Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1990: That negative heart [two more]

"It’s too embarrassing, this battle can not be confronted at all. The first generation of the saints must know clearly that this holy shrine has been passed down by the first generation of saints, plus the horror of blood, has surpassed the blue They are talented at this level."

"This time, the three major sects can be said to be a heavy loss. The three geniuses are dead. Luo Wanjian is the most intelligent. At the last moment, the decisive choice is withdrawn. Otherwise, the consequences must be the same as those of Tan Jinye. The third is under the iron bar."

"I am afraid that no one will appear anymore, unless there is no genius at the level of the three-level emperor. Otherwise, no one will go to death."


No one is not shocked, everyone is in a strong shock, the horror of the Dragon Thirteen completely let them see.

"Damn, a Jiang Chen, a dragon thirteen, these two guys have grown up, Jiang Chen and Tian Peng demon emperor's eight worship, this time when we can report."

"This time we came to Demon Island, we suffered a lot of damage. After we went back, we must report everything to the Emperor. This matter cannot be counted."

The people of Luo Xian Xianting and Guangming Xianting were all angry, and their faces were sad. They didn’t think of it. This time, they came to the birthday and finally became a tragedy.


In the sky, after the Dragon 13 killed three people, the person was restored again, and the sly scorpion continued to flash, making people dare not face it.

Jiang Chen clearly felt that after killing Tan Jinye and Liu He, the tyrannical gas of Dragon Thirteen began to weaken. In any case, this is a good thing.

"It’s not a fight against the holy shrine. It’s the opposite of the sky.”

The blue wolf demon emperor is awkward, and the same is the demon family. He is a blue wolf, and he believes that the blood is compared with the dragon thirteen. The gap is not a little bit.

"Who else wants to shoot, take the shot as soon as possible."

The first generation of the saints said, it seems that there is still no killing, and such killings continue.

"Mother's, is it a fool to be a man? It's time for this, who will shoot, go up and die."

"That is, this first generation of saints has fallen into countless years. Now it is just a grievance. She just wants to use the Dragon 13 to release her grievances. We can't be fooled."

"Yes, three people have already died. At this time, I will shoot again. It is really a disease, and I am not sick."


No one has continued to buy it. The present is not a fool. Before it was stunned by the interests, and there was no precise understanding of the strength of the Dragon Thirteen, so there was such a big loss. Now people are almost I saw the intention of the first generation of the saints, but also saw the fierceness of the dragon thirteen. At this time, go up and die, that is not really a big fool.


Seeing that no one continued to shoot, the first generation of the saints who had a smile on their faces because of the death of the dragon thirteen, the face suddenly became extremely cold, and the grievances of a scorpion spurted out of her body, sweeping the whole The tomb of the ancestors was floating over the sky.

More importantly, this huge grievance has all poured into the body of Dragon XIII.


In a moment, he was instilled with so many grievances. The dragon thirteen screamed in the sky, and the violent voice continued to linger. His eyes turned black, and the whole person was almost eroded by grievances.

"not good."

Jiang Chen yelled badly. He didn't expect the grievances of the first generation of saints to be so heavy. After seeing that no one continued to take the shot, the whole person suddenly became very arrogant and arrogant, now the dragon thirteen Being completely controlled by her, I am afraid that I have lost my own mind.

This situation is greatly unsatisfactory. If you don't get it, Dragon 13 will become a killing machine and you will lose yourself.

"How could this be?"

The face of Tianpeng's demon emperor has become ugly, and this grievance is so fierce. If you really want to rely on killing and release, I am afraid to kill thousands of people. It is a massacre.

"Monkey, let's go."

The first generation of the saints looked at the dragon 13 that was completely in a tyrannical state, and was ready to leave here with the dragon thirteen.

Upon seeing, the faces of Jiang Chen and Tian Peng's demon emperor have changed wildly. Once they leave here, the consequences are almost imaginable.

"Well, once the saints leave here, the grievances will become heavier and heavier. At that time, they will become horrible grievances. Even the Dragon 13 will become a killing machine controlled by the grievances. Never have a day, killing will endlessly kill."

Tianpeng's demon emperor is incomparably ugly. In the face of this situation, even he must be helpless, because if the first generation of saints would leave with resentment, even if it is Tianpeng demon, I am afraid it will not stop. Live, and if he blocks, it is very likely that the saint is completely irritated, and when it is directly on the island of the demon, it will cause a killing storm.


Jiang Chen called a rhubarb. At such a crucial moment, the only thing he could think of was the big yellow dog. He believed that the big yellow dog must have a way. The famous Longyang demon emperor, in this world, I am afraid there is nothing that can be difficult. Pour his.

However, when Jiang Chen turned his head, he found that the rhubarb dog that had been around him had disappeared and he did not know where he was going.

In the sky, the Virgin took the Dragon 13 and left the Black Tower, and at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared.

Young demon!

Yes, the sudden appearance of the person is the young demon emperor, Jiang Chen looks at the young demon emperor, his eyes glimpse, and then suddenly seems to understand what.

"Longyang demon, God, this long-time figure has appeared again, how is it possible?"

Seeing the young demon emperor, Tianpeng demon emperor could not help but exclaimed, to know that Longyang demon emperor and Zhu Xianwang buried the emperor and the void emperor is a character of the times. When they became famous, Tianpeng demon Still a bird.

"The demon emperor, I heard that the man who abandoned the first generation of the saints in the past was the Longyang demon."

The blue wolf demon whispered.

"Don't talk, this is a secret, and outsiders don't know."

Tianpeng demon emperor waited for the blue wolf demon emperor.

Over the sky, when I saw the moment when the Longyang demon emperor appeared, the first generation of the sacred maiden, the body suddenly became violently shaking, and she looked at the young man in front of her eyes.

"The saint, the past, for so many years, why bother?"

The young demon said.

"I just want a statement."

Holy Virgin.

"Okay, I will give you a statement."

The young demon emperor waved a chaotic gas, shrouded him and the first generation of saints, and isolated from the outside.

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