Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2011: One enemy three

"The grass is arrogant, and the dust of Jiang Chen is really hot."

"Haha, and the original Xiao forget the predecessors like the cow fork, the original Jiang Chen joined the Xianting of the Fengchi Xianyu, this is a big backing, today he has this master, Wu Yuanyang wants to kill Jiang Chen, I am afraid of thousands of difficulties It’s hard.”

"Look, there is a windy ride on Xianting as a backing. Jiang Chen is not so good to kill. We don't need to worry at all. It is good to stand here and watch the show."


The strong cross-cut of the landscape Yang lights up the eyes of the people of the Great Dry Empire, which is too strong.

What kind of masters are there, what kind of masters are there? Now that such a strong master has come forward to protect, it is more difficult for anyone who wants to move Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen, standing next to the scenic sun, is also straightforward. This is the first time he saw the strong landscape Yang. He has to say that Jiang Chen is very fond of this character.

Moreover, today's scenery Yang can stand up and protect itself at such a critical moment, which makes Jiang Chen deep in the heart is still full of endless gratitude, just from this point is enough to show that the scenery Yang really regards him as his own.

"Scenery Yang, you have a big tone, if we kill Jiang Dust today, can you stop it?"

At this time, there were tyrannical waves coming out of the sky, almost no imagination, and a powerful master came.

There are seven or eight figures appearing out of thin air. These seven or eight people are obviously divided into two camps. There are two five-level emperors.

"Mr. Luo Qingting, Huang Qingzhong, Guangming Xianyu Li Xiangyun, so many of you have joined forces to bully my apprentice, but also to face?"

The scenery Yang Yangguang looked at the presenter, did not say good, but even if the other party appeared three five-level emperor, the face of the scenery Yang, there is still no fear of the color, the world can make him fear, there is not much .

"Mother's, the masters of Luo Xianxian and Guangming Xianting also came. They have to set the river to death, so many masters of the great emperor, this situation is difficult to control."

"Since the creation of our genius house, there have never been so many masters. Today's scene is enough to count into the annals of the Dagan Empire."

"There are too many masters, they are all coming for Jiang Chen. I don't know how to deal with the scenery."


Some of the situations that had just eased, with the arrival of Luo Xianting and Guangming Xianting masters, immediately became extremely tense. I was worried that once again, people’s minds are coming to an end. Today is destined to be an unprecedented drama. What will happen next? No one has dared to predict.

Because from the perspective of the current situation, what can happen next, and even more experts may appear.

With so many emperors, it is difficult to see one on weekdays. Now, the emergence of the great masters has made them feel numb.

"Landscape Yang, Jiang Chen must die today, and our three emperors join hands, no one can save him."

After Li Xiangyun appeared, it was extremely powerful.

Although Huang Qingzhong on the side did not speak, but the tough attitude has already indicated everything. This time, the trip to the Fairy Island, the people they sent out did not return, these are related to Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen is hiding in the Fengchi Xianting, they may not have a solution. After all, even if they are even more powerful, they will not be able to go to Fengshang Xianting to ask for a person.

It happened that Jiang Chen appeared in the East Xuan domain at this time. He also made a duel with the Southern and Northern Dynasties. It is difficult for people to know that it is difficult for them. For the three major forces, this is a great opportunity to kill Jiang Chen. They have no reason to miss it. Also will never miss it.

"Jokes, there is a seat in this, no one can hurt Jiang Chen, you three may wish to join hands to try."

The scenery is masculine and unparalleled. This is a fierce madman. Looking at him, he can start playing without a word.

Taking an enemy three, this makes Jiang Chen think of the scene of Xiao forgetting against Li Wangye. The history is always strikingly similar, but the characters appearing are completely different.

The original Xiao forgetting and Li Wangye were only half-empire, and the scenery in front of them was far from being comparable.

"Scenery Yang, do you really want to fight?"

Huang Qingzhong said sharply.

"War in battle, I am afraid that you will not succeed."

The powerful air and waves instantly spewed out of the landscape and carried the boundless violent war. It seems that even if it is an enemy, the scenery Yang will not be afraid.

"Then let me see the legendary landscape, how strong is it."

Li Xiangyun is also a temperamental generation, savage and violent, killing the past toward the scenery.

On the other side, Huang Qingzhong and Wu Yuanyang also took the shot, and the three men joined forces to kill the landscape from three different directions.

The so-called human name tree shadow, the scenery Yang name Yang Xianjie, no one knows no one knows, three people even the scenery Yang is not good to deal with, so come up and choose three to play one, their purpose is very simple, just thinking fast End the battle, kill the Jiang dust, and get rid of the scourge.

"With an enemy three, I am afraid of the scenery."

The scenery is violent and violent. He directly plays the magical image. Every influence is like a world. It carries the power of the world and collides with the three masters.


In the first collision, the void was completely ruined. The battles experienced here today are too many, and one is stronger than a strong one, so that there are countless huge cracks in the void above the genius house. It takes some days.

Countless gaze looks at the sky, and the scenery is yang with one enemy and three, and the tigers and tigers are playing, and there is no wind.

"The scenery is still quite powerful, so that one enemy and three will not fall."

The rhubarb dog is very embarrassed, and the side of the river dust is also a big gas head. He did not see the scenery and yang out, and did not think that the scenery Yang was so strong that it was so strong.

However, from the scenes of the combination of the three masters, we can also think of one or two. Li Xiangyun must know the tyranny of the scenery, so they did not hesitate to choose an enemy three, even the face is not.

The violent battle wave is layered on the first floor. The battle has just become fierce and fierce. It seems that the battle of four people wants to win and lose in a short time, which is almost impossible.

Although the scenery Yang can be an enemy three, but it is also an enemy three, making him lose the possibility of victory, at most can only be tied into a tie.

"You two are blocking the scenery, I am going to kill Jiang Chen."

Wu Yuanyang suddenly withdrew from the battlefield and shouted at Li Xiangyun and Huang Qingzhong, and immediately killed Jiang Chen.

Since it is impossible to defeat the scenic yang in a short time, it is necessary to vacate one person to kill Jiang Chen first, and the other two jointly fight against the scenery Yang. Although it may not be an opponent, it is still a problem without entanglement in the scenery.

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