Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2005: The ghost does not scatter [plus more]

"What happened? Why did Jiang Chengong suddenly change his temperament? Is it not to kill the North and South families directly after killing the Northern and Southern Dynasties? Now it is necessary not only to give the North and the South a rebirth, but also to ensure the safety of the North and South families. This is not like his. Acting style."

"Yeah, I don't know what Jiang Gongzi is thinking."

"Don't talk, you know what, Jiang Gongzi does this, naturally there is a reason to do this."


The people on the side of the Dagan Empire are also the monks of Zhang Er. They can't figure out what they know about Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen has always done things for the enemy. He has always left the enemy behind the road. He has always been riddled with roots, saying that even if he does not destroy the North and South families, he will never Will give the North and South Dynasty a chance to resurrect.

In fact, Jiang Chen had such an idea before the war with the North and South, killing the Northern and Southern Dynasties and killing the North and South families.

But at the moment when his long sword shattered the vitality of the North and South, he suddenly felt that the world lacked the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and he seemed to have lost a part of his life.

It is a kind of feeling of sympathy. Jiang Chen knows that he and the Northern and Southern Dynasties are actually a kind of people who are fighting for the world and want to sweep all obstacles.

Jiang Chen thinks that if it is not the arrangement of fate, he and the Southern and Northern Dynasties may become good friends.

But for the sake of making people, the two are destined to become enemies, and they are enemies. Since they are enemies, there must be one person to die.

The Southern and Northern Dynasties died. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the heart, Jiang Chen gave him the opportunity to be born again. In this way, Jiang Chen’s heart will not fall behind.

He erased all the memories of the souls of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. After the rebirth of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, he was a new person. He had no relationship with his previous life. He had nothing to do with himself. At that time, without his own obstacles, the Southern and Northern Dynasties may indeed be able to Blooming and becoming the protagonist.

The rhubarb dog and the morning rain did not speak. They knew what Jiang Chen thought and knew the regrets of Jiang Chen. This is a temperamental person. It is precisely because of this that he has given Jiang Dust’s unique magic power. Let them be willing to follow Jiang Chen with willingness.

Therefore, no matter what Jiang Chen wants to do, no matter how he wants to deal with the grievances between himself and the North and South, they will choose to support Jiang Chen.

North and South Taisheng suddenly had an urge to cry. He shook his hands and took over the remains of the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the soul crystal ball and the Emperor Sword. From this moment, all the grievances between the North and South family and Jiang Chen. It was written off.

Moreover, the current strength of Jiang Chen is no longer provoked by the Northern and Southern Dynasties. This time, the North and South family can keep it from perishing. It is already thankful and completely support the blessings of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

"Thank you for Jiang Gongzi, this kindness, our north and south family wrote down, and my north and south Taisheng swear to the sky. From then on, the north and south families will not be enemies with the Dagan Empire, and will not be an enemy of Jiang Gongzi."

The North and South Taisheng said incomparably solemnly, and then took the people of the North and South family to go empty, and soon disappeared into the sky above the genius.

"Jiang Gongzi, I am Yang Yu on behalf of the Dagan Empire thousands of people, thank Jiang Gongzi Da En."

Yang Yu walked to Jiang Chen and gave a deep ritual to Jiang Chen. The same is true of the high-level people behind. They are all high-profile people, but in front of Jiang Chen, they are nothing, in their hearts, Jiang Chen The kindness to the Dagan Empire is higher than the sky, and it is not a courtesy to repay.

"There is no need for the emperor. I have a decision between the North and the South, and sooner or later. Today, I killed the Northern and Southern Dynasties. I have also fulfilled a long-cherished wish."

Jiang Chen reached out and helped Yang Yu up. He knew very well that even without the experience of the Dagan Empire today, the decisive battle between him and the Northern and Southern Dynasties still had to be done sooner or later.

"Dust brother, how is your injury?"

The smoke morning rain went to Jiang Chen's front and saw that Jiang Chen's arm was blown up and crushed, and he asked with great concern.

"Nothing, my injury is easy to recover, how are you?"

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at the smoke in the morning, he knew that this time, the morning rain did not care for himself.

"I'm fine, I don't feel bad, I am going to retreat, and I will be able to hit the Xiandi level soon."

The smoke morning rain said.

For the morning rain, it is hard to attack Xiandi. Jiang Chen is not surprised at all. He and the Northern and Southern Dynasties themselves are a figure on the level. Now the Northern and Southern Dynasties have already been promoted to the Emperor of the First Emperor. The smoke and the morning rain are certainly not far away. .

"I have to attack the half emperor. This time, the battle with the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the harvest is not small, and the killing of the Northern and Southern Dynasties is equivalent to kicking out the biggest obstacle on the road ahead. This way, I am able to directly understand the level of the semi-imperialist. ""

Jiang Chen said that this harvest is indeed huge. He and the people of the Northern and Southern Dynasties will not be dead, and they will all get huge benefits.

"Rhubarma, I will advance into the thirty-three-layer space with Xiao Yu, and you will guard the outside."

Jiang Chen said to the big yellow dog.

"Do not worry."

The rhubarb dog nodded.

At this moment, the violent waves of the three or four roads suddenly flowed from the sky, and came to the sky above the genius house in the blink of an eye.

Subsequently, four figures appeared. The four men were incomparably strong. The old man who took the lead was trained as a four-level emperor who had reached the horror. There was also a third-level emperor and two second-level emperors beside him.

Such a strong lineup, looking at the entire Xianxian domain, in addition to Xianting, I am afraid I can no longer find a second force.

"The immortal board, the news of Xianting is also fascinating, so soon you know that you are back."

The rhubarb dog couldn’t help but snorted.

"Not only that, they also know that their people were killed by you and me. This time they sent a four-level emperor directly. It seems to be very important."

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a smile.

In the past, when the fourth-level emperor arrived, Jiang Chen would definitely show the color of worry. Turning his head and running is certain, but now, Jiang Chen has no plans to escape. The strength of the big yellow dog has reached the peak of the second-class emperor. Level, only one step can be promoted to the third-level emperor.

With the current cultivation of the rhubarb dog, against the general four-level emperor, it is completely out of the question, so Xianting sent these four people, completely unable to pose a threat to Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen children, don't hurry up and die."

Someone has locked Jiang Chen, and shouted in anger.

"Not good, it is a person of Xianting, a strong master."

"Grandma's, this Xianting is also endless, and Jiang Gongzi has done it."

"It's not easy to do this. The strength of the other side is too strong. Don't say that Jiang Gongzi has been seriously injured. Even if he is in a state of prosperity, I am afraid it is not an opponent."


For a time, the crowds of the Dagan Empire were shaken up, and the faces were even more worried. After all, the visitors were too strong, so they had to worry.

[Thanks to the brothers who live in today's squares to reward, add a chapter. 】

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