Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1994: Block kill

After leaving Jiang Chen here, he has been secretly paying attention to the movements of the two emperors. It is as expected by Jiang Chen. Because of the loss of Tan Jinye and Liu He, the two emperors have no mood to stay here, so the weather is one night. Directly left, so Long XIII came to Jiang Dianqi for the first time. He knew that Jiang Chen would not let them leave in such an innocent way.

"Well, rhubarb, you and my soldiers are divided into two ways, to intercept them, remember, you should not be polite, do not leave alive."

Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Hey, don't worry, my dog, I have always been hot."

The rhubarb dog laughed a little, and he liked it most, and he was the most excited.

"You guys, I didn't let me shoot."

The dragon thirteen said extremely depressed.

"Monkey, you still have to be your son."

Jiang Chen took a shot of Dragon Thirteen's shoulder, and then disappeared with the big yellow dog into two light and shadows. The two remaining people in Xianting were also masters, but lost Tan Jinye and Liu He, Jiang Chen and Rhubarb. It is a breeze for dogs to kill them.

Needless to say, the rhubarb dog, the first level of the demon emperor's strong repair, and the other side of the camp even a second-class emperor did not kill them, not too easy for the rhubarb dog.

Jiang Chen is not the same now. He has just been promoted to the peak of Xianzun's late stage. He does not know how much he has improved. It is not the other party that can compete.

Overseas, after the people of Luo Xian Xianting and Guangming Xianting left, they flew directly in two different directions. Their faces were very dark. They knew that there would be such a big loss when they came to Yaoxian Island. They are afraid. I will not come again.

On the side of the fairyland, all the way down, no one spoke, the atmosphere looked extremely dull.

"You, just sneak away, not very good."

Suddenly, a voice sounded like a ghost, and everyone stopped and walked, and saw a flash of light, and then a figure appeared in front of them, blocking their way.

The comer looks twenty-five years old, dressed in white, with a smile on his face, handsome and unconventional, unparalleled, not who is Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen."

Seeing Jiang Chen, Qin Xuanbing and other people's anger will not hit a place, it is a kind of hateful performance, it is simply gnashing teeth.

However, everyone quickly released the thoughts of the gods, and when they found out that only Jiang Chen appeared, they were relieved.

"Qin Xuanbing, are you leaving like this? The grievances between us seem to have not been resolved."

Jiang Chen said faintly.

"Jiang Chen, don't tell me, you are coming alone to stop us, to kill us."

Qin Xuanbing is cold and cold.

"What? Can you kill it?"

Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders and looked at Qin Xuanbing with great interest.

"Jiang Chen, I really appreciate your arrogance. Just rely on you. Do you really feel that you can fight against us? Since you ran to death in the middle of the night, it seems that we must fulfill you."

Qin Xuanbing said, if it is only a Jiang Chen, he really does not care, even if there is no Tan Jinye, but with their strength, to deal with a Jiang Chen, there is no problem, after all, they have three or four emperors here, and both It is a genius master, Jiang Chen is nothing more than a fairy, although he can kill Li Wangye, but the genius of Shang Xianting, I am afraid it is not an opponent.

"Qin elders, this time to come to Yaoxian Island, we suffered heavy losses, even this kid ran over to die, that would be better, kill him, it is also a big event, not a trip."

The genius of a first-class emperor said coldly, as a rare genius of Xianting, arrogance has always been their unique feature. They admit that they are not opponents of Dragon Thirteen, but they are still less than half-level. Jiang Chen still has great confidence.

Moreover, this trip to the Fairy Island, the impact on them is very big, so the dingy departure, but also their heart is extremely depressed, just now Jiang Chen came, gave them a mouth to vent, as long as Killing Jiang Chen, they will be able to show their depressing feelings.

Unfortunately, they neglected one point. That is the understanding of Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen never made an initiative to send death, and he never did anything unsure.

"Want to kill me? Come on."

Jiang Chen also didn't want to waste time. The horrible energy wave was released from his body like a frenzy. When he came up, he directly displayed the dragon's state and murdered the sky.

"I don't know how to live and die, let me kill him."

The first-class emperor who had released the swearing words jumped out directly. He waved his hand and smashed the brilliance of the brilliance, illuminating the night, and the light was like a sword of a road, overwhelming, directly provoked a wave, toward Jiang Chen. Go crazy and go.

"Kill the dragon seal."

Jiang Chen screamed, he didn't want to delay the time with the other side, and he came up with the most horrible killing dragon seal, a dragon that screams and screams out, the cold scorpion, carrying the will to kill, blending the charm of a boulevard, toward The other party went crazy.


The sharp light hits the dragon of killing, making a squeaking sound, inspiring a large spark, but under the impact of the dragon of killing, those rays are completely vulnerable and instantly destroyed. Clean.


The dragon of killing is not diminished. In the blink of an eye, he came to the top of the first-class emperor, and the **** mouth directly bite.

"Do not."

The first-class emperor turned wild and screamed loudly.

It is a pity that everything is late. When he smells the breath of death, death has already come. It is an extermination-like disaster.

At this last critical juncture, this first-class emperor finally realized the gap between himself and Jiang Chen. The gap is not a little bit.


The killing dragon swallowed the man, and then the violent force exploded directly. The sea below was blown up by a large wave. As for the genius of Xianting, it was torn into pieces by the mad dragon and died. The **** is not left, only a pool of blood floats above the waters below, and is quickly washed away by the water.


Qin Xuanbing and other people exclaimed, this scene can scare them, the confidence at the beginning is no longer there, and a horrified look at Jiang Chen, it is like seeing the demon king.

"Qin Xuanbing, don't you want to kill me? Let's take it together."

Jiang Chen’s momentum is skyrocketing, and he said to Qin Xuanbing and others that his body exudes supreme power and creates great pressure on the other party’s heart.

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