Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2041: Discussion meeting

"Master, do you think the Star Emperor will punish Jiang Shidi?"

Yuhua Fan asked.

"What do you say?"

The scenery looks to the feathers.

"I don't think it. The value that Jiang Shidi now shows is much higher than that of Huang Tianbao. Anyway, Huang Tianbao is already dead. The Emperor will not punish a peerless genius because of a dead person. Moreover, if you want to punish, just directly Just punish, why do you have to talk to Jiang Shidi alone."

Yu Huafan said.

"You are not stupid."

The scenery Yang smiled, but his heart, this moment is cold, because the practice of the Star Emperor is really too chilly, in order to win the Jiang Chen, even watching Huang Tianbao being killed and indifferent, anyway, Huang Tianbao It is also the main body of Leopard, and it is the most trusted confidant of the Emperor.

If the Emperor of the Stars came out to stop at the last moment, even if he could not save the Yellow Leopard from Jiang Chen, it would have finally come out. Unfortunately, the Emperor did not do this. He only valued the value of a person, in order to be able to win over Jiang Chen and consolidate his own. Status, do not hesitate to take Huang Tianbao to vent their anger.

This point, the scenery Yangxin like the mirror, many people are not fools, can be seen, even the Ling Liqun on the side, have raised their brows, as if they first met the Emperor.

Star Palace!

This is the Emperor of the Stars who controlled the Xianting, built after the Lord of God, and its level of mightyness and luxury is more than double that of the Emperor's Palace.

"When Xianting had such a genius, the Emperor didn't even know it. It is a pity. Jiang Chen, you can reach the realm of all things, and you have successfully passed through the dragons. It is already a very great figure. We are immortal. The court is very pleased to see such a person in the court."

Star Emperor looked at Jiang Chen and said with great satisfaction that the words were full of appreciation.

"The emperor praised, this time I killed the Huangtianbao, and asked the emperor to punish."

Jiang Chen held a fist to the star emperor.

"Calling punishment? What is wrong with you, it is a life-and-death battle, life and death have a rich life in the sky, Huang Tianbao is dead, can only blame him for repairing bad, this emperor has always been a very fair person, not your fault, this The emperor will not punish you."

Star Emperor said with a smile.

"I don't know what the emperor called me to do?"

Jiang Chen pretended to be curious and asked. In fact, why the Star Emperor wants to call himself, he is very clear in his heart, obviously it is to draw himself.

"Jiang Chen, if I guess it is correct, you should have Han Feng recruited? And you have been to the Emperor's Palace and have seen the Emperor."

Star Emperor asked tentatively.

"The disciple did see the Emperor of Heaven, but at that time the disciple was still weak, and the Emperor just said a word to the disciple."

Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, if you choose one from the Emperor and the Emperor, who will be the emperor, who would you choose?"

The Star Emperor asked, there is no doubt about the relationship between Jiang Chen and the Emperor.

"Where is the emperor asking, you are now the emperor of Xianting."

Jiang Dust Road.

"If the Emperor does not come back, the Emperor is naturally the righteous Emperor, but unfortunately he is now back, let me be the position of the Emperor, just sit down, Jiang Chen, you are a smart person, you should understand what I mean."

The star's compelling eyes look at Jiang Chen, and the meaning to be expressed is already obvious.

"The Emperor wants to abolish the Emperor and completely replace it."

Jiang Chen said, but his heart is sneer, it seems that the Emperor of the Stars has begun to take some action. The Emperor’s Palace is there. For the Emperor, it’s like a stab in the eyes, not unhappy, and today’s own, just In order to draw people's hearts, it is only necessary to draw all the hearts of people to his side, then the Emperor's Palace can be broken at any time, and the Emperor can kill at any time.

"This emperor likes to talk to smart people. You are right. I am retreating this time, that is, I have to completely abolish the Emperor's Palace. The so-called one mountain is not tolerate two tigers, one Xianting, and it is even more impossible to have two emperors. In that case, people's hearts In the past few years, Xianting was under the control of the Emperor, and it was also well organized to compete with other Xianting. Now that the Emperor is back, it is not united. I am now abolishing the Emperor. It is also for the consideration of Xianting. After all, the Emperor of Heaven is only a third-class emperor, and he is not qualified to become an emperor."

The Emperor said that the words revealed between the words are full and resolute. It can be seen that the determination to abolish the Emperor of Heaven has already existed very early. This time, it is to be implemented.

"The emperor said yes, a Xianting, there really should not be two emperors."

Jiang Chen nodded and said that he was not convinced of the words of the Emperor, but he did not say the other sentence in his heart, that is, this emperor should not be your star emperor.

"The Emperor intends to abolish the Emperor of Heaven, Jiang Chen, do you support me?"

Star Emperor looked at Jiang Chen and asked very seriously.

If it was before, he would abolish the Emperor of Heaven, and he would not find Jiang Chen to discuss it, and would not even seek the support of Jiang Chen.

However, Jiang Chen is not the same as before. Even Huang Tianbao is dead in his hands. The future achievements are even more limitless. Even the Emperor of the Stars have to pay attention to it. Once he is supported by Jiang Chen, he will have no scruples. It is.

"Of course, the disciple is a person of Xianting, and naturally obeys the arrangement of the emperor. Moreover, what the emperor did is also considered for Xianting."

Jiang Chen nodded.

"Well, Jiang Chen, you are a reasonable person. The Emperor did not misread you. Now even you support me. There is no need for the Emperor to continue to exist. I will call all the seniors of Xianting tomorrow to discuss the waste. The thing of the Emperor."

Star Emperor said that he was supported by Jiang Chen and he was relieved. He believed that tomorrow's discussion meeting would not be dare to resist himself.

Moreover, in the past few years, Xianting has been in control of the hands of the Emperor. A large number of people are his cronies. If you want to abolish the Emperor's Palace, it is only a matter of his order.

But the abolition of the Emperor is a major event after all. The Emperor of the Stars must be fully prepared. Before he can do it, he wants everyone in Xianting to support himself. As a result, Xianting will not be chaotic before he can abolish the Emperor. After that, instead of thinking about his prestige, he does not want to see any voice against himself.

"The Emperor is assured, my Jiang Chen will definitely support you."

Jiang Chen said seriously, and now the Star Emperor is a psychological war, he has already seen it, the Star Emperor is very hot, in order to achieve his own purpose, you can use whatever means, even the life and death of the ventral yellow leopard is not in the heart.

Therefore, with such people, Jiang Chen does not have to be polite, and there is no need to talk about credit. He is only trying to win time for the Emperor, and tomorrow's discussion meeting, Jiang Chen has his own countermeasures.

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