Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2009: Five-level emperor appeared


The second-level emperor who was shot was affected by powerful energy, and the whole person stepped back after a dozen steps to barely stabilize himself.


The second-level emperor wowed a spurt of blood, his face turned pale and inconspicuous, and it was ugly to see the extreme. He looked up at Jiang Chen and his eyes were full of horror.

"It’s Jiang Chen, my God, it’s only half an hour before, and his cultivation is tyrannical.”

"Semi-Emperor, Jiang Chen was promoted to the semi-empire. This kind of promotion speed is too much against the sky."

"It's too powerful. Jiang Chen is simply the embodiment of a miracle. It has been creating miracles for a long time. Now Jiang Chen has been promoted to the semi-emperor. These two second-class emperors are not opponents of Jiang Chen."


The people of the Dagan Empire were once again excited. Jiang Chen just killed the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It took less than half an hour to complete. Jiang Chen’s cultivation has become a semi-emperor, so non-human advancement speed, If you don't see it with your own eyes, they won't believe it if they kill them.

"Look, the smoke girl has also advanced to the emperor."

"Yes, the girl is the reincarnation of the nine-yin female emperor, and the existence of a level in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It is not unexpected to be promoted to the emperor."

"It is a blessing for us to make a big empire to meet Jiang Chen and the smoke girl."


The people of the dynasty empire after the robbery, all the Jiang Chen and the smoke and the morning rain are all gods. In the hearts of all the big empire, the status of Jiang Chen and the smoke and the morning rain is beyond tolerance.

Yang Yu secretly squeezed a cold sweat, and looked at Jiang Chen’s eyes full of endless gratitude. The situation just now was too dangerous. If it wasn’t for Jiang Chen’s sudden appearance, he would almost die, and now he only feels that he was in the gate. After a round trip, I still have a lingering moment.

"You two don't want to shoot Jiang Chen. This kid has become a semi-emperor. You are not an opponent."

Seeing the appearance of Jiang Chen, Fan, who was fighting against the big yellow dog, quickly reminded him loudly.

At this time, the words reminded that it was the most correct choice made by the elder Fan. The situation in front of him was already very obvious. After Jiang Chen was promoted to the semi-emperor, it was simply unable to confront the existence. At least not the two second-level emperors could fight. The two second-level emperors had to rush to kill Jiang Chen, and the final outcome could only be killed by Jiang Chen.

This is beyond doubt.

At this moment, Fan’s face is also extremely ugly. He took the initiative to kill Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog. He thought it was a matter of stability, but when he thought of a change, these two guys were more than a horror, even if they were themselves. I can't even deal with a dog.

Fan’s hand appeared a charm, and he was crushed in an instant.

It was a messenger, and Fan Elder began to ask for help from the more terrifying masters of the fairy world. At this time, the only thing he could do was to ask for help. The fourth-level emperor had no use at all, and could not cause the slightest impact on Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog. Impact.

"Jiang Chen Brothers, the elders of Xianting began to call for more powerful masters. You and Dahuang hurriedly left here."

Yang Yu quickly said that he can fully predict the situation today. The grievance between Xianting and Jiang Chen is too deep. It is hard to know that Jiang Chen appears. Xianting will never let go of this killing. The opportunity, after all, the speed of Jiang Chen’s growth is too fast. If it can’t be killed as soon as possible, the future will definitely be endless.

Even the current Jiang Chen has become a scourge.

In Yang Yu's view, although Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog are horrible, after all, they are the semi-emperor and the second-level demon. This kind of strength is not enough for the entire Xianting. If you are a great emperor, Jiang Chen is afraid that he will not be able to go.

"The emperor does not have to worry, my grievances with Xianting will be solved sooner or later. If I am gone now, Xianting will definitely anger the Dagan empire. At that time, it is very likely to use the Dagan empire to threaten me like the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It’s better to make a break."

Jiang Chen said that he had not worried that Xianting would shoot the Dagan Empire. After all, Xianting was also going to face, but the emperor who had just killed the Dagan Empire had already let Jiang Chen understand. Xianting will kill his own determination.

In order to get rid of himself, Xianting is likely to ignore his own majesty and face. In that case, the Dagan Empire will suffer for its own reasons, which is not what Jiang Chen wants to see.

Instead of doing this, I don’t want to make a knot together today. I will definitely have more powerful characters in Xianting. Jiang Chen doesn’t know how to deal with it, but he uses the big celestial technique to calculate it. He knows that there is still a big turnaround today, so he Simply take advantage of this opportunity to make a decision with Xian Ting, regardless of the final result, at least to open yourself and the big empire.

Now that the Northern and Southern Dynasties have died, the North and South families have been concealed since then. As long as Xianting does not take the shot, the Dagan Empire is unique in the East Xuan domain and there is no danger.

"Little dust."

Yang Bufan came to Jiang Chen, and he wanted to say something, but he was stopped by Jiang Chen: "No need to say more, I have already made a decision. You and my brother have one, and there is no need for a guest."


Yang Bufan sighed and stopped talking. He knew too much about Jiang Chen’s personality. Since he was ready, Jiang Chen would not change.

Yang Bufan knows that everyone in the Dagan Empire knows that Jiang Chen can choose to leave at this time, but he did not leave. All this is for the Dagan Empire.

Yang Bufan feels that he can make such a brother in his life, worth it!

Not long after, the sky above the genius, a figure appeared like a breeze, the comer is an old man, looks like 60 years old, black beard is very long, drifting in the wind, wearing a white, quite a road The feeling of the bone fairy.

After the appearance of the old man, the entire genius of the people felt strong pressure, and countless eyes looked at the past and fell on the old man.

"Five-level emperor."

Jiang Chen secretly said that this old man is not a simple character at first glance. It is actually a level of existence with the scenery Yang, reaching the master of this level, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog are completely unable to fight.

"The five great emperors are coming. I don't know what to do next?"

"Hey! It’s awkward, offending Xianting, it’s really noisy, there are too many emperors in Xianting."

"I hope that Jiang Chen can make a good fight."


The emergence of the five-level emperor has caused people to worry, and the situation has become tense again and again.

Seeing the arrival of the old man, Fan Elder immediately opened the big yellow dog and came to the old man.

[Today's three more]

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