Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2008: Half emperor


A super-strong typhoon shocked from the body of Fan Elder, carrying almost all the power of a four-level emperor, and completely dispelling those green airflows.

At this moment, the elders of Fan, his face is blue and green, and it is ugly to the extreme. The mouth still carries the remnant of vomiting. It is called a wolverine. It can make a four-level emperor so dysfunctional. I am afraid that only the rhubarb dog can do it.

"Dead dog, the old man is going to peel you off."

Fan Elder is angry, carrying violent energy, killing the past with a big yellow dog, he is really angry, what is his identity? When I was so humiliated, it was a shame.

"Hey, old man, dog's fart, isn't that wonderful."

The rhubarb dog laughed, and he was not afraid. The attack on the head of the dog against the elder Fan was shocked.

Just now that ecstasy fart did not cause any damage to Fan Elder.

Of course, the rhubarb dog itself did not intend to kill a four-level emperor with a shit. It is unrealistic in itself. It can disgusting and disgusting each other. The rhubarb dog can achieve its goal.


The dog head of the rhubarb dog once again had a fierce collision with Fan Elder. The stunning scene happened again. No one knows how hard the dog's head is, but the repair of Fan Chang's fourth-level emperor can't hurt him. Minutes.

Of course, Fan Elder can't hurt the big yellow dog. It is not an easy thing for the big yellow dog to hurt the Fan Elder. After all, the third-level emperor and the fourth-level emperor have the most fundamental difference.

Although the Great Emperor is divided into nine levels, there are also high, medium and low points. The first-class emperor to the third-class emperor belong to the lower level, the fourth-level emperor to the sixth-level emperor belong to the intermediate level, and the seventh-level emperor to the ninth-level emperor belong to the advanced level.

The leap from the third-level emperor to the fourth-level emperor is equivalent to a leap from low-level to high-level, and the gap is also conceivable.

Therefore, the rhubarb dog can easily kill the third-class emperor, but it is extremely difficult to kill the fourth-class emperor.

Of course, with the current strength of the rhubarb dog, it is no problem to tie the four-level emperor like Fan Chang, that is to say, as long as there is a big yellow dog, it is almost impossible for Fan Elder to kill Jiang Chen. .

Unless there is a powerful five-level emperor, otherwise, it is no good for Fan Elder to come.

Above the sky, Fan Elder and the big yellow dog are intertwined, and they continue to collide and kill. The fire is splashing, and there are huge black holes in the void. The horrible waves are constantly ejected from the inside, making the whole genius overhead. It seems like a world end.

The people of the Dagan Empire looked silly. Such wonderful battle scenes have never been seen in their lives. Everyone has been shocked by the birth of the big yellow dog.

"It’s too fierce, it’s too fierce. This dog is going to be against the sky. There is no way for the four emperors to take him.”

"One more than a pervert, Xianting in the hands of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, has never seemed to make any cheap."

"Yes, they have died a lot of geniuses and elders. Just now they were killed by a big yellow dog. The loss can be said to be heavy. If Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog grow up in an unrestricted way, Xian Ting is afraid of revenge. There are no opportunities, and even a huge crisis."

"It is not without this possibility. The dust created by Jiang Chen is too much. When he first entered the genius, he was just a small person, a foreign disciple. Who can think of how long it has been, he has already Growing to this level, several times to save the big empire in distress."


The people of the Dagan Empire were all embarrassed. When Jiang Chen had just been swayed by Yang Bufan to the genius, who could have imagined that the unknown disciple would have such a great achievement in such a broken time.

The fierce battle is still going on. The big yellow dog and the fan elder have been fiercely fighting for half an hour, and there is still no victory or defeat. But at this time, Fan Elder has some performances of subsequent success, while the big yellow dog is more and more brave. The momentum is stronger than at the beginning.

If you follow this battle, Fan Elder may not be the opponent of the big yellow dog.

"How can this dog be so horrible, so it is not a way to fight down. We are here to kill Jiang Chen. Now Fan Elder is blocked by a dog. Jiang Chen does not know where to go. We also lost a third-class emperor. ""

The intuitive second-class emperor said in a very depressed mouth.

"It seems that we have to do something."

Another person said openly.

"What are you going to do?"

The man asked.

"Now Fan is entangled in the big yellow dog, Jiang Chen hides, we may wish to take the people of the Dagan Empire and force Jiang Chen to force it out."

"Not very good, we are the people of Xianting after all, representing the face of Xianting. Isn't this appropriate?"

"Now I can't manage that much. I have to kill Jiang Chen today, and I can't give him another chance to grow up."

After the two second-level emperors discussed it, they decided to take the shots of the Dagan Empire. Although this would damage the reputation and image of Xianting, they had no other choice in order to force Jiang Chen out.

"Jiang Chen, you will not come out again, we will have to shoot the people of the Dagan Empire."

A second-level emperor shouted loudly.

"Mom, the emperor of Xianting is too shameless, and used us to force Jiang Chen."

Some people immediately yelled, and Xianting was so arrogant that it was really irritating.

"It seems that Jiang Chen is ironic and does not want to come out. In this case, the Emperor personally shot and killed the emperor of the Dagan Empire."

The second-level emperor showed a hot color on his face. His gaze instantly locked Yang Yu, and he did not give Yang Yu any chance to react. The horrible big hand grabbed it directly.

"not good."

Yang Yu had a bad voice, his face turned pale and inconspicuous. Under the pressure of a second-class emperor, he couldn’t even move his body. The other side’s breath alone was enough to completely control him.

That is an irreparable gap. Yang Yu is almost certain that as long as the big hand is oppressed, he will die, and there will be no chance of surviving.


Just when Yang Yu had fallen into despair, an explosion suddenly sounded and everyone saw that Jiang Chen appeared.

The horrible blood-colored dragon claws collided accurately into the big hand that the second-level emperor evolved.

The palm of the hand that had a strong attack power, under the attack of Jiang Chen, was completely vulnerable and destroyed by the destruction of the ancients.

[It’s too busy, it’s too late to get out of the house and get out of the chapter. Today’s one is even more. Counting the two of the day before yesterday, I owe everyone three. 】

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