Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2015: Also have to play [two more]

The atmosphere suddenly became very tense, everyone’s face was not good-looking, and the landscape was frowning. He did not expect that the determination of the three emperors to kill Jiang Chen actually reached such a determined degree. The attitude of the great emperor is not intended to give Tianpeng the emperor face.

In other words, if the three emperors decide to take the shot today, even if the Tianpeng demon is here, I am afraid that Jiang Dian will not be saved. After all, there are too many great emperors in the eyes. Once they are determined to kill Jiang Chen, they will simply Can't resist it.

Even if Tianpeng Demon Emperor is strong again, he can fight against two emperors at the same time. The remaining one finger can crush Jiang Chen, not to mention Wu Yuanyang's three powerful five-level emperors.

"Kid, it seems that today's scene is not good for the past."

The rhubarb dog said with some concern.

"Jiang Chen, if not, I will now send a letter to the Emperor of the Stars, let the Star Emperor come over, and there will be the shock of the Emperor and the Emperor Tianpeng. The three emperors will have to think about it."

The scenery Yang said.

"No, the master can rest assured that there will be nothing."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, his face has no waves, and he can't see any tension. He really doubts where his confidence comes from.

Jiang Chen can accept the goodwill of the scenery, but he can't accept the help of the Emperor. From the moment he stepped into the Xianting, it indicates that he and the Emperor are hostile. Jiang Chen will never accept it. The gift of the enemy, in that case, will make things behind him impossible.

In addition, Jiang Chen secretly calculated the operation of the big heaven machine, and calculated that there will be more turning around today, and there is absolutely no end to the end.

If the big heavenly machine shows the end of the road today, Jiang Chen will not waste time here. He will use the Zulong Tower to escape. With his current strength, if he uses the ancestral tower to escape, plus Tianpeng Emperor Help, even if the three emperors unite, they can't kill themselves.

However, Jiang Chen could not escape. He still had to wait for the turn in the calculation of the big heaven machine. The escape was the last helpless move, which would bring an embarrassment to the Dagan Empire.

Nowadays, the three emperors have personally appeared. It is obvious that the face has been abandoned by them. In this case, it is not impossible to use the Dagan Empire to threaten oneself, just like the former Northern and Southern Dynasties.

"Three, it seems that today is not going to give me the face of Tianpeng demon."

Tianpeng demon emperor's face sank, he lived in a life-long situation, there are too many scenes to play in a word, even if the three emperors, he still dare to fight.

"Tianpeng demon emperor, the three of us have appeared together, it is already giving you the biggest face. Today, if you want to take Jiang Mo safely, it is absolutely impossible."

The Emperor said that the attitude is as tough as the other two emperors. In order to kill Jiang Chen, they will never give in.

"Hey! It seems that my Tianpeng demon wants to help you adjust your grievances. You don't appreciate it, but my brother, Tianpeng, is not the one who wants to kill. I will take Jiang Chen today. I'm afraid even if you guys join forces, you can't stop me."

The Tianpeng demon emperor screamed, and the momentum of the six-level demon emperor was completely released, and there was quite a disappointment to start the game.

"You are right. With the strength of your Tianpeng demon, you want to take away one person. Even if we join forces, we can't stop you from going, but you took Jiang Chen away, and the big empire is today. I am going to suffer."

The Emperor of Light said with a cold smile.


As soon as this was said, an angry fire sprang from the body of Jiang Chen. He expected that Xianting would threaten himself with the Dagan Empire, but he did not expect that the bright emperor had no shame to this point and went straight up. The opening is threatening.

"Tangtang Xianting, even a small force to shoot, it is too shameless."

Tianpeng demon is also very angry.

According to his initial plan, he really thought that if the mediation was not completed, he would take Jiang Chen away, at least to keep Jiang Chen’s life.

But where did you think that the three emperors were shamelessly threatened with the Dagan Empire, and the Tianpeng demon was in contact with Jiang Chen, but he also knew about Jiang Chen’s being, from the day when Jiang Chen with Xiao Xiao’s feelings, Wan Fengtai It can be seen that this is a person who can insert a knife for a friend.

The most important thing for such a person is a feeling. If Jiang Chen’s own cause leads to the disaster of the Dagan Empire, Jiang Chen will die if he is dead.

"Tianpeng demon emperor said this is serious. The Dagan empire was originally the power of our control of Xianting. Now the Dagan empire is disrespectful to the Xianting, and it is necessary to slay the Xianting, and just one will be destroyed by the Dagan Empire. ""

The Emperor of the Sui Dynasty said in an understatement that one sentence can determine the fate of the Dagan Empire.


Jiang Chen couldn't help but snorted, but although the other party was shameless, there was nothing wrong with saying it. If you want to destroy the Dagan Empire, it will not affect the face of Xianting. Xianting can at least find one hundred reasons to make it big. The dry empire is raging.

And this consequence is brought by Jiang Chen to the Dagan Empire.

"Mother's, this Xianting is too shameful, and it is clear that we are going to threaten Jiang Chen with us."

"It’s too mean, Jiang Chen’s feelings are heavy and righteous, and I won’t leave us alone. Xianting is paying attention to this point, and now Jiang Chen is in a dilemma.”

"Oh, I didn't expect to get the field in today's step. One day, Peng Lei is not enough." Jiang Chen is likely to die here today."


The people of the Dagan Empire are incomparably angry, but they can only be angry underneath. In today’s scene, they can’t do anything but watch it, even if they are The old emperor, in the face of so many giants in the fairy world, did not qualify for speaking.

"Tianpeng demon emperor, our time is very precious, you still give Jiang Chen to us, the province is not happy between us."

The Emperor of the Light continued to say that there was already a forced posture.


A powerful demon moment erupted from the body of Tianpeng demon, it can be seen that Tianpeng demon emperor is really angry, unprecedented anger.

"Hey! You three don't think that Laozi is a good bully. My Tianpeng demon is here to talk to you and talk about it. You don't have any feelings. If that's the case, then fight it."

Tianpeng demon emperor is unparalleled, this is a real madman, fearless, since the verbal is useless, then you can only see the real chapter on hand, even if it is an enemy three, he is still fearless.

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