Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2006: Unspeakable

After a wave of unrest, a wave of ups and downs, this wave can be much more powerful than just now. Jiang Chen can kill the Northern and Southern Dynasties, but he can’t deal with Xian Ting. Now it’s already a fourth-class emperor, and The people of the Dagan Empire know that the grudges between Jiang Chen and Xianting are almost never dead.

Xianting has always wanted to kill Jiang Chen, but he has never been able to find an opportunity. Now Jiang Chen is not easy to show up. Xianting may not give Jiang Chen any chance to escape any more, so he sent a four-level emperor directly. Coming to it is to kill Jiang Chen.

"Rhuo, I will hand it over to you, don't bother me and Xiao Yu to advance."

Jiang Chen said to the big yellow dog.

"Do not worry, a few jump clowns."

The big yellow dog doesn't care. If it was before, the fourth-level emperor might still worry, but now, the fourth-level emperor is nothing in his eyes, not to mention that the fourth-level emperor is just just promoted to the fourth level. The kind of the great emperor, and the cultivation of the big yellow dog, is already the peak of the second-class emperor, and it is the kind that can be promoted to the third-class emperor at any time.

Therefore, the rhubarb dog is somewhat difficult to kill the fourth-class emperor, but there is no problem with casual suppression. Unless the five-level emperor like the scenery Yang appears, it is possible to really suppress the rhubarb dog.

"Light rain, let's go."

Jiang Chen tore the ancestral tower to tear a hole, and then with the smoke and morning rain body into the space of thirty-three layers, in their two current state, into the ancestral tower for an hour can almost complete the promotion.

Seeing that Jiang Chen and Yan Chenyu suddenly disappeared, the face of Xian Ting’s emperor changed greatly. The third-level emperor even said nothing. A big hand grabbed it directly and grabbed it away from the place where Jiang Chen disappeared.

In view, Jiang Chen is planning to escape. This time they are prepared to do so. The purpose is to kill Jiang Chen and give him the opportunity to escape.

Therefore, the third-level emperor decisively shot, to block all the voids here.

The rhubarb dog moved, his dog's head flashed golden light, and the big hand that evolved from the third-level emperor crashed into the past.


The heavens and the earth vibrate, the piece of void is instantly smashed, and at the same time it is broken, and there is a huge palm, and the powerful attack of the third-level emperor is taken over by the rhubarb dog so easily and casually, which is amazing.

"It’s so good, the big yellow dog is getting more and more horrible. It seems that our concerns were superfluous before."

"Yes, we were still worried that Jiang Chen was an opponent of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, but ignored the horror of the big yellow dog. I am afraid that the North and South dynasties are not his opponents at all."

"Look, Jiang Chen should have been a retreat, and I don't know if the big yellow dog can resist the emperor of Xianting."


"A good dog."

When the rhubarb dog shot, it immediately caught the attention of the master of Xianting.

"This dog's hand is also covered with the blood of our Xianting, killing him first, the space here has been completely blocked by me, Jiang Chen can't run."

The four-level emperor said that his tone was extremely confident. It seemed that he had already eaten Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog. Before he came here, he was fully equipped and prepared.

"This dog is already a second-level demon, I am going to kill him."

The three-level emperor who had shot before was shocked and once again killed the big yellow dog.

The rhubarb dog has its wings and turns into an electric light. It flies up to the sky, and the unparalleled power of the emperor is released. His scorpion glitters with golden light, and the whole body is full of the majesty of the world. A third-level emperor, he does not put it at all. In the eyes.

"Dead dog, you are brave enough to dare to fight against my fairy court, killing my fairy genius and the elders. This account will make you **** debts today."

The three-level emperor said with incomparable domineering, he was murderous, and it seemed that he had already eaten the rhubarb dog.

After all, he is a third-class emperor, and his strong cultivation has given him strong self-confidence. Under this confidence, he has put the rhubarb dog in his eyes.

It is a pity that the scorn of the big yellow dog has always been very miserable. The three-level emperor will not be surprised if he wants to come.

"Go to your uncle."

The rhubarb dog said nothing, the back of the wings was shocked, the majestic body suddenly turned into a golden light, and the electric light flashed above the dog's head. The dragon's horns in the center of the eyebrows flashed out, and they hit the past toward the third-level emperor.

The rhubarb dog is too fast, and in the blink of an eye, it is near the opponent.

"act recklessly."

The third-level emperor explored a big hand and patted the dog's head toward the big yellow dog.

Obviously, the three-level emperor did not know where the real horror of the rhubarb dog was. Like most people, the big yellow dog was so stupid that he chose to use his head to attack.

Whether it is a human or a monster, the skull is the most vulnerable part. If you choose to use your head to attack, it is almost no different from finding death.


The palm of the third-level emperor was shot above the dog's head of the rhubarb dog. It should be said that the dog's head of the rhubarb dog hit the palm of the third-level emperor because the result was very miserable.

The violent energy tore the void, and under the dog's head of the rhubarb dog, the arm of the third-level emperor collapsed directly and turned into a **** fog.


The face of the third-level emperor changed greatly. He exclaimed, feeling the severe pain from the broken arm, and then looking at the eyes of the big yellow dog, just like seeing a ghost.

For the level of the Great Emperor, the broken arm is not a serious injury, and the broken arm is not difficult for the Emperor.

But the shock in my heart has reached a point where it can't be added.

Too shocked, I have never seen such a mighty head.

More importantly, he is a third-class emperor, and the three-level emperor is not an opponent of the second-class demon.

It’s not an opponent. It seems that it’s completely unbearable, not on the same level, without any power.

"My God, this dog's head is really against the sky."

"You forgot that the most powerful thing about the big yellow dog is the dog's head. It is a weapon of the gods, but what I didn't think is that even the third-level emperor is not his opponent."

"More and more powerful, there are big yellow dogs, it seems that Xianting wants to kill Jiang Chen today, it is more difficult."


The people on the side of the Dagan Empire were exclaimed, but they were different from those of Xianting. They showed great excitement and great heart.


Rhubarb made a move, and he laughed in the mouth, then shot again with lightning, and did not give the other party a chance to react. The dog's head with a radiant light once again hit the opponent like a rocket.

"The Emperor did not believe it."

The third-level emperor was furious and had a sword in his hand, smashing toward the dog's head of the rhubarb dog.

[Daughter is sick, has been busy, did not update yesterday, today four more make up, the remaining three nights. 】

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