Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2023: Battle against black sand


In the small winds, the wind is whistling, there are violent hurricanes everywhere, and there are still a lot of black winds, magic winds, giving people a very bad feeling. When you enter here, you will feel a pressure. .

Xiaofeng Chijie itself is a very cruel and different space. It is like gold killing the domain. It should have experienced great killing and there are many relics.

In addition, there are many devils and ghosts. In such a dark environment, monsters and ghosts are still very suitable for survival.

However, although the environment is bad, but now it is the genius of Xianting. The lowest level is also the level of Xianzun, which has reached the point of Xianzun, and what is worse in the harsh environment.

In other words, the environment of Xiaofeng Chijie has no influence on the genius that Xianting came in to participate in the experience. If the environment here cannot be overcome, then there is no need to come in.

Xiaofeng Chi is a different space, and the scope is still very large. The disciples who have come in have gone to different directions. This kind of finding things is naturally done. Everyone gets benefits and thinks about it. It’s human nature to hide yourself in secret.

"Jiang Chen."

The people of Jiang Chen and Long Tang had just entered the Xiaofeng Chijie area and were shouted with a loud drink.

Jiang Chen saw that there were more than a dozen people in the Leopard Hall. At this moment, they were already in front of them. The one who led the leader was really a black sand. It was also a black sand just saying that he had called his name.

"Black sand, what are you doing at this time?"

Hung Hom said angrily.

"Red Dragonfly, it’s not your business. Jiang Chen used to sing the leopard hall for me, so that the Leopard Hall lost face and lost the land. The entire Xianting knew that Lu Jian was my person. He was a waste land builder. Don't give me the black sand face, I will pay for it today."

The black sand said coldly, one pair completely decided to look like Jiang Chen.

"The cost? I don't know what you want to pay for me."

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a slight smile, this black sand, he really did not put it in his eyes, but looking at the other side's battle, today is not going to have a good chat with himself.

"Jiang Chen, if you are interested, you will be self-destructive and become the same waste person as Lu Jian. This will be fairer, and I will kill you personally.

Black Sand said loudly, using the excuse to avenge Lu Jian, it is necessary to let Jiang Chen self-destruct.

"Black sand, you don't want to be too much. We haven't climbed the dragon hall yet. You don't think that the master is not coming, you can do whatever you want."

Hung Hom is extremely angry. For a long time, they have been bullying others. They have never dared to ride on the neck of their dragon hall to pee. Although the black sand is powerful, but wants to bully the dragon hall, it is also wrong. idea.

"Hey! Even if Yuhua is coming, I will kill Jiang Chen, don't forget, here is Xiaofeng Chijie, and death is white death."

The black sand snorted and saw that the black sand was already ironic to kill the river dust. This was also the purpose of the black sand to enter the small wind this time.


The broken blade wanted to talk, but it was stopped by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen walked forward two steps, not salty and said: "Black sand, I am not interested in this person, you want to kill me to revenge for Lu Jian, then do it yourself, but I want to remind you in advance, you are the most I am already mentally prepared, because once you shoot me, your ending will be worse than that of Lu Jian."

"Haha, Jiang Chen, you are too arrogant. Since you want to fight with me, then I will fulfill you."

Black Shahaha laughed, and Jiang Ding would not put Jiang Chen in his eyes. In his opinion, Jiang Chen is even more powerful, and it is only a semi-emperor. The strength of his second-level emperor is to kill one and a half, not yet. It’s the same, even if the other person is a genius, he is not a genius.

It is a pity that the black sand is too ignorant of Jiang Chen, and he does not know what happened when he was in the fairy island. He did not see the horror and means of Jiang Chen. He would not know the fear at all, nor did he know that he was working on it. Walking on the dead road.

"Come on."

Jiang Chen’s body flew up to the sky, and the explosive energy spurted out of the body. His body began to change and became a dragon.

"court death."

The darkness of the black sand face, the momentum of the second-level emperor was completely released, he came to the opposite side of the river dust, the black armor showed a gloomy gloom, and the breath emitted from the body was also extremely cold. It can be seen that this The practice of the guy's cultivation is also attributed to the chilly nature.

Like this kind of person with special attributes, Jiang Chen does not care more. The restraint on the attribute alone is enough to make the opponent unable to exert all the power. As a result, the ending of this battle can be imagined.

In fact, Jiang Chen, who was promoted to the semi-emperor level, even if there is no restraint on the property, the black sand is not the opponent of Jiang Chen at all. From the moment when Jiang Chen was promoted to the semi-emperor, the gap between the two has been completely opened. What's more, Jiang Chen is still in a state of change.

"This Jiang Chen is finished, and the black sand brother can kill him."

"That is of course, Jiang Chen does not know that the sky is high and thick, dare to challenge the black sand brother, this is a kind of behavior to find death, killing Jiang Chen, the face of our Panthers can also be recovered, and can also revenge for Lu Jian."

"Look, I guess Jiang Chen can't support three tricks in the hands of the black sand brother."


The people of Leopard Hall are incomparably confident in the black sand. They have a mocking sneer on their faces. This self-confidence is derived from the power of the black sand, not the weakness of Jiang Chen.

"Is Jiang Shidi?"

On the side of Longtang, some people asked with concern.

"Do you? Do you want to get rid of that? Did you forget that when Jiang Chen arrived at Longtang, he played a tie with me in the mid-term of Xianzun, and now he was promoted to the semi-emperor, than at that time? There are two levels in the foot. This is the most abnormal existence of our Longtang. Even the master is not necessarily his opponent. This black sand is going to kill Jiang Shidi, that is, he is looking for death."

Yu Feng’s face sneered, and there was no worry at all. He and Jiang Chen had a good hand and knew the power of Jiang Chen. He had already concluded that the black sand met Jiang Chen, and it was almost certain to die.

"Yes, this is the black sand that is looking for death, and it is no wonder others."

Hung Hom also nodded, not worried about Jiang Chen and Black Sand.

In the sky, the first move of the black sand, around his body, there are black waves everywhere, the black energy of horror forms a sea, under the control of the black sand, with an unparalleled strength, towards the dust of the river Rushing past.

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