Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2025: Haze sea

Jiang Chen has never doubted his own perception. The sharpness of the great refining spirit has never gone wrong. If it is a general space jitter, he will never have a slight emotional fluctuation.


Jiang Chen’s body swayed and came to the place where the space fluctuated. The power of the horrible soul rushed out of the body like a tidal wave. It was constantly sweeping around the void, but it was not found at all, but Jiang Chen absolutely did not believe that it was just a moment. Ingeniously, he never doubts.

There must be someone in the dark, and in the moment of perfection, the secret person is obviously paying attention to himself.

This kind of thing has made Jiang Chen have to put it in his heart, because this time he entered the Xiaofeng Chijie, the most powerful one is the black sand, and the role like the black sand can not make the slightest to himself. Danger, it is even more impossible to observe yourself secretly without being noticed by yourself.

Jiang Chen did not give up, continued to search for the secret mysterious existence, and ultimately ended in failure. It seems that the fluctuations just happened are only looking for fluctuations, but Jiang Chen is suspicious.

Since it can't be found, since the other party is not willing to take the initiative to show up, Jiang Chen is no longer wasting time here, but this matter has to be paid attention.


Subsequently, Jiang Chen put the five elements in the field, surrounded him in the five elements, and isolated from the outside world. With the isolation of the five elements, even a five-level emperor wanted to silently explore the situation of Jiang Chen in the field. If you can't do it, you will be aware of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s palm turned over, and the charm appeared in his hand. This is the charm that the Emperor of Heaven gave Han Feng to him. If he could find the ancient elephant blood, he would rely on this charm.


A **** thought was instilled into the spirit symbol by Jiang Chen, and the spirit symbol suddenly violently jumped in the hands of Jiang Chen, making a humming sound.

Subsequently, the magic symbol seems to be alive, the ancient elephant pattern disappeared, and a red line appeared. The line is like a fish, constantly rotating on the magic symbol, the speed is very fast.

Jiang Chen knows that this is the trace of the ancient symbol blood, and the red line above is used to find the direction.

After a minute, the red line stopped in one direction, and Jiang Chen did not hesitate to quickly fly away in the direction specified by the red line.

The speed of Jiang Chen is extremely fast, and the barren hills below are constantly passing. He stepped out every step of the way, and they all shrink into size.


Suddenly, an earth-shattering roar rang from the front, and a black swell appeared out of thin air. A huge black hole appeared directly in the place 30 feet away from Jiang Chen.

However, if you look closely, it is not difficult to find that it is not a black hole at all, but a big mouth of a demon.

In the Xiaofeng Chijie, the demon is rampant, and the demon that appears in the front has already possessed the cultivation of the first-class emperor. After discovering a human being of a semi-emperor level, he directly launched an attack and opened the **** mouth. He wanted to The other party swallowed it.

Unfortunately, this demon is really unfortunate, and came up with Jiang Chen, this extremely abnormal guy.

In the face of this monster's huge mouth, Jiang Chenlian's speed did not weaken, Tianshengjian appeared in the hands of the home, his whole person is like a meteor, a bang into the big mouth of the demon.


Jiang Chen’s attack, the life of the demon’s head was crushed and crushed. He struck out from the rear of the demon, and the demon was accompanied by a scream and scream, and the head burst completely.

Then, Jiang Chen did not care what the other party was. On the spot, he gave the ancestral tower a sacrifice. The ancestral tower was torn open, and the power of horror swallowed like a tidal wave. The behemoth was completely swallowed up by the Zulong Tower in the blink of an eye.

For Jiang Chen, the demon here is the absolute nourishment, a demon of the first-class emperor level, so that the 58th floor of the Jiangchen Zulong Tower directly condenses half of it, not only so, Jiang Chen itself directly condenses Ten thousand new dragon patterns came out, which made the number of dragons in his body reach 1.66 million, which was further from the real emperor.

Only need to condense 40,000 dragon patterns, the number of dragons can reach 1.7 million, and the repair of Jiang Chen can directly impact the real emperor.

"It seems that this time I am coming to a small wind, I need to set a new goal."

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a smile. The ultimate goal of the original Xiaofeng Chijie was the ancient elephant blood. Now, he must use the environmental problems of Xiaofeng to help him hit the rank of the Great.

As long as it hits the Great, Jiang Chen is promoted to a true higher level.

Moreover, according to Jiang Chen’s plan, when he was promoted to the Great Emperor, it would lead to extremely terrible catastrophe.

From the previous promotion of Xianzun to the semi-emperor, Jiang Chen has never ushered in the robbery. This is a very unusual thing in itself.

Jiang Chen can perceive that when he hits the great emperor, he will surely come to the robbery, and the power of the robbery will be terrible to an unimaginable level.

The so-called thick accumulation of hair, this time the robbery may have to accumulate, the Xianzun and the semi-emperor's catastrophe will be merged into the emperor to carry out together.

The legendary horror of the horror, Jiang Chen can not imagine how much can not be controlled, but Jiang Chen will never have a little fear, ferry, he wants to come is very experienced, and for the day robbery, Jiang Chen has long been Strong immunity, coupled with the powerful cheats of the ancestral tower, and the violent catastrophe, is nothing to say.

Moreover, under the impact of the catastrophe, Jiang Chen’s repair will directly impact the second-level emperor, and will not be ruined by the first-class emperor.

After easily killing a demon, Jiang Chen continued to move in the direction of the spirit.

About half an hour has elapsed. Jiang Chen has entered a mountainous area. Such a dynasty is everywhere in Xiaofeng, and it will not be noticed.

"According to the instructions on the spirit, the ancient elephant blood is hidden in the front."

Jiang Chen's scorpion shines, looking forward, there is a huge valley in front, the chilly atmosphere in the valley is very heavy, even if they are far apart, they can feel the coldness from inside.

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen flew over the valley, and the harsh environment could not affect Jiang Chen.

Soon, Jiang Chen went to the valley, and the whole valley was full of strong haze, the haze of the wind rolling back and forth, the environment was really bad to the extreme.

"The haze here is really powerful, with strong corrosiveness. Once invaded into the human body, even the human fairy can erode, but these things have no influence on me, but can be absorbed by the Zulong Tower. If the sacred sea of ​​Zulongta is completely absorbed, it can directly condense fifty-seven layers."

Jiang Chen dark road.

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