Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1987: Three people

Lan Xian died. In Jiang Chen’s expectation, he believed that Long XIII knew everything in his heart, so he was unrelenting in killing Lan Xian. The strength of Lan Xian is strong, but compared with Long XIII. The gap is not a little bit.

But the people who didn't know much about Dragon Thirteen were shocked. Others wouldn't say it. Yuhua Fan was shocked by Zhang Dazui at the moment. He looked at the dragon 13 that was suspended in the air, and there was a storm in his heart. The mood can't calm down for a long time.

In this case, the impact on genius is the greatest, because genius, so arrogant, there is a heart that does not admit defeat, and it is really because of this, so when you encounter a more genius than yourself, your heart will be extremely Strong frustration.

"It's a metamorphosis."

Yu Huafan shook his head and sighed. Although Jiang Chen had already explained the horror of Dragon Thirteen, he saw with his own eyes that a class of Lanxian was so killed, and the strength of the Tang Dynasty’s second-level emperor’s peak, even the chance of running away, Still feeling a lot.

Regardless of the shock of other people, Jiang Chen’s real attention at this moment is the grievance of the dragon thirteen. After killing the blue sage, the grievances of the dragon thirteen have indeed weakened, as if they were actually released. Again, this is a good thing after all.

In the sky, the first generation of the sacred virgin, watching the performance of the dragon thirteen, finally appeared a smile on the face, apparently satisfied with the performance of the dragon thirteen.

"The battle continues. You don't have to be single-on-one. You can join forces to shoot together. If you can defeat this holy shrine, the Emperor will send you a make-up."

The voice of the first generation of the saints was once again transmitted. When the words came out, the geniuses who had already begun to retreat, the heart was once again shaken, and the words of the saints were undoubtedly added another fire, which made the scene boil again.

"It’s really not too big."

Jiang Chen shook his head. This saint completely used the Dragon 13 as a tool for killing. It was just to release his grievances. He simply ignored Long Thirteen’s real life and death, so even at this time, even dozens of two The great emperor took the shot to deal with the dragon thirteen, and the holy woman would not stop it.

"You, the saints have already said, you can choose to take the shot together, as long as you can defeat the holy shrine, you can get a good fortune. Similarly, the gift of the emperor here, let you choose, but still that sentence, Before you shoot, it's best to measure your strength. Once you get on the battlefield, you will have a life and death. Life and death are your own business. It has nothing to do with my demon island."

Tianpeng demon emperor said loudly, Lanxian is already dead. In order to release the grievances of the saints, he has already failed to take the chance to offend those Xianting. His Tianpeng demon is also a person who is not afraid of fear. Xianting is powerful, but he will not be too concerned.

Moreover, if he is important, he has already said that he is in front of him. Life and death are counted as his own. You can choose not to shoot.

"Is there a willingness to join forces?"

Tan Jinye of Luo Luo Xianting came out. Under the temptation of double interests, he was still willing to stand up and take risks, and Dragon XIII and their Xianting had their own enemies, and Dragon 13 was too enchanting, and the growth rate was too Fast, as far as we can see, the threat has exceeded the level of Jiang Chen.

Such a person can only be eliminated if he is removed as soon as possible.

Of course, there is an important premise for Tan Jinye to shoot. That is, someone must join hands with himself. Although he is arrogant, although he is greedy, he is not a fool. The strength of Lanxian is the most clear. Now even Lanxian is dead. If he goes up, I am afraid it will die.

"I will shoot with you."

A man in gray linen stood up. His body was extremely majestic, his muscles were explosive, and he was very solid. At first glance, he was a powerful guy who cultivated the flesh.

This person is named Liu He. He is a genius figure of Guangming Xianting. He is the same as Tan Jinye. He is a figure of the second-level emperor. It is only a step away from the third-class emperor. He now stands up to unite with Tan Jinye. The purpose is the same as Tan Jinye. When the gold was killed, Jiang Chen and Long XIII simultaneously offended the three major Xianting, Qi Xianting, Luo Luo Xianting, Guangming Xianting.

For the three people of Xianting, whether it is Jiang Chen or Long XIII, it is all killing. Now that Lanxian is dead, they will have two killing hearts for Dragon XIII.

"Well, is there anyone?"

Tan Jinye’s eyes looked at other genius figures in Xianting. He just saw the horror of Dragon Thirteen and made him clearly realize that even if he and Liu He joined forces, I am afraid that they are not the opponents of Dragon Thirteen. Existence, at least three unions, is likely to defeat Dragon XIII.

"I come."

Another person stood up. This is the genius character of Promise Xianting. The name is Luo Wanjian. It is also the peak of the second-class emperor. This person is very famous. The general sword is invincible. He has studied swordsmanship throughout his life and is said to have realized it. The kendo of his own, when he was enlightened by the sword, he successfully hit the great emperor.

The people who saw the shot were Luo Wanjian, Tan Jinye and Liu He’s eyes were all bright. This is really a strong stop. With the combination of Luo Wanjian, they also have more confidence in dealing with Dragon XIII.

"Anyone else?"

Tan Jinye continued to ask.

"Tan Jinye, you are not guilty. You have already joined forces with three people. I don't want to be with you. If you fight four, you won't win anything. If you win, you won't win. If you lose, you won't even have it." Ways to come out and see people."

One person said that the words were full of ridicule.

"Yes, I can wait for people who want to face, so that I can't do anything with more bullying, I can't beat it, I can't afford it."

Someone said.

What they said is not wrong. People like them are most concerned about their own face. They come out. Which one is not a famous existence, almost represents the peak of the younger generation, and it represents the face of Xianting. They have always been more than one enemy. They have never been bullied, and have strong self-esteem. They will not let them make such choices.

And Tan Jinye has already been a joint of three people. Three people are already the limits they can accept. If they are willing to join in this time, it is really shameless.

"Hey! The most important thing is to judge the situation. It doesn't matter if you don't shoot. We have three joints, and we have defeated Dragon XIII. When we get the benefits and benefits, you don't want to be hot."

Tan Jinye snorted, he is different from other people in Xianting. They have a deep hatred between them and Long XIII.

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