Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2010: Hot temper

"Wu elder, this dog is too powerful, has killed us a three-level emperor, even I am not an opponent, I have to ask Wu elders to personally come forward."

Fan Elder said with a fist, saying that he is not an opponent, his old face can not help but red, saying that going out is a very shameful thing, but there is no way to shame, because this is a fact.

"Well, I already know."

Wu elders nodded and looked rather dull. His name was Wu Yuanyang. He had a great reputation in Xianting, and he was not able to climb high.

Wu Yuanyang's eyes looked at the big yellow dog and Jiang Chen, his eyes were a bit cold, and he almost did not hide his murder.

"Jiang Chen, you are going to follow me, go to Xianting to accept punishment, this seat does not want to shoot."

Wu Yuanyang said faintly, he is condescending, and the above-mentioned person judges the sentient beings. In his opinion, he appeared. The fate of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog is completely in his hands. There is no room for resistance. It’s a great honor for Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog to come out personally.

After listening to Wu Yuanyang's words, Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh.

"Boy, what are you laughing at?"

Wu Yuanyang looked at Jiang Chen.

"I laughed that your sense of superiority is too strong. You Xianting always put yourself in the top, not to be embarrassed, but in the eyes of Jiang Chen, you are nothing, my Jiang Chen and your grudges started from the gold killing field. But at that time, your genius wants to kill me. Isn't it still not allowed me to resist? Is it only that the lives of your people in Xianting are life, and the life of Jiang Chen is not a life. There is no such thing as looking at the fairy world. You must kill me, I Naturally, I have to resist. If you kill me, I will be killed by me. It can only show that your strength is not good."

Jiang Chen said loudly that even if he faced the five-level emperor, he still had no fear.

"Kid, this seat is not to listen to your arguments and nonsense, this seat does not like people who bargain, I will give you the last chance, is to choose to go to Xianting with this seat to accept punishment, or die in this seat immediately In your hand, do you choose?"

Wu Yuanyang said incomparably strong, repairing to reach his level, the strength is almost a sign, in his identity, even disdain to deal with a half of the emperor, if it is not Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog is too tricky, he will appear here .

"Choice? There is nothing to choose from. The life of Jiang Chen must control my own hands. I will never let you be at the mercy of Xian Xian. Even if you are a five-level emperor, I will fight for it."

Jiang Chen's tone is very dull, but it has an unassailable decision. Xianting wants to manipulate and control the fate of Jiang Chen, which is a wrong idea.

"Kid, since you are toasting and not eating fine wine, then this seat is not welcome."

Wu Yuanyang didn't want to waste his tongue. The violent anger was released from the body. He carried the strong power of the Emperor. He suddenly found a big hand. The huge palm immediately turned into a peerless cage and shrouded toward Jiang Chen.

This is the prisoner issued by the fifth-level emperor. Even the void is filled with prisoners, let alone Jiang Chen, a half-emperor.

That is an unparalleled power. With the current strength of Jiang Chen, even if the state of the dragon is changed, it will not be able to withstand it.


At this moment, a big hand appeared again in the void, and the red-golden hand was unbiased, just hitting the prisoner that Wu Yuanyang evolved, and completely destroying the prison.

When he saw it, Jiang Chen was relieved. He used to use the big machine to calculate, and already knew that there would be a turnaround today, so he chose to fight against Wu Yuanyang.


Wu Yuanyang shouted, his expression changed slightly, and he could appear silently here, and with a move to destroy his own attack, the comer knew that it was a powerful character.

"Wu Yuanyang, do you want to sanction my apprentice, have you consulted with me?"

A sound wave like the Hong Zhong sounded from the inside of the void, and then a tall and mighty middle-aged man walked out like a leisurely walk. In the blink of an eye, Jiang Chen arrived recently.

No matter whether it is from the spirit or the momentum, it is not weaker than Wu Yuanyang, and even more powerful than Wu Yuanyang.


Seeing the coming, Jiang Chen quickly clenched his fists, and the visitors were not others. It was the main scenery of Longtangtang.


The scenery nodded, and Jiang Chen came alone. He was not at ease because he had already learned the grudges between Jiang Chen and the three emperors. It was decided that Xian Ting would take the shot, so he rushed over, just happened. When I met Wu Yuanyang to kill Jiang Chen, it was natural to take the scenery of his scenery to protect the scorpion.

"Who is this? It seems to be the master of Jiang Chen, too powerful, and a powerful five-level emperor."

"Grandma's, more and more masters, I have never seen so many masters in my life."

"It is no wonder that Jiang Chen chose to stay, even the five-level emperor did not care. It turned out that he had such a big backing. I really don't know where Jiang Chen went during this time."


Seeing the appearance of the scenery Yang, the people of the Dagan Empire could not help but be shocked again. At the same time of shock, the heart was relieved. Jiang Chen had such a strong backer and helper. Xianting wanted to kill him again. It is extremely difficult to change.

"Scenery Yang, this is the grudge between us Xianting and Jiang Chen. I advise you not to participate in it."

Wu Yuanyang said that the scenery is not a good person. The hot temper of this guy is famous in the whole fairyland. Even if it is the same level, no one will be willing to provoke the scenery.

"Participation? Jiang Chen is the apprentice of my scenery Yang. It is a genius disciple of Fengchi Xianting Longtang. If you want to sanction, you will be sanctioned. Who will give you the right, don’t you put us in the eye? ?"

The scenery is cold and screaming. He is standing here today. If someone else hurts Jiang Chen, then he will not have to be a dragon, but he will not need it.

"Scenery Yang, are you sure that you want to be a Jiang Chen, is it unpleasant to our three fairy courts?"

Wu Yuanyang said that he had joined the Fengchi Xianting, but he did not think that Jiang Chen had received such great attention. Even the scenery Yang had to come out to protect him.

Wu Yuanyang wants to shoot directly, but he knows that the scenery is not so good to deal with, even if the two of them together, it is good to be able to confront the scenery.

"What's not pleasant? Tell you Wu Yuanyang, who dares to touch my apprentice, who is fascinating, and I kill him."

The scenery of the yang looks shocked, domineering, and the temper is coming up immediately.

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