Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2040: Star emperor

"I am forgiving and forgiving? Ling Lao, if the ending is overturned today, I am in the hands of Huang Tianbao. Do you guess he will be spared and spared?"

Jiang Chen’s face ridiculed, joking, let him stop at this time, it is simply impossible, Jiang Chen does things, never leave behind, not to mention the one who wants to put himself to death, Huang Tianbao is the most unforgivable, First, let Black Sand go to Xiaofeng to kill himself. Now that he has come out, he is embarrassed with himself. He has made it clear that he wants to die.

More importantly, if you are at the right moment, you will definitely die of Huang Quan, and there is no possibility of survival. Huang Tianbao will never let go of himself.

Jiang Chen’s words suddenly gave Ling Liqun back, because Jiang Chen’s words were completely flawless, not just his Ling Liqun. All the people in Xianting felt that Jiang Chen’s words were very reasonable. Now Jiang Chen is winning. Defeat Huang Tianbao, if he lost in the hands of Huang Tianbao, how can the consequences be imagined, with the character of Huang Tianbao, it is absolutely impossible to let him live.

This is a life-and-death war. If you die, you can only blame yourself for your incompetence. The damage is also mutual. If you can only allow Huang Tianbao to kill Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen will not be allowed to fight back.

Above the battlefield, Jiang Chen looked cold and cold, and his feet were ruthless. The last step of the five steps of Canglong, stepped on.

"No, Jiang Chen, don't kill me."

Huang Tianbao felt the real death crisis and immediately screamed loudly. At this last moment, what identity and dignity are no longer important. The important thing is to live, so even if there are so many people who ask for mercy, Huang Tianbao I don't care.

"You go and talk to the prince."

Jiang Chen was murderous, and he did not give Huang Tianbao a chance at all. The horrible big feet were in a very fierce posture, and they stepped on the head of Huang Tianbao.


With a scream of screaming and screaming, under the gaze of countless horror eyes, Huang Tianbao’s body was crushed by Jiang Chen’s foot. Jiang Chen’s foot carried too much power to destroy a five-level emperor. .

The remaining half of Huang Tianbao fell from the sky, Ling Liqun played a force to catch it, but Huang Tianbao can only be a corpse, his vitality has been completely cut off, life is completely over.

At this point, the main hall of the Leopard, a tyrannical five-level emperor, completely degraded, which is a very big loss for the entire Xianting.

The key to the moment is not the fall of a five-level emperor, but the one who made the five-level emperor fall.

Everyone is caught in a strong shock, especially the people of Leopard Hall. Every look at Jiang Chen’s eyes is not hatred, but fear. When power is strong enough, hatred is no longer meaningful.

"It’s against the sky, killing the fifth-class emperor with the second-class emperor, and I feel that Jiang Chen has not even used all his strength. If he uses all his strength, Huang Tianbao will die faster."

"It's incredible. It's cruel. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't believe it."

"Although I lost a five-level emperor, even if the emperor came out, I am afraid I will not punish Jiang Chen. For Xianting, the value of Jiang Chen itself is much stronger than a five-level emperor."

"That is of course, and according to my estimation, Jiang Chen's current strength, even if the Star Emperor personally shot, may not be able to kill him, so the punishment has no meaning, it will only force Jiang Chen to rebel, this madman But everything can be done."


No one was shocked, everyone was completely shocked by the previous situation, and for the entire Xianting, Jiang Chen also became famous.

Scenery Yang is also a big eye. He knows that Jiang Chen will be very tyrannical after he promoted to the second-level emperor, but he did not expect to be tyrannical to this extent. In the view of the scenery, Jiang Chen and Huang Tianbao can guarantee their unbeaten battle. I did not expect that it would kill the Huangtianbao so sharply.

In other words, even if he is now fighting with Jiang Chen, he is not an opponent at all. His own apprentice has completely surpassed the master.

"Ling old, this Jiang Chen is a big daring, killing our church owners, Ling Lao must give us the master."

Leopard Hall shouted loudly.

"The battle of life and death, how do you let this seat give you the master?"

Ling Liqun did not look good at the disciple. Just before Jiang Chen and Huang Tianbao started the war, they said that it was a life-and-death battle. This is clearly seen in the place. Even if Huang Tianbao is dead, it is also a white death. Blame yourself for not enough.

More importantly, Ling Liqun did not have to punish Jiang Chen’s thoughts. Xianting added a genius that was so bad, that was a good thing.

Moreover, Ling Liqun has already seen the strength of Jiang Chen in his eyes. So easily killing a five-level emperor, even if he wants to punish Jiang Chen, the other party will certainly not be convinced. When the time comes out, the loss of Xianting can be even greater. However, if Jiang Chen wants to leave, Ling Liqun will have no hesitation to stay.


At this moment, an extremely arrogant air wave swooped from the inside of Xianting. The air wave was like a strong starlight, and soon it became a figure appearing in the sky.

It was a middle-aged man in his forties, a blue hair, and a blue robes. His scorpion was very bright, like a star, more importantly his imposing, the peak of the sixth-level emperor. As a repair, such a character, in addition to one person in Xianting, can no longer find a second one.

Star Emperor!

That's right, the blue-haired man who appeared in the blue is the star emperor, the master of Xianting.

"The Lord."

When I saw the Emperor, the scene immediately quieted down, and all of them were sacred to the Emperor.

Jiang Chen’s gaze fell on the star emperor, and the pupil couldn’t help but shrink. The star emperor was really strong. With his current cultivation, if he played against the star emperor, there was almost no chance of winning. Of course, the emperor wanted Killing yourself is absolutely impossible.

"Jiang Chen, you come with this seat."

Star Emperor looked at Jiang Chen, said directly, and then turned into a blue light to leave.

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a hint of laughter and caught up with the footsteps of the Emperor.

What the Star Emperor wants to do, Jiang Chen has already guessed out, Jiang Chen knows that when he killed Huang Tianbao, the Star Emperor had already appeared. He watched himself killing Huang Tianbao, but he did not stop.

I have to say that this star emperor is also a full-fledged monk. In order to win over himself, he directly gave up the five-level emperor who is loyal to himself.

The Emperor of the Stars now summons himself, Jiang Chen has to do, that is to see the move, as much as possible to Nangong ask the day to fight for time.

[Second 11th. 】

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