Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2002: Collision of peerless soldiers


The two did not care about their injuries, and continued to make a fierce collision. The body of the dragon and the body of the emperor slammed back and forth like two mountains. The dragons fluttered on the side of the river, the blood sprinkled, and the other side, along with the emperor The body continues to crack, and the north and south dynasties are also constantly squirting blood, and it is obvious that the injury is not light.

This is the case, the fierce battle is still going on, and the two seem to have fought to the realm of ecstasy, and all their hearts are immersed in the battle.

Eternal fairy wind!

The two seem to have a tacit understanding, and at the same time display the eternal fairy wind, the violent storms completely form a field, or the two fields are intertwined in intense collision.

"Jiang Chen, do you have your own means? Show the emperor's eternal fairy wind."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties said with sarcasm.

"Who stipulates that the eternal fairy wind must be your Northern and Southern Dynasties. I will display this fairy wind, but it is no worse than yours."

The sound of Jiang Chen was shocking, and the violent celestial wind spurted out from his body. It was like a sword of horror, and the void was cut into pieces. The whole scene gave people a sense of the end of the world.

"God, this kind of battle scene really makes me open my eyes."

"It's too fierce, it's too violent. It's two enchanting. If I can reach that level one day, how good it is."

"I advise you to hurry to urinate, do not care how much urine, first take care of yourself, do not look at your own virtues, but also want to compare with Jiang Chen."

"Get out of the way, can't Laozi have a dream? Even if it can't be realized."


At this time, both the people of the Dagan Empire and the people of the North and South families were attracted by the fierce battles of Jiang Chen and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and they were deeply attracted. It was an unimaginable shock.

On the battlefield, even Jiang Chen had to admit that the Southern and Northern Dynasties of the First Emperor level could bring him a kind of pressure. In the previous storm and the collision, he was obviously heavier than the Northern and Southern Dynasties, but The speed of repairing the Jiang Dianhua Longyan is so fast that the appearance of Jiang Chen and the Southern and Northern Dynasties is no different.

This is itself a horror of Hualong, and it is Jiang Chen's greatest advantage. Such a horrible speed of repair has almost made Jiang Chen invincible.

Not only that, Jiang Mo has been completely immersed in the thrill of the fierce battle at this moment. This feeling has not been found for a long time, and the pressure from the north and south dynasty has given the impact of Jiang Chen, but another Fan sight.

The dragons are moving faster and faster, and there is a sign that they have to advance in this wonderful state and pressure. Even Jiang Chen himself does not know. Invisible, there are hundreds of new ones in the sea. The dragon is gone.

It can be said that in the process of fighting the North and South Korea, Jiang Chen itself is constantly growing.

For the Northern and Southern Dynasties, although he can feel the thrill in such a battle, he can't improve his cultivation because he and Jiang Chen's original thoughts are different.

Jiang Chen himself has not entered the fairyland, and has never touched the realm of the great emperor. The realm in front of him is his most powerful realm.

The Southern and Northern Dynasties are different. His past life is the Emperor of Heaven. Whether it is the eye or the knowledge, it is much more than Jiang Chen, so it is difficult for him to find the state of Jiang Chen who is strong and strong.

If this battle continues, Jiang Chen really has a chance to counterattack, because he is constantly strong, and the strength of the Northern and Southern Dynasties is unchanged. Under the circumstance, the outcome can be imagined.


The Northern and Southern Dynasties grabbed a big hand, and the Emperor Sword screamed in his hands, and the Southern and Northern Dynasties with the Emperor's Sword suddenly rose up a lot again, obviously more horrible than before.

"Jiang Chen, you can fight with me by the cultivation of Xianzun's peak. You are also proud of it. Next, I will not stop at all and kill you directly."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties murdered the sky, and the Emperor Sword has completely locked the breath of Jiang Chen.

"Well, this guy has exhibited the emperor's sword. It is a peerless soldier. It can bring great power to the north and south dynasties. Jiang Chen has no soldiers to fight against. I am afraid it is not an opponent. what."

"The legendary emperor sword is really horrible. I don't know how Jiang Chen responded."

"Don't worry too much, I believe that Jiang Chen must have a strong card to display it. Since he dares to come out and fight with the Northern and Southern Dynasties, he must have certainty."


Seeing the emperor's sword displayed in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the people on the side of the Dagan Empire changed their faces one by one, and the look was full of worries.

They have no way not to worry, how much a blessing can be brought to a peerless soldier. Everyone is very clear in their hearts. If Jiang Chen can be as good as the North and South, then there is now the Emperor Sword. The addition of the situation, I am afraid that the situation will be turned over immediately, Jiang Chen is not an opponent.

"Haha, the emperor's sword to the son of the son is the last killer. This time, even if Jiang Chen has three heads and six arms, he will be shackled under the emperor's sword."

"Yes, this battle is destined to win in the face of the son. There is no doubt about this."


Compared with the worry of the larger dry empire, the people on the north and south families are very excited. They naturally have reasons for excitement. After all, this war is about the survival of the entire north and south family.

And just as many people think that the Northern and Southern Dynasties depended on the Emperor's sword to win, Jiang Chen's hands also appeared to pull a peerless sword.

It is a sword of the sky, the whole body blooms with immortality, the sword is like a dragon, and it rises into the sky. From the perspective of imposing manner, this sword is not weaker than the emperor sword of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

"诛仙剑? How can you have a sword in your hand?"

Seeing the sacred sword, the face of the Southern and Northern Dynasties is also slightly changed, and the strong and unparalleled 诛仙剑, on the level of the single, is also on his emperor sword.

Although the Emperor Sword is also a peerless soldier, there are still some gaps compared with the number one of the immortal swords and the funeral fairy.

The emperor's sword in the Southern and Northern Dynasties can resist the burial of the morning rain, and it does not mean that the emperor's sword and the burial fairy are at the same level. After all, the burial fairy is powerful, but the morning rain is not the true master of the burial fairy. Although it can be controlled, it cannot display its true power.

The emperor sword of the Southern and Northern Dynasties is the commander of the Emperor, and can display the most perfect power of the Emperor Sword. As a result, the gap between the emperor and the emperor is drawn.

"You don't care, now you have the emperor sword, I have a sword, who is afraid of life and death is difficult to draw conclusions."

Jiang Chen said loudly.

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