Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2016: Bailong Temple abbot [three more]

The violent turmoil began to roll over the entire genius house. On the other side, the faces of the three emperors also showed a touch of sorrow. Everyone’s body exudes a powerful momentum unique to the six emperors, and looks at them. Even if you want to fight with Tianpeng Demon, you will not let Jiang Chen.

Countless people are very incomparably difficult to look at, especially those in the Dagan Empire. They know very well that if these four people fight, the fluctuations, lethality and destructive power caused by them will be far from the previous scenery. The battle can be compared to it.

"Is it really necessary to fight? There is no room for relaxation."

Some people sigh, the situation is getting bigger and bigger, and at this time, I am afraid no one can control the situation.

"Everyone listens and kills Jiang Chen and the dog at all costs."

The Emperor of the Sui Dynasty issued an order, which was obviously issued to Wu Yuanyang. The three emperors mainly entangled and controlled the Tianpeng Emperor, so that the Tianpeng Emperor did not have a chance to help. In that case, Wu Yuanyang killed them. Killing the river dust will make it a breeze.


At this moment, an incomparably solemn voice suddenly sounded from the far air, and all the gaze looked toward the other side, and saw a golden light filled with a thousand miles, and was approaching rapidly toward this side.

Those golden lights are pure Buddha light. When they first appeared, they wiped out all the haze, making the air above the genius house a peaceful one.

Under the golden light bathing, the two sorghum figures emerged. These two sorghums are powerful characters. One of them is a young monk. It looks like a twenties, and his face is solemn, but the people of the Dagan Empire This monk is no stranger, because this little monk is not someone else, it is the hegemon.

"Look, isn't that the monk monk? How did this guy become the great?"

"Yes, it’s the monk monk. How can his progress be so fast, he can’t believe it."

"Who is the sorghum around him? It’s a powerful momentum. It doesn’t look like the difference between the three emperors. It’s not that the White Dragon Temple is the abbot.”


The two sorghums that suddenly appeared, immediately caught the attention of everyone. The sorghum of the Great Emperor level, almost no need to think about it, it must be the people of Bailong Temple, the White Dragon Temple of Xianjie, that is the representative of Buddhism.


Jiang Chen and Yan Chenyu and the big yellow dog immediately exclaimed after seeing the sorghum of the six-level Emperor level.

All three of them have eyes that are full of sorrows, and they can’t speak with horror.

Shocked, it was so shocking. It looked like a forty years old, a golden scorpion, and all of them were exuding the sorghum of pure Buddha light. Isn’t it the Qinglian ancestor or who?

At the beginning of the Sanyuan continent, Qinglian ancestors disappeared and disappeared. There was no news of him. I did not expect to meet here today.

What makes Jiang Chen even more horrified is that Qinglian’s ancestors did not appear, and it was such a big shock when they appeared. The six-level emperor is too strong.

Even the monks were promoted to the first-class emperor, which has to be said to be a miracle.

Almost no need to think, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog can guess, Qinglian ancestors must be the reincarnation of a supreme Buddha, or it will not reach such a powerful point, the monk can be promoted to the great emperor in such a short time, it is obviously also Qing The lotus ancestors are related.

After the tyrant saw Jiang Chen, his face suddenly showed the color of surprise. His body swayed and came directly to Jiang Chen.

"Monk, is this what is going on?"

Jiang Chen can't wait to know the answer, and today is really a surprise.

"It can be a long story, let me solve the problem first."

The monk smiled and sold Jiang Chen a pass, but the situation in front of him is really not suitable for saying this.

Jiang Chen is in a hurry. After the matter is resolved today, he must ask for it.

"Do you want to take care of the sorghum of the White Dragon Temple?"

The Emperor of Guangming looked at Qinglian's ancestors and said, Emei.

The Emperor and the Lord of the Emperor also had a heavy face. They could see that the reason why this sorghum appeared here is obviously to protect the river dust, and it is a purpose for the Emperor Tianpeng.

A Tianpeng demon may not care, but if they add Bailongsi, then they have no way to ignore it.

Bailong Temple is a special existential force in the fairyland. The peak of Buddhism exists. In the past, against the barbarians, the golden family and Buddhism made great contributions.

Therefore, the existence of Bailong Temple has always been respected by the world. Together with the deep-rooted Buddhism of the White Dragon Temple, Buddhism is also extremely powerful. It is a high-pitched cloud and even a powerful Buddha in the emperor. Even It’s Xianting, and I don’t dare to go through the White Dragon Temple.

"Amitabha, poor green lotus, has seen three emperors."

Qinglian's ancestors clasped their hands together and looked upright.

"Qing Lian? Are you Qinglian ancestors?"

The Emperor’s face was amazed.

"It is just barren."

Qinglian ancestors.

"Is Qinglian ancestor not seated? It is a character who exists longer than us."

The Emperor of the Light is also surprised.

"Yes, he didn't lie. He is really the ancestor of Qinglong, the abbot of Bailong Temple. I have the impression that I once had a relationship with this monk, but at that time I was still a small person, he is already a good man. Gao Hao, I did not expect him to die, or to return."

The Lord of the Emperor said that he felt the breath of Qinglian's ancestors.

Qinglian's ancestor was the abbot of Bailong Temple. He was also a famous figure in the past, but he was in the era after the great catastrophe, so even the big yellow dog has never seen Qinglian ancestors.

But for the three emperors, the reputation of Qinglian's ancestors can be great, and the abbot of the Tanglong Bailong Temple will not know.

“The master doesn’t know why?”

The Emperor of the Sui asked the opening.

"Daddy is coming for an old friend. This Jiang Chen is a friend of the oldest, and asks the three to exalt your hands. If you continue to fight, if you continue, it will be of no benefit to you."

Qinglian's ancestors clearly expressed their intentions.

"Brother, you can, when the abbots of the White Dragon Temple have been handed over."

Tianpeng demon emperor has a thumbs up against Jiang Chen, his own demon island, plus Bailong Temple, and the background of Feng Chi Xian Yu in the back. If the three emperors are to take a strong shot, it is necessary to consider The consequences, we must know that the Xianjie Nine Great Xianting, there has never been any one who dares to be unhappy with the White Dragon Temple.

The scenery Yang on the side couldn't help but shook his head. It seems that this apprentice of his own, Shentong is more extensive than himself. A Tianpeng demon emperor, a Qinglian ancestor, and two giants of the immortal world have come forward to protect him. In front of the big man, the scenery Yang seems to be weaker.

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