Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1995: One does not stay

Qin Xuanbing was already dumbfounded at the moment. He never thought that Jiang Chen could progress to such a terrible degree in such a short period of time. When he first saw Jiang Chen, the other party was only a fairy. The little man, by relying on the refuge of Xiao, can save his life.

At that time, Jiang Chen was an ant in front of him. He could crush it with a finger. Unfortunately, the situation has changed too fast. Jiang Chen has completely reversed in a short period of time. Li Wangye They all died in his hands, and now even the genius of the first-class emperor was killed by him. If he did not see it with his own eyes, he could not believe it anyway.

"He is more powerful than when he attended the birthday party. This is super metamorphosis. We are no longer an opponent."

"This bastard, how to grow so fast, it must be that he has received huge benefits from the Tianpeng Emperor, otherwise it will not grow so fast."

"It's too late to say anything now."


The genius disciples of Luo Xianxian were ugly to the extreme. They thought that they would soon return to Xianting. Unexpectedly, they just left the Yaoxian Island and suffered a crisis. With Jiang and Chen Chen’s current hatred, Jiang Chen would not be anyway. Let them go.

"I only hate to kill this little beast early, I hate it."

Qin Xuanbing has no tears in his eyes. He now regrets that his intestines are all green. When he was in the genius, if they and Li Wangye joined forces, they would kill Jiang Chen in desperation. Where are the problems of today? Unfortunately, they looked down on Jiang. Dust, now that everything is late, Jiang Chen has grown up completely.

"Qin elder, what do we do now?"

One person asked, his face was full of fear, his cultivation was only half of the emperor, and he had great fear of Jiang Chen. He knew very well that if Jiang Chen killed himself, he would die on the spot. There is a little accident.

"Run, stay in the green hills without burning wood."

Qin Xuanbing bit his teeth, and then everyone tears the void on the spot and prepares to go far. At this time, nothing is more important than saving lives. They are all very clear, even if they are separated from Jiang Chen, even everyone. Together, it is not enough to kill Jiang Chen.


Just as they just made a move to escape, the surrounding waves suddenly moved, and the four sides formed a water curtain. The water curtain blocked the void, which was the strongest barrier and became a huge cage. It is impossible for Qin Xuanbing to want to rush out of this cage.

"Qin Xuanbing, it’s all this time, do you still want to escape?"

Jiang Chen said coldly, today he decided to take the shot, and he will never leave a little chance to the enemy. In front of these people, one can't get away. He controls the waters here and completely blocks this battlefield. It is.

"Jiang Chen, do you have to be grateful to kill?"

Qin Xuanbing shouted loudly.

"Of course, killing you, I won't have to stay a little."

Jiang Chen murdered the sky, the Tiansheng sword appeared in the hands, and directly killed the Qin Xuanbing.


A sword fell, the void was smashed into two halves, and Qin Xuanbing, who was also smashed in two, was the elder who had just been promoted to the first-class emperor, and only issued the last scream, he was given by Jiang Chen. Two halves, the sea of ​​tragic death.


Jiang Chen’s long swords swayed, and the sword was like a life-threatening knife. With three screams and screams, three others died under the sword of Jiang Chen. It was a genius of three and a half-levels. This level is in the hands of Jiang Chen. There is no room for even a little resistance.

Even if there are four people, the whole process is like a wind and a cloud. This is completely a unilateral massacre. The enemy has no counterattack force.

Counting the first-class emperor who died before, there is Tan Jinye, who was killed by Dragon XIII. The eight people who came to Xianxian Island this time have already died six, and the last two are still there. They are all powerful masters of the first-class emperor. It is enough to be proud of the age of the emperor at such a young age. No one dares to neglect this strength no matter where he goes.

Moreover, they are all leaders, geniuses, arrogant, but now, the two are pale and shivering.

Jiang Chen holds a **** battle sword, and the body of the sword constantly swallows and kills the light.


Fighting the sword, the dragon rushed to one of them with the thunder, Jiang Chen did not give them any breathing space.


The two bite their teeth, they know very well that Jiang Chen is unlikely to let them go with mercy, even if they are now kneeling down and asking for mercy is the same, both sides are dead, then only the two will jointly carry out the final resistance.


However, even if they are united, they are so weak. In the face of Jiang Chen, they have no difference in unity. Jiang Chen’s sword has smashed one arm of one person, and then the sword is again shocked. The genius who took off his arm, before he had too much reaction, was smashed by a sword.

The blood spouted from his broken head like a fountain, adding a cruel color to the night again.

Seeing that the companion was easily strangled, the rest of the one was completely frightened, and the whole person was scared of the dead souls. The shadow of death has completely shrouded him, or that Jiang Chen’s strength has destroyed his will. Let him stand there and completely forget the resistance.


The Tiansheng sword vibrates again and easily kills the last person.

The void returned to calm, Jiang Chen even smashed seven people, his face was full of indifference, and the bodies of the seven people of Luo Luo Xianyu had been rushed away by the rapids. I don’t know where to rush, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will be born in the sea. To eat, it is not sad.

On the other hand, the big yellow dog is also strong and unmatched. At the moment when Jiang Chen ended the battle, the battle here is also coming to an end.


The body of the rhubarb dog has become more than a dozen feet, just like the old man, the indestructible dog head hit the head of the last big emperor.

How can a normal person's head collide with the head of a rhubarb dog, and the consequences are not too miserable.

“Unspeakable, no challenge.”

The rhubarb dog sneered at it, and after killing it, the big swaying away, the Guangming Xianyu everyone died in his hands.

This time, the three great immortals counted the genius and the elders. A total of 24 people came. The final result was that all died, and none of them returned alive.

In addition to the death of the three men in the hands of the dragon, all others died in the hands of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog. It is conceivable that after this incident, the grudge between Jiang Chen and the three emperors will It will completely deteriorate and there is no room for mitigation.

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