Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1989: Kill two more people [one more]

The entire battlefield was completely violent, and the infinite turbulence was constantly rolling, like a storm.

The thirteenth turn of the dragon is a violent temperament, and the power of destroying the earth and destroying the sky makes the enemy frightened. At this time, even if the three people join forces, Tan Jinye will not have a grasp of the victory. They have even begun to regret entering this. The battlefield is over.


The violent confrontation between the annihilation and the three men’s violent attacks, accompanied by the infinite waves, the first attack of Tan Jinye and Liu He was destroyed. On the other hand, Luo Wanjian also did the same. Zong, even if a lot of swordsmanship was released, these swords, which were claimed to be invincible, became vulnerable under the strong attack of the word-killing and were collectively destroyed.

The sword gas was destroyed, and Luo Wanjian was the same as the other two. He was shocked by the attack of the Dragon Thirteen. The faces of the three people became extremely ugly, their breath was completely disordered, and Tan Jinye and Liu He’s mouth even overflowed. A trace of blood came.

After this confrontation, all three people suffered heavy or light injuries. In such a fierce battle, even a small injury is fatal, and the gap between the two sides has been opened.


The dragon thirteen was violent, and his grievances became more and more intense. Then these grievances turned into strong murderousness. The annihilation was once again displayed by him. A huge face of Pluto appeared on his head, the first one. Locked Tan Jinye and smashed the past toward Tan Jinye.

"No, this person can't resist, I have to quit."

Luo Wanjian yelled a bad voice, and his body was withdrawn from the battlefield. He was a very intelligent person. After seeing the metamorphosis and horror of Dragon Thirteen, even if he did not want to, he had to admit himself and There is no small gap between Dragon and Thirteen.

Even if it is a trio, but in the face of Dragon XIII, they all have a feeling of fighting each other. Luo Wanjian believes that if they continue to fight fiercely, Lanxian is their ending, he has already smelled a trace of death. the taste of.

Although it is shameful to escape, but at this time, I can't care so much. It is better than losing my life. Moreover, he and Long XIII themselves have no deep hatred.

In fact, after seeing the withdrawal of Luo Wanjian, even Tan Jinye and Liu He, who have deep hatred and hatred with Long XIII, are preparing to quit directly. In the face of an enemy that is impossible to defeat, continue to fight, the tragedy can only be their own. .

The two looked at each other and turned and ran, preparing to follow Luo Wanjian and exit the battlefield.

It is a pity that they have discovered with horror that the tyranny has completely locked their breath, especially Tan Jinye, which can't escape at all. Liuhe is also the same. The power of the fighting against the Holy Law has blocked the entire battlefield. From the very beginning, Dragon XIII did not intend to let them go.

For the practice of Dragon Thirteen, Jiang Chen understands that Tan Jinye is a first-class genius after all. Even if he is defeated, it is still possible to escape. Long XIII wants to leave all three, almost It was impossible, so he used to go to Luo Wanjian, and then concentrated all his energy to deal with Tan Jinye and Liu He.

After all, these two guys are life and death enemies, and Dragon XIII has no reason to let them go.

"Damn, take a shot and resist him."

Tan Jinye's face has changed greatly, because he smells the breath of the dead king, and he has a strong sense of death. He can almost certainly determine that in his current state, even if he does his best, he can't resist the dragon thirteen.

In desperation, Tan Jinye can only continue to shoot, playing violent energy, and the dragon thirteen is the word 诀 诀 诀 。.



This time, it was not as easy as before, and before the power of the word was reduced, Tan Jinye’s combat power had already been seriously damaged. How could it be an opponent?

A scream came from Tan Jinye's mouth. One of his arms was broken, blood was raging, his eyes were full of panic, he didn't want to die, and he never thought that death could be so close to himself.


The Dragon 13 was tyrannical, and the iron rod appeared in the hands. He was smashed on the head of Tan Jinye with the thunder of lightning. This time, Tan Jinye was inevitable, his head was broken by a stick, and he completely stepped into the footsteps of Lanxian. The tragic death on the spot.


After killing Tan Jinye, the dragon thirteen eyes of the fire eye looked like Liu He, who was like a dead gray, Liu He is now scared and fearful, and when the dragon thirteen kills Tan Jinye, he is watching with his own eyes. There are no opportunities to help.

"Dragon thirteen, don't kill me, I surrendered, the battle between us, but allowed to surrender."

Liu He said with horror, at this time, what face is no longer important, nothing is more real than saving his life.


However, the dragon thirteen even one sentence did not take care of it. The horrible iron bar slammed into the past, and the void was smashed on the spot. The boundless waves drifted out of the iron bars, forming a wave of air and waves. The Liuhe was completely shrouded.

In the face of such an attack, the only thing Liu can do is confrontation, and the breath is completely locked by the opponent's attack. It is impossible to avoid it.

Just kidding, surrender?

Dragon Thirteen will give him the opportunity to surrender, let go of a Luo Wanjian, Dragon Thirteen has been very depressed, this Liu He itself is the person of Guangming Xianting, since it meets, it will kill.


The dragon thirteen hits three consecutive bars, and the strength of each bar is as heavy as hundreds of millions. Now the iron bars are at least the soldiers of the great emperor, plus the tacit understanding between the dragon and the thirteen. Force, that is not to be estimated.

After Liu He continued to resist the two attacks of the iron bar, the third bar finally could not resist, and under the scream of savage, he was killed by the dragon thirteen.

In the blink of an eye, Tan Jinye and Liu He died in the hands of Dragon Thirteen. In the state of the three men, only one Luo Wanjian came out alive.

Luo Wanjian at the moment, his face is also ugly to the extreme, watching Tan Jinye and Liu He's tragic death, his heart, but also for a while, I am glad that I fled early, otherwise, I am afraid I will die under the violent iron bar. This is no doubt.

The scene once again swayed, and the faces of countless people became extremely ugly. They suddenly realized that the first generation of the saints themselves used the dragon thirteen to kill them. The genius present was not the opponent of the battle dragon. The people of Luo Xian Xianting and Guangming Xianting are most depressed. They are in a very bad mood at the moment, because the genius characters they are proud of are dead.

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