Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1996: Xiao forgets to marry [fill yesterday]

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog return almost at the same time.

Looking at the smile on the other side, they already know each other's results.

"Rhubarb, it's beautiful."

Jiang Chen gave a vertical thumb to the rhubarb dog.

"That is of course, killing the few small people, it is not hand-to-hand, right, you open the thirty-three layers of space for the dog to enter, the dog to advance."

The big yellow dog said.

"it is good."

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen’s face immediately revealed the color of surprise. The repair of the big yellow dog was the peak of the first-class emperor. Now he has to advance to the second-class emperor. He is naturally very happy. Jiang Chen guessed that it is probably a rhubarb dog. However, the grievances of past lives, the mood changed, so it hit the second-class emperor.

This is a good thing. The stronger the rhubarb dog is, the more help he can help him. He wants the rhubarb dog to return to the peak of his previous life. Unfortunately, it is impossible. The former Longyang demon emperor is the peerless emperor. At that level, it is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to completely recover.

Jiang Chen opened the thirty-three-story space of the Zulong Tower and put the big yellow dog into it.

The people of Luo Xian Xianting and Guangming Xianting died, and they died at sea, and even the bodies could not be found, but this did not affect the joy of the Fairy Island.

The Fairy Island is busy with the love of Xiao and the marriage of Tianling jade. The whole island is full of lights, who pays attention to overseas things, so the tragic death of the two masters of Xianting did not give the demon. The island brings a little bit of ripples.

Three days later, the demon fairy island celebrated the day, ushered in the wedding of Xiao forget and Tianling jade, this wedding is really important for the demon fairy island.

Regarding the story of Xiao forgetting and Tianling jade, no one on the whole island of the demon fairy does not know. Nowadays, after experiencing numerous trials and tribulations, these two people have finally become a positive result. How to make people feel uncomfortable.

Tianling Yu is the saint of the demon island, but now he is married to a human. It is reasonable to say that most people in the demon island should oppose it, but when this person is replaced by Xiao, the whole demon island Can't find a voice of opposition.

Xiao forgot to give up for the three hundred years of the Virgin, regardless of life and death to go to Wanfengtai, so emotional, amazing.

In the hearts of the people of the whole island, the world is qualified to become the goddess of Tianpeng, and only Xiao forgets to forget the rules of the former Yaoxian Island. Xiao forget has already been recognized by most people.

Above the high platform, the smile on the face of Xiao forgetting wearing Dahongpao has not disappeared. I have to say that this guy is not the first beautiful man in the world, and the long one is really handsome and has no friends.

Tianling jade is also unparalleled in appearance, and the two are called the true talents.

"It’s finally a good result. It’s not easy for Xiao’s predecessors.”

Jiang Chen said with great gratification that he can see that Xiao’s life is complete, and Jiang Chen’s heart is also very happy for him.

"Become the son-in-law of Tianpeng, the future of Xiao's forgotten love is also limitless. This guy's own talent can also be just because the way of forgetting the situation has been delayed. Otherwise, the three hundred years will be repaired at least like Yang Junlong. It is a level of existence with the Tianpeng demon emperor, and now the wish is completed, and the thoughts after Xiao’s forgetting will be smooth, and the cultivation will be leaps and bounds."

The rhubarb dog on the side said that he is still very accurate.

At this moment, the rhubarb dog has been reached the peak of the second-class emperor, and it is only a step away from the third-class emperor. Maybe one day it will directly hit the third-level emperor.

The rhubarb dog slept for three days in the thirty-three-story space. The one that slept was called a dark day, but this feeling was also very effective. In the three days outside, the thirty-three-layer space was ninety days, and it was leaps and bounds. The strength is even more terrifying.

After the wedding, Xiao forgot to pull Jiang Chen to a quiet mountain. He held two altars in his hands and sat on a large bluestone with Jiang Chen, and enjoyed a drink.

"Jiang Chen, my sad life is changing because of you, I will respect you."

Xiao forgets to smile and said, his eyes are full of gratitude to Jiang Chen.

"You don't want to say this to Xiao's predecessors. You have saved my life more than once. What am I doing for you?"

Jiang Chen smiled and laughed. In this life, people can make friends with a few intimate friends. That is the most precious thing. For Jiang Chen, this life can be forgotten with Xiao Xiao, and it is a very fortunate thing.

"If it wasn't for your guidance, I might still be a self-defeating, an old liar who was cheating everywhere. This time I came to Yaoxian Island. I was originally holding a mortal heart. I just wanted to see the holy woman again because you The reason can make my life complete, this kind of kindness, I am forgetful, but I have to keep in mind for a lifetime."

Xiao forgets to say that he is forgotten, but he is a person who is empathetic and righteous. In his opinion, being able to become a close friend with Jiang Chen is the luckiest thing in his life.

On the following day, Jiang Chen said goodbye to Tianpeng Emperor and Xiao Forget, and Yuhua Fan and Dahuang Dog went to the wind and thriving.

Longtang, the scenery of Yang’s palace.

Yu Huafan said everything that happened in Yaoxian Island to the scenery Yang 151, and the scenery Yang is also a glimpse. Especially when I heard Jiang Chen and Tian Peng’s demon emperor’s worship, the corners of the mouth endured. Can't stop smoking.

"You kid, arrogant."

Scenery Yang can't find any words to describe Jiang Chen, and can only say two words to Jiang Chen's thumbs up.

His eyes continue to look at Jiang Chen, and he found that Jiang Chen’s cultivation is also not a small improvement. He has been promoted from the previous Xianzun’s mid-term to the peak of Xianzun’s late period. This is only a few days, let the scenery Yang really feel that this is his own. The apprentice is more anti-day than he imagined.

"It's all luck."

Jiang Chen laughed, this kind of thing, explain how it can be explained, and this is also a lot of luck in itself. If it is not for himself, he will use the virtual emptiness. If it is not the Tianpeng Emperor, just the guidance of the Nether Emperor, everything will be Not so smooth.

"Grass, how can I have no luck with you?"

Yu Huafan turned his eyes and said that he was so depressed that he was a famous master of the Longtang, and that Xianting was famous for his existence. Why didn’t he have such good luck.

"That may be a brother, you don't have me to be handsome, or I don't have a good character."

Jiang Chen said incomparably.

"Get out of the way."

Yu Huafan almost blew a blood on the face of Jiang Chen, saying that he was fat and still panting.

"Jiang Chen, you have successfully won the Tianpeng Emperor this time, and it has been a great contribution to Xianting. I will report to the Emperor and give you rewards."

The scenery of Yangdao, for the new disciples of their own, the more they are satisfied.

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