Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2022: Xiaofeng Chijie [four more]

"Yes, the Emperor let me hand this magical symbol to you. With this charm, you can find what you want with a little wind."

Han Feng took out a golden charm, the charm has a slap size, and there is a pattern on it. The pattern is not very clear, but if you look closely, you can see that it is an ancient elephant, and it is quite powerful and powerful. .

"Well, let the Emperor rest assured that I must bring things out to him."

Jiang Chen took the charm and then collected it. He knew the importance of this charm. If he didn't have this charm, even if he entered the Xiaofeng Chi, he would not find the ancient blood.

The ancient elephant blood must have been deeply hidden by the Emperor. Otherwise, the stars will not be found for so many years.

In other words, even if Jiang Dian can't find anything, Jiang Chen can't find it, so the key to this charm can be imagined.

"Okay, then I am gone."

Han Feng hugged his fist against Jiang Chen, and then his body disappeared.

"It seems that the real good show is about to begin."

The rhubarb dog laughed.

"The things that belong to Anan, we must help him to take it back. In the future, this is the base camp for us."

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a hint of lightness. He believed that this day, Nangong asked Tian to wait for a long time.

The third day!

Early in the morning, the genius disciples of the young generation of Xianting gathered on a hill. This mountain has no one to live in. It belongs to a barren hill. It is said to be the gateway to connect Xiaofeng.

At the moment, there are at least two thousand disciples gathered on this mountain.

Xian Ting's genius disciples are not just so many, but entering the Xiaofeng Chi is voluntary. Not everyone is willing to go, and some people are not in Xianting now.

There is also a genius like Yu Huafan, and there is no interest in Xiaofeng Chijie, because they are not once or twice in the small wind.

The genius disciple is divided into several camps, and Jiang Chen naturally stands with the people of Longtang.

Longtan disciples were originally few, but more united. This time, according to the arrangements of the scenery Yang, in addition to Yu Huafan, others followed Jiang Chen into the Xiaofeng Chijie.

In the vicinity of Jiang Chen, Hung Hom, Yu Feng, Broken Blade and others followed, but Jiang Chen was in the most central position. It can be seen that although Jiang Chen entered the Longtang at the latest, his status is already very High, at least this time into the Xiaofeng Chijie, Yu Feng and Hung Hom are willing to let Jiang Chen lead the team.

On the other side of the Leopard Hall, a young man wearing a black armor, holding a black sword in his hand, looks like no blade, but if someone feels that there is no blade, there will be no strong killing. If you force, then it is absolutely a big mistake.

This young man wearing a black armor has been extremely tyrannical and has reached the level of the second-class emperor. Seeing the momentum, it is only a little worse than the feathers.

"His name is Black Sand, the master of Leopard Hall. The method is extremely fierce. Like the master, he has not participated in the practice of Xiaofeng, and he did not expect to participate this time."

The broken blade said.

"How do I think this guy seems to have a purpose in participating in Xiaofeng Chijie?"

Yu Feng Emei.

"The fools have seen it, and I still use you to say that Leopard Hall is definitely worried about the last time Jiang Shidi’s affairs, so this time let Blacksha participate in Xiaofeng’s experience in order to kill Jiang’s younger brother, Xiao Fengchi. The world opened for two days, and there are powerful demons inside. Every time someone is dead, he must take this opportunity to kill Jiang Shidi, shameless."

Hung Hom said with no anger, she is a straight-sex person, most hate this kind of pie-style.

"He's better not to mess with me."

Jiang Chen said faintly, if in the past, people like Shasha, he might still care, but now, he has not put black sand in his eyes, this black sand does not come to provoke himself, if it really comes to provoke Self, Jiang Chen shot, but never polite.

Moreover, he did not have any good feelings for the people of Leopard Hall. The owner of Leopard Hall must have stood in a camp with Xingdi. Jiang Chen may have to live and die.

"Master, that is Jiang Chen. Recently, the limelight is very prosperous. I also bowed with Tianpeng Emperor."

Leopard Hall whispered, looking at Jiang Chen.

"One and a half imperials, what is so good, this time I personally went out, it is bound to let him stay in the small winds, even if there is a relationship with the Tianpeng Emperor, what is the use."

Black sand said contemptuously, and did not put Jiang Chen in his eyes.

Black sand has a proud capital. After all, it is a young second-class emperor. Unfortunately, he has not seen the means of Jiang Chen. Otherwise, I am afraid I will not stand here to say such things.

Jiang Chen greeted the black sand, and his mouth overflowed with a disdainful smile.

All the disciples are waiting, waiting for the opening of the small wind.

In a short time, a figure descends from the sky, and the person who comes is not someone else. It is the scenery.

With the arrival of the scenery Yang, the scene immediately calmed down, and the scenery Yang was in a high position in Xianting, so this time he opened the Xiaofeng Chijie and he came.

I saw a lot of symbols in the hands of the scenery Yang. This symbol looks like it is not small. It is branded with complicated runes. The violent energy is washed out from the landscape and filled into the symbol.

For a time, the glory of the glory was merged into the void and turned into an illusory portal.

Through the portal, you can feel the embarrassing atmosphere inside.

"Everyone listens, Xiaofeng Chijie only opens two days. After two days, I will open the portal again. The opening time is ten minutes. You must come out within ten minutes. Otherwise, you will stay in the first half. There were once disciples who did not listen to advice, did not come out, and finally died."

The scenery Yang said loudly.

"Okay, go in."

The scenery Yang has a big hand, and the portal has increased by three or four feet.

"Go, this time I have to get great benefits in the small winds, and hit the half-level."

Some people were very excited, the first one flew up and rushed into the portal.

Immediately afterwards, the speed of the figure was extremely fast, and they rushed toward the portal one by one. Soon, thousands of people flew in and entered the small winds through the portal.

"Jiang Shidi, this portal has limited opening time, let's take it in."

Hung Ho reminded.

Jiang Chen and the scenery Yang looked at each other and nodded secretly, then the body rushed into the portal.

Soon, all the disciples who participated in the experience went in, and the scenery Yang swayed, and the portal became a charm again, and he was collected.

"Can you make it, you can see Jiang Chen."

Scenery Yang said to the disappearing portal.

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