at the extreme speed and ruthlessly smashes.


A scream of screaming is the last note left by Lan Xian in this world. The iron bar is unbiased, just squatting on the head of Lan Xian, turning his head into a powder, blood squirting, a second The genius of the Great Emperor level, tragic death on the spot.

After killing the blue sage, the dragon thirteen took up the iron bar, faceless expression, killing the genius of Xian Xianting, and the dragon thirteen would not have a little bit of softness.

"God, Lan Xian is dead, so he is killed by a stick."

"Unfortunately, it is a pity. It is a big loss for Yan Xianting. The talented person like Lan Xian cultivates a resource that does not know how much it will cost."

"This monkey is really too fierce. The second-class emperor has no chance to escape, and he does not give the other party a chance to surrender. It is fierce."


Countless people are exclaiming, and this ending is beyond everyone's expectations.

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