Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2029: Impact the Great

The fire dragon is really too strong, and the black people are restrained. Now Jiang Chen does not give the other party a chance to breathe. The horrible fire dragon carries the endless fire, and directly from the different directions, the black man is directly besieged. It is.

"The Emperor still does not believe it. With my strength, I will not be able to beat a small human and half emperor."

The black man was also violent, and his body began to change dramatically. It became a monster with a size of more than a dozen feet. The monster was very uncomfortable, and his body was covered with black scales, which was very scary.

It is not the first time to see the evil body, so Jiang Chen is not surprised at all. The current savage world has already separated from the real blood of the gods, and there is no difference between it and the devil, so Jiang Chen is killing such evil. Pretty, there will be no kindness at all.


Evil is arrogant, and there is a black sword in his hand. It is a horrible savage soldier, exuding an endless barbaric atmosphere, and smashing toward the fire dragon and the sea of ​​fire in front.


The entire space was almost cut into two halves. This space was created by the Emperor of Heaven in the past, so it was indestructible. Otherwise, Jiang Chen and the three-level sages fought here, and the space was already broken.

I have to say that the barbarians are indeed tyrannical, just like the three-level savage emperor in front of them. Under the circumstances that they have been subjected to no minor injuries, they can also inspire such powerful methods to attack. This explosive power is generally Humans can't match.

The huge black knife is like a sword of heaven and earth. It can open the sky and open up everything to stop its existence. Even the flames are split into two halves.

"Kids, human beings can appear so badly against the sky. For us barbarians, that is a great threat. Today, the emperor directly kills you and relieves the hunters."

The huge evil man said, his voice creaked, he was like a giant in the world, carrying an incomparable sword and killing everything.

"Unfortunately, you are too far away."

Jiang Chen’s face was indifferent. He didn’t want to waste his time. Since the other party has become a body and displayed a peerless means, Jiang Chen is also polite.


The infinite dragon screamed, and Jiang Chen turned into a real blood dragon. The huge dragon was diffused. At the same time, above his dragon, a dragon-shaped blood-colored sword appeared, and the sword made a humming sound. In the blink of an eye, the perfect fusion with the blood dragon itself is completed.

The combination of the dragon and the sword is the most powerful trick of Jiang Chen. When he transforms into the body of the real dragon, it is the time when Jiang Chen wants to display the strongest killing, and he shows the dragon sword in one. It also indicates the end of the opponent.


The arrogance of the sky, this moment, Jiang Chen is a sword, the sword is Jiang Chen, regardless of each other, the devastating power that erupted, it is unimaginable.

"A good guy."

The evil face has changed again. In the face of the raging mad dragon, there is a huge pressure on his heart. Now he is restrained and shadowed. It is not only the flame released by Jiang Chen, but also Jiang Chen itself carries the true dragon blood, which is a very strong blood pressure.

Jiang Chen’s powerful attack came to the front of the black man in the blink of an eye. All his breath was completely locked by Jiang Chen, and it was inevitable.

In desperation, the evil man once again lifted the wild knife in his hand and smashed toward the dragon sword of Jiang Chen.


The two peerless soldiers collided with each other and immediately wiped out the endless sea of ​​fire. The void was raged. Even the space created by the Emperor of Heaven, there is a feeling of crumbling at the moment, and there are horrible cracks in the void barrier. It may be destroyed at any time.

The violent fire waves and swordsman invaded the knives in an instant, and even rushed into the body of evil spirits. The power that was just to the sun was too strong.


The evil man made a scream and scream, and the wild knife in his hand could not hold it. He was directly flew out of the bomb. At the same time, a thick arm of the evil man was torn by the horrible power of Jiang Chen, and the blood was mad.

This time, the evil man suffered the only serious damage before him. His face was full of horror. Even if he was very unwilling, he had to accept this reality and had to admit that this human half of the emperor It is indeed a bit too much against the sky, and this three-level savage emperor is not an opponent at all.

"Kid, I remember the things of today. On the day of the day, our barbarians step into your fairy world, which is your death."

The huge evil man has once again become the appearance of a black man. The difference is that an arm has been completely shattered. When his body sways, he will break into the void. At this time, he will escape, even the blood of the wild elephants will not. It’s important, and I don’t even care about it. In his current situation, it’s already quite good to be able to escape. If I go to play the ancient elephant’s blood at this time, I’m afraid it will die.

"I still want to leave at this time? The whole space is covered by my field, and you have no chance to escape."

Jiang Chen regained the state of the semi-dragon and the half man, holding the sword of the heavenly sword in his hand, his feet trembled, and the big emptiness was spread out. In the blink of an eye, he caught up with the black man who fled into the void, and the heavenly sword was ruthless. Going to the evil savage.

The horrible sword is turned into a net of swords, and the black man is completely shrouded, so that the other side has no chance to escape.


The Heavenly Sword is ruthless.

"Do not!"

The black man made an unwilling scream, but he still couldn’t escape. He was smashed into two halves by Jiang Chen’s sword.

The three-level sect of the Tang Dynasty, the rare genius of the celestial world, with a great mission to come to Fengxian Xianting, originally thought that you can get the wild elephant to think of blood, so that the barbarian rise, but unexpectedly died in the end In this space, he died in the hands of a half-emperor. This is not a sadness.

After killing the third-level sage, Jiang Chen did not hesitate. The gate of the ancestral tower was instantly opened, and the power of violent swallowing spewed out from the ancestral tower. The body of the three-level sage was swallowed in an instant. Go in.


At the moment when the third-level sage entered the ancestral tower, the 60th floor of the ancestral tower swayed violently.

A powerful three-level sage, the energy contained in it is terrible. It is like a sea of ​​oceans. Just a minute before and after, the 60th layer is completely condensed.

Then there is the 61st floor.

In addition, the number of dragons in Jiang Chen has also begun to rise. These energies are derived from the pure energy separated from the Zulong Tower. Jiang Chen can be directly absorbed, and there will be no side effects.

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