Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2028: Force three levels of the Emperor

In Jiang Chen’s heart, the arrival of this black man is to give himself benefits. He knows that he wants to attack Xiandi, so he ventures to prepare for himself.

"Oh... a small semi-emperor, dare to speak up in front of the emperor. In this case, the emperor will kill you first, and then take away the ancient elephant blood, may wish to tell you, as long as this ancient elephant blood is me Brought to the barbarians, the end of your fairy world."

The black man laughed twice and did not put Jiang Chen in his eyes. This is normal. After all, he is a three-level emperor, how to put one and a half emperors in his eyes.

"Unfortunately, you can never take away the ancient elephant blood, even you, you can't go out today."

Jiang Chendao, the violent energy rushed out of his body, showing the dragon to battle.

The black man said yes, the blood of the ancient elephants, like the blood of the gods in Zuo Linger, is extremely important for the barbarians. The difference is that the blood of the left **** is still constant. The cultivation can be of great use, but the blood of the wild elephant can be used directly.

As long as the black man really brings the blood back to the barbarian, the barbarian will have a real peak-level character, and it is very likely that he will directly surpass the level of the fairy. At that time, the evil will invade and the fairy world will be unable to resist.

"With the powerful transformation skills, you can't make up for the difference in repairing. In front of the Emperor, you only have to wait."

The black man said, the violent savage energy shocked out of his body, forming a storm, sweeping toward Jiang Chen, and for a time, the entire space was completely filled with this evil atmosphere, and it became A piece of Shura hell.

In the face of the black evil energy storm, Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a hint of faint smile. From the perspective of the opponent’s attacking power, it is indeed scary. Even if he is looking for a genius of the human third-level emperor, I am afraid it is difficult to confront.

It is a pity that this black man is on Jiang Chen, which is enough for the whole evil to be called a comet.


In the face of the opponent's energy attack, Jiang Chen's counterattack is very simple, up is a fire dragon seal.

Now, his fire dragon has five kinds of supreme flames, and after Jiang Chen came to Xiaofeng, he has successively added 30,000 dragons, which has improved his combat power and dealt with this black. Clothing people are even more difficult.


The dragon roared, and there was a sea of ​​fire in an instant.

At the moment when the fire dragon appeared, the black man exerted the vast energy storm, as if he had encountered a natural enemy, the momentum suddenly succumbed, and even the attack power fell by half. It was originally a flood beast and began to change. Be gentle.

In the blink of an eye, all the energy attacks of the black man were completely shattered by the fire dragon of Jiang Chen, and there was no residue left.


The black man exclaimed, his face has lost his first calmness, his eyes are full of horror, the horrible flame just looked at him most clearly, the kind of flame, the restraint on himself is too Big, that is a natural enemy, enough to restrain the origin of evil.

Under this extreme restraint, the black man can't play the most powerful strength, and he can only play half of his strength.

This kind of fighting style is the most grievous. Even if it is a supreme master, it will affect the mind. In the real duel, once the mind is affected, the consequences are undoubtedly very serious.

"Don't be surprised, my flames can kill you with sinful restraint. My existence is the nemesis of your entire savage world. I said, today you can't take the ancient blood, you can't even take it yourself. Life."

Jiang Chen said coldly, the power of the field suddenly spewed out of his body. The huge five-line field directly obscured the entire space, and even the black people shrouded it.

Since this black man is good at concealing, he must be good at escaping. Since he already knows the other's advantages, Jiang Chen naturally needs to be fully prepared and cannot give the other party any chance to escape.

At this moment, Jiang Chen has completely regarded the other party as a prey.

"Kid, this is not the capital that you can arrogate. Even if you can restrain me, you are only a half-emperor. The gap between the two is irreparable. Even if the Emperor can only exert half of his strength. So, you can kill you without any effort."

The man in black said coldly. After a brief surprise, he once again revealed his haze. He had reason to believe that even if he could only exert half of his strength, killing one and a half of the emperor would be easy. thing.

"You have a lot of nonsense."

Jiang Chen screamed and came up again to fire the dragon seal. This time, he directly fired three fire dragons. Each fire dragon has a size of several dozen feet. He whirls in space and rushes from three different directions toward the black man. past.

Nothing is more useful than Fire Dragon Printing to deal with evil.

"The Emperor God fist."

The black man also perceives the horror of the fire dragon seal. The horror is definitely not only the suppression of the property, but also the horror energy contained in the fire dragon seal, which is enough to counter the horror energy of the self, so the black people do not dare to neglect. Come up and show your most powerful tricks.


The huge fist filled with barbaric power emerged, like a huge Montenegro, falling toward the black dragon.


The three fire dragons continually continually joined each other to form a huge encirclement, completely wrapping the huge fist, and the endless flames filled, making the huge fists fall into the sea of ​​fire.


Under the control of Jiang Chen, the three fire dragons burst at the same time and evolved into an unparalleled flame and energy, which is an unimaginable devastating force.

Even the savage gods who can destroy the earth and the earth can not withstand the impact of the fire dragon seal, and they are burned on the spot.


The Emperor's fist was destroyed, and the black man himself suffered a huge trauma. His face became extremely ugly, and the whole person stepped back after a dozen steps to stabilize himself.

"Impossible, one and a half emperors, how could they have such a strong combat effectiveness."

The black man can't accept this reality at all. His own three-level savage emperor will lose in the hands of a half-emperor. This is a reality that he can't face in his dreams.

At the moment, the black man, the momentum has begun to appear wilting, at least compared with the beginning, the gap is not a little bit.

"I said, you can't go."

Jiang Chen did not give the other party a chance to breathe. The horrible fire dragon seal was again applied to the black people.

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