Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2027: Mysterious barbarian


Jiang Chen snorted and then turned and walked toward the cave. No matter what existed in the dark, Jiang Chen would not be afraid. There is a self-defense device in the ancestral tower. He only needs to rely on the magic symbol to find the place where the ancient elephant is. The secret person will appear sooner or later.

However, the ancient elephant blood can not be delayed. If you look at the ancient elephant blood because of the mysterious existence in the dark, then you can't really find it.

Following the instructions of the spirit, Jiang Chen continued to fly deep into the cave. This cave is not big, but it is very long. I don't know where to extend it.

Jiang Chen walked for hundreds of miles and finally reached the end of the cave. Unfortunately, in front of Jiang Chen was a dark stone wall. The passage of the cave went to the end and there was no road in front.

Jiang Chen's face is unchanged. He knows that there must be a bit of a greasy one. If there is a huge space at the end of this passage, the ancient elephant blood will exist in it, but it will be abnormal.

Because if the ancient elephant blood is so simple to hide, I am afraid to find out by the means of the star emperor, and I will wait for him to find it.

At this moment, the spirits in Jiang Chen's hands automatically floated out, and the light above the magical symbols began to change into incomparably dark, and finally became the same color as the stone wall in front.

Jiang Chen pays close attention to the front, and sees the spirits rushing toward the stone wall, and finally merges with the above one that can't see the pattern clearly.


At the moment when the signatures on the stone and the stone wall coincided together, a bang suddenly sounded, and the stone wall in front disappeared suddenly. A portal, an illusory portal, filled with the power of space.

"There is a strange space connected here. The charm is the key to open the space. It is so secret. It is no wonder that the Emperor of the Stars can't find it. Anan is a good means."

Jiang Chen laughed, and as soon as he shook his body, he entered the portal directly.

Jiang Chen can guess that this space should be created by the Emperor of Heaven, and the ancient elephant blood must be in this space.

After entering the Void Portal, Jiang Chen Shen thought, and the disappearing magic symbol appeared again in his hands. At the same time, the illusory space portal began to close.


At the moment when the portal is about to close, a black shadow is like a ghost, and the speed is almost at its peak.

"Oh! I can’t help but finally."

Jiang Chen snorted, and he closed the portal as soon as possible, just to prevent the dark people from coming in. I didn't expect the speed of the other party to be so fast, and ultimately there was no defense.

The black man is fast, Jiang Chen is faster, and he is in front of the other side in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the other party is not hidden. Standing opposite Jiang Chen, is a man in black. It looks like twenty-seven years old. His body is filled with horror. His cultivation has reached horror. The third-level emperor, and the other party is very good at concealing, only Lian Jiangchen can not excavate him from the secret.

This space is not large, only a few dozen miles in size, surrounded by diffuse space, nothing, no land at all.

At this moment, Jiang Chen and the black man's gaze look at the sky at the same time, there is a crystal ball suspended in it, even if they are far apart, they can feel the strong breath from the crystal ball, old and strong.

In the crystal ball is outside, there is a glimpse of the illusory image of the ridiculous image, it seems that the difference is extremely extreme.

Obviously, inside the crystal ball, it is the ancient blood.

Jiang Chen and the black man came here this time in order to get the blood of this ancient elephant.

Jiang Chen’s gaze continued to look at the black man. At first he felt that the other person was a fairy, but after feeling the evil atmosphere of the other person, he denied the guess and the breath of the black man. Give him a very familiar feeling.


Jiang Chen’s eyes burst into two strange brilliances. He looked at the black man and said coldly: "You are a savage person."

Yes, the breath of the black man, the barbarism, the evil, the blood of the barbarians is very strong, Jiang Chen has been to the wild and ancient land, and the savage world, very familiar with their breath.

Seeing the other side at a glance recognized his identity, the black man's look was obviously a glimpse, obviously this situation is beyond his expectations.

"Can you see my identity?"

The black man asked, frowning.

"The hand of the savage world has already reached the Xianting."

Jiang Dust Road, where you can see the masters of the savage world, it is conceivable that the new catastrophe in the fairy world is really coming.

In front of this genius of the genius, the body is very different, good at hiding, so I have passed all the people, and even passed through the scenery, quietly, along with the Xianting disciples into the Xiaofeng Chijie.

"This is the blood of the wild elephants. The image is the orthodox blood of our barbarians. It does not belong to your immortal world. I am coming today, only to get back what belongs to our barbarians."

The black man looks at the crystal ball floating up and down, of course.

"Barbarians? Don't tarnish these two words. The blood of the ancient barbarians in ancient times has almost disappeared. You are arrogant, just evil savage. You are no different from the devil. What qualifications are there to bear the supremacy of the ancient elephants? Blood."

Jiang Chen looked sneer, it seems that the savage world has long hit the idea above the Fengchi Xianting, they know that there are **** wild elephants here, but they can't find them.

Now it seems that when he and the Emperor secretly discussed the countermeasures, the other party knew it.

This time, the small wind opened up. After the black man came in, he kept secretly following himself. He waited until the space opened to show up. It can be seen that the other party is a smart person, and on the other hand, himself It is used by the other party.

"Kid, you dare to insult us barbarians, you are looking for death."

The tone of the black man became extremely cold and instantly, and did not hide his strong murder.

"The person who really wants to die is not me, but you, want to take away the ancient elephant blood, it depends on whether you have such a skill."

Jiang Chen’s face is indifferent, and the genius master of the third-level emperor level. If it is the genius of Xianting, he may not be an opponent, but the other party is an evil barbarians. Jiang Chen’s means can restrain the other side’s death. The opponent can only play half of the strength, and this situation has been verified in the wild.

Therefore, Jiang Chen is not afraid of the other side. He is even excited inside. The evil spirit of a third-class emperor. If he kills himself and completely refines it, the Zulong Tower can not only condense two layers again, but also The repair will also directly impact the Emperor level.

[One will have a third more]

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