Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2003: Floating blood

The appearance of the 诛仙剑 really surprised the North and South dynasties and exceeded his imagination.

"Look at you, Jiang Chen also has a peerless sword in his hands. It seems that the momentum is not weaker than the Emperor Sword. What is this sword?"

"The Southern and Northern Dynasties said that Xian Xianjian, my God, wouldn't it be true? That is the sect of the sacred princes left by the celestial king. In the fairy world, it is a famous existence. Like the celestial king, it is at the peak, Jiang Chen today. I got the sword, it is really shocking."

"It's amazing, and the swords of Xian Xian have appeared. I said that Jiang Chen must have a strong card. It is really a blockbuster. With the sword, Jiang Chen will not be afraid of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. What is the ending? It is hard to say?"

"Jiang Chen always brings miracles."


The Dagan empire, who had already fallen into the woes of great concern, saw the ecstasy of his face after seeing the appearance of the 诛 剑 sword. The name of the 诛 剑 sword is unknown. Jiang Chen now has such a card. Enough to make people confident in him.

Looking at the people of the North and South family is another scene, from surprise to horror, this extreme flip, the smile on their faces has not disappeared and directly solidified.

"Mother's, how can this **** have a sword? Isn't the sword disappeared with the Emperor Xian in the ancient times? It's a hell."

"Don't worry, even if Jiang Chen has a sword, how can he use his current strength to play the power of the sword, but the son of the emperor can perfectly release the power of the emperor sword, so they There is still a certain gap between the two."

"Yes, don't believe that you are walking, this battle will be dead."


Surprising is very shocking, but the people of the North and South family still have absolute confidence in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. For a long time, the Chaozi son is in the hearts of countless people from both the North and the South. It is absolutely supreme. It is the existence of the gods, and it is omnipotent.

Above the battlefield, the swordsmanship of the Sui Xianjian and the Emperor Sword began to be born and compared with each other, and they all wanted to oppress the other's momentum.

"Jiang Chen, let me see the legendary 诛 剑 sword, how powerful it is."

The North and South dynasties raged, the infinite emperor's light was integrated into the emperor's sword, and the huge war sword suddenly became the length of Baizhang, and was lifted high by the North and South.

The sword rushed, and a dragon of swords appeared in the sky, pokeing a big hole in the sky, and the black cold air spurted out from the hole.


The Northern and Southern Dynasties shot, and the swordsmanship slammed down.

A sword is moving, and a sword breaks through the sky.

Without a fancy sword, the peerless soldier seems to be alive. This sword does not know how much power it carries. If you want to use an adjective to describe it, it is to destroy the earth.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen is also domineering and unparalleled. The sword of Xian Xian is also the length of Baizhang. There are several kinds of supreme flames on the blade, which constantly spurs the light, just like countless spiritual snakes are rippling, and it looks beautiful to the extreme.

But behind this beauty, it is extremely terrifying destruction.

"come on."

Jiang Chen was arrogant, and the sword was hit by the sword. It was also no fancy.

Under the gaze of countless horror, the two peerless swords collided with each other.


This is the ultimate collision. It can no longer be described by the savage, it is the ultimate destruction. The spark that only came out of a collision has directly evolved into a sea of ​​fire. Numerous swords are intertwined and the whole picture is too beautiful. It makes people feel scared when they look at it.

This sword, which carries almost all the energy of both sides, the violent counterattack force, let both of them fly backwards.

They are like a two-leaf boat in the ocean, which looks very small. In fact, they are the real masters here.

They are all bleeding, but they can't stop their beliefs.

"Come back."

Jiang Chen’s dragon wings fluttered, and the big void technique made him a ubiquitous ghost, and once again, the sword rushed to the past.

Jiang Chen has entered a state of ecstasy, and under the stimulation of this state, the number of dragons in the sea has begun to rise sharply, and it is a crazy impact on the semi-imperialist level.

Opposite, the golden hair of the Southern and Northern Dynasties is three thousand feet. He and Jiang Chen seem to be two madmen, once again desperate to kill together.

This is the battle of the peak. In the eyes of others, this is only a cruel and fierce, but in the eyes of those who understand it, this is a long-cherished wish.

The rhubarb dog and the smoke of the morning rain are obsessed, they see the two people's crazy fight, regardless of the blood and injury.

If in the past, seeing Jiang Chen suffer such a wound, the smoke and the big yellow dog will definitely be extremely worried, especially the big yellow dog, it is likely to have rushed to help.

But now, the morning rain in the prison did not speak, the big yellow dog did not speak, and there was no sign of shooting.

Because they are very clear, this is a separate confrontation between Jiang Chen and the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Desperate destiny, they must kill each other personally to be able to fulfill their long-cherished wishes, and then they can unblock their thoughts, so that they can make the future go. long.

Therefore, even the big yellow dog can't participate in this battle, only to be a spectator.

This battle is destined to be cruel, and only one person can survive in the final outcome.


The fierce battle has really heated up, and the two peerless swords have been colliding with each other. On the vast sky, thousands of miles have been turned into chaos. The devastating energy oceans are everywhere, and the sky is completely obscured. After the end of World War I, it will take at least a month for this party to be able to restore calm.

Jiang Chen and the Northern and Southern Dynasties have become two blood people, but there is still no sign of stopping.

The sword is waving, and the blood is floating.

Forget the battle, just ask for the moment.

This battle was carried out for three hours. Unconsciously, Jiang Chenqi had already added 15,000 dragons in the sea. It was half a century away from the half, and the last five thousand.

What is certain is that Jiang Chen has benefited a lot from this war. Under the circumstance of selflessness, Jiang Chen’s cultivation is also advancing by leaps and bounds. As long as Jiang Chen can win and survive in this battle, Thoughts are immediately accessible, and in less than three days, you can directly hit the semi-emperor level.

Although Jiang Chen’s cultivation is progressing, his state is very bad. The continuous collision has caused great harm to the body. Even if it is a horrible dragon, it cannot be made up.

The two sides suddenly stopped the attack, and they were facing each other from each other. The blood continued to drop from the two. The two men armed with swords seemed to be a little wilful, but the domineering in the bones still disappeared.

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