Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2007: Poor four-level emperor

In the face of the impact of the three emperors, the big yellow dog has a big mouth, where there is a little bit of fear, the face is full of excitement.

Even in the face of the opponent's sword, the rhubarb dog did not change the way of attacking. It is still impacted by the invincible dog's head. This makes the face very scary. Countless people can't help but grin. They are guessing this. How hard is the dog's head? The fists against the others have been counted. Now it is necessary to directly confront the swords of others. You must know that it is a soldier.

No one can really know how terrible the dog's head is.

In fact, the dog head of the rhubarb dog is itself a weapon of the gods. As his cultivation continues to improve, his head is becoming more and more horrible. It is unkind to say that the dog of the rhubarb dog is now more than the general army of the great emperor. It must be much more powerful, at least it is better than the sword of the three great emperors.

This is beyond doubt.

And this time the impact, the dog's head of the rhubarb dog exudes more radiance, and the dragon's horn at the top of the head is explored. The electric light of the slap-up is constantly flashing on it. Wherever, the void is broken.


Under the gaze of countless eyes, the dog head of the rhubarb dog and the sword of the emperor collided with each other.

The horrifying scene reappeared. The powerful and unparalleled emperor not only did not leave any trauma on the dog's head, but could not stand the impact of the dog's head. The sword flew directly from the third-level emperor.

This is not counting, the sword flies out, and the only one of the three emperors holding the sword of the sword is almost shattered, blood mad.


The rhubarb dog shot again with lightning and did not give the other party a chance to react. This time, the dog head hit the head of the third-level emperor, and the consequences were almost imaginable.

Poorly the third-level emperor did not even have a scream, and was directly killed by the rhubarb dog.


Countless sounds rang, whether it was the people of the Dagan Empire or the people of Xianting, all of them were wide-eyed at the moment. The scene just now was like a dream, too shocking.


The four-level emperor couldn't help but scream, and the endless anger spewed directly from his body. He was now shocked and angry.

The shock is that he did not think that this dog was so horrible to this extent, it is simply against the sky, to know, that is the three-level emperor of Xianting, a third-level emperor, what is the concept, even if it is playing However, there is no problem in escaping.

Who can expect that a third-class emperor will not be able to escape, and will be directly killed.

The anger is that he watched a third-level emperor being killed, and there was no chance to even help. The dog’s action was too fast, and the chance of even responding was not given.

In fact, compared with the big yellow dog, the three-level emperor is not a small gap. It is also a very normal thing to be killed by the rhubarb dog.

Of course, whether it is the death of the third-level emperor, or the fourth-level emperor can't get help, there is still a reason in the end, that is, to underestimate the enemy.

If it is not a light enemy, then the third-level emperor may not die so easily.

If it is not the third-level emperor who does not put the rhubarb dog in his eyes, do not choose to live with the rhubarb dog, it is not difficult to save his life.

In the same way, if the fourth-level emperor is not too confident about the masters of Xianting, and does not despise the rhubarb dog, there will be no chance to even help.

"Fan elder, this dog is too powerful, not good to deal with."

A second-level emperor said, his face was ugly.

When they first came, they were also very angry. They did not put Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog in their eyes. But now, all the self-confidence has been defeated. Even the third-level emperor has been killed by the rhubarb dog, let alone him.

With the cultivation of his second-class emperor, if he rushed up, he would not die enough.

"I am going to kill him."

The elders of Fan’s face, he stepped forward and came to the opposite side of the big yellow dog.

At this moment, the elders of Fan, in addition to anger, have some regrets in their hearts. Before they regret, they should not let the three-level emperor take the shot. They should directly shoot, otherwise they will not lose so much.

You must know that even for Xianting, if you cultivate a third-class emperor, it will cost a lot of resources. The fall of a third-level emperor is an unimaginable loss.

"Dead dog, you will definitely pay a very heavy price for what you have done."

Fan Elder said.

"The cost? What is the cost? Just because you can kill the dog? You will taste the taste of the invincible **** of the dog."

The rhubarb dog said, actually turned his back directly, and the fat **** was directed at Fan Elder.

Seeing the behavior of the rhubarb dog, Fan’s eyes looked awkward and looked awkward.

But immediately, Fan Elder is a raging anger. In his opinion, the rhubarb dog lifted his **** high to himself, which is simply a shame to himself and a serious humiliation.

"What kind of ghost is Rhubarb doing?"

"Yeah, what is this trick?"

"Can't you see it? Rhubarb is humiliating the other side. It's not a trick. The dog's head is already hard and surprising. It's hard to be attacked."

"That's hard to say, the rhubarb dog is so wonderful, what is impossible?"


It is a pity that if you are really familiar with the big yellow dog, you will definitely be far from the dog at this moment. It is even more impossible to stand still behind the big yellow dog's **** like Fan Elder. This is simply looking for death.

Just when everyone thought that the rhubarb dog just used this action to humiliate Fan Elder, a blue sky suddenly sounded.


Everyone was dumbfounded, and saw a green air mass squirting out from the back door of the rhubarb dog, and then burst into it, turning into countless waves, like tides. Poor Fan Elder, without any precautions, the whole person was shrouded in this green wave.


Fan Elder spit!

"The trough... vomit... Nima..."

Fan elders vomited painfully and yelled.

This is simply the most painful thing in life. The savage fart of the big yellow dog can no longer be described as super invincible. It is simply against the sky, and even a four-level emperor can't stand it.

"Oh my God, there are still tricks."

"Hey, Laozi can smell a trace of bad sweet potato so far away."

"It’s too bad, it’s amazing, a four-level emperor is lost by the image of a fart, and it’s not easy to be embarrassed.”


The people of the Dagan Empire were completely admired. The Rhubarb dog was always able to surprise them, but he was pitiful to a fourth-level emperor.

[I can’t help it, today’s two more, yesterday’s owe tomorrow, no rest at the two ends, I have to rest early today, and I will bring my daughter to deliver water tomorrow morning, and the brothers will understand. 】

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