Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2026: 59 layers

In the vast valley, there is a strong sullen atmosphere floating everywhere. If the quality and the degree of richness are everywhere, the gloom of the place here is absolutely top-notch, which is enough to pose a serious threat to the masters of Xianzun.

The more senior the haze, the more Jiang Chen likes, because the higher the level, the greater the help for him. This is the same as the ancestral corpse of the ancestors. The demon, the greater the help to the ancestral tower, the more doubtful it is.

According to the instructions on the charm, the ancient elephant blood is in this valley, and Jiang Chen does not care so much. Simply use the brain to inhale these haze into the ancestral tower, help the ancestral tower to advance, if the ancient elephant blood is in If these hidden hazes are hidden, it is better to be directly inhaled into Zulong. Jiang Chen also saves trouble.

If the ancient elephant blood is inhaled into the Zulong Tower, Jiang Chen will certainly be able to detect it for the first time.


Without any hesitation and hesitation, Jiang Chen directly opened the portal of the Zulong Tower. The huge portal was turned into a black hole with a radius of ten feet. The power of horror swallowed from the inside of the Zulong Tower. Those who were originally inciting The gloom of the gloom, suddenly like a tidal wave, rushing toward the ancestral tower.

Crazy to absorb the sullen gas, this is itself a means of life, look at the entire fairy world, I am afraid that only Jiang Chen dare to do so.

Such a scene is too grand. If it is seen by outsiders, it will certainly be horrified, and even the soul is not attached.

Absorbing the haze in the entire valley is an incomparable project in itself, but there is a tyrannical tower in the vast project, and it will not waste too much time.

According to Jiang Chen’s estimation, the ancestral speed of the ancestral tower, for up to 20 minutes, can completely absorb the yin gas here, and with the energy conversion of these haze, Zu Long The fifty-ninth floor of the tower must be completely condensed, and Jiang Chen itself will get more benefits.


The movement of the ancestral tower madly devours the sullen gas, as if the Thunder are rolling.

Twenty minutes later, all the haze in the valley was completely refining and absorbed by the ancestral tower, and all the haze was transformed into pure energy.

As Jiang Chen expected, the ancestral tower not only completely condensed the fifty-eighth layer, but even the fifty-ninth layer was completely condensed. Next, it directly impacted the sixtieth layer.

The second transformation of the Zulong Tower is not far away. When the first thirty-three layers were completely condensed, Jiang Chen got a time space, thirty-three times the time to change, bringing Jiang Chen An excellent practice place.

According to the tips on the Zulong Tower, as long as the 66 layers are condensed, the Zulong Tower will be able to change for the second time, bringing more benefits to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen has been looking forward to the benefits of the 66th floor.

"Great, the fifty-ninth layer of the ancestral tower is completely condensed, and the pure energy that I absorbed from the ancestral tower helped me to gather 20,000 dragons, which made my fighting power more than before. Powerful, the Great Emperor is only a step away, and when I found the ancient elephant blood, I would find a way to hit the real realm of the Great Emperor in this small wind."

Jiang Chen’s face is smiling, the enemies he encounters are getting more and more powerful, the troubles are getting bigger and bigger, and the second catastrophe is coming soon. At this time, Jiang Chen urgently hopes to improve his cultivation soon. He has to improve himself at all costs, and only then can he cope with what will happen in the future.

Whether it is the Star Emperor, or the three major courts that are against them, or the upcoming second catastrophe, Jiang Chen must be fully prepared.

Feeling that his strength is constantly rising, Jiang Chen’s confidence is also more abundant.

Lost the cover of the haze, the face of the valley was completely revealed, and looking at it, this valley is really desolate to nowhere. There is a lake below that has dried up. I don’t know how many years, surrounded by black barren hills, above The stone walls are also full of scars that are corroded by the haze, as if the years of erosion, the overall gives a very desolate feeling.

Jiang Chen explored around and wanted to find traces of the ancient elephant blood, but there was no discovery in the circle.

However, Jiang Chen found many caves on the stone walls around the valley.

"It won't be hidden in these caves. It shouldn't be possible. Everything in the small winds should be searched by the Emperor. Although these caves are covered with haze, they can't stop the exploration of the Emperor. It seems that you still need a charm."

Jiang dark road.

His palm turned over and the charm appeared again. Jiang Chen once again instilled the gods into the charm.


The charm once again exhaled the humming sound and violently jumped.

The red line that had disappeared again appeared again. The red line violently rotated. The speed of rotation was much faster than that of the previous one. Jiang Chen could feel that every time the red line turns, the direction must specify a cave.

This discovery allowed Jiang Chen to directly see hope. He had reason to believe that the ancient elephant blood must be hidden inside a cave here.

The reason why the Star Emperor could not be found is probably because there is no magic symbol in his hand. If he wants to find the ancient blood, he must rely on this magic symbol. This is beyond doubt.

This is also the hidden means of the Emperor of Heaven. If this means is not available, the Emperor will not be the Emperor.

Moreover, Star Emperor is not able to determine what the Emperor will surely stay, and will not be sure that the Emperor will leave such an important ancient elephant blood intact, leaving such a big back hand.


Suddenly, the red line stopped, pointing to the direction of a cave. Jiang Chen raised his bright eyes and his body came to the cave.


At this place, the charm is more trembled, and the red line above is almost jumping out.

"It's here."

There is a surprise color on Jiang Chen’s face. The guideline of the charm will never go wrong. This cave looks completely different from other caves. It’s just ordinary, but it’s hard to attract people’s attention. If it’s not a magical hand, Jiang Chen will not find it at all.

Just as Jiang Chen was ready to step into the cave, there was another slight wave of vibration in the rear of the void. This kind of fluctuation is very subtle, especially in the valley that has just been ravaged by the ancestral tower. It is almost impossible to be noticed. However, it was captured by Jiang Chen with precision.

Jiang Chen suddenly turned around and still had nothing to gain, but Jiang Chen can be sure that there must be something in the dark, and he has been following himself. This kind of subtle volatility has been felt once before. Jiang Chen believes that this is definitely not an accident. .

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