Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2050: Blood-washing metamorphosis (middle)

This loud drink is like a thunder. Many people who are shocked humming and everyone looks at this uninvited guest.

"Haha, monkey, it’s really time for you to come."

Jiang Chen has already displayed the dragon to change, and the battle is on the verge.

"Little dust, you said that you don't want to worry about where you go. If your brother wants to come and see you, you will be hitting you here, but it is just what I want, haha."

The dragon thirteen laughed loudly and descended from the sky to Jiang Chen.

"Dead monkey, how fast is it to improve, it is already a three-level demon."

The rhubarb dog said silently.

"Luck luck."

After the dragon thirteen smiles and becomes the saint of the demon fairy island, the dragon thirteen is also idle in the demon fairy island for a period of time, so I plan to come to Fengshang to find Jiang Chen to play, but I just met Xianting. The accident caused this to make Long XIII very excited. After being promoted to the third-level demon emperor, Long XIII was so impatient that he just took advantage of today's practice.

Jiang Chen counted the thumb of the dragon thirteen. He knows that the dragon thirteen can improve so fast, in addition to its own **** tyrannical, and the cultivation resources of the demon fairy island are also inseparable. After the inheritance of the first generation of saints, and after becoming the saint of the fairy island, Tianpeng demon will definitely cultivate vigorously. In any case, it is the first generation of the demon island. If it is too weak, go out and let People look at jokes.

For Jiang Chen, the arrival of Dragon XIII is absolutely great help. With the strength of the Dragon 13th and 3rd Emperors, it is not a problem to easily kill the 5th Emperor.


Endless waves and rolling, a big turmoil in Xianting broke out completely, and all the masters showed their own powerful killings, and they rushed to Jiang Chen.

One of the four emperors played a brilliance and shrouded the dragon thirteen.

"Mom, a four-level emperor, do you look down on the monkey?"

Dragon thirteen is angry. A four-level emperor has come up to find his own troubles. Does he seem so weak? Can't you come up with a five-level emperor?


The dragon thirteen does not say anything, the iron bar hits the trend, and the attack that the four-level emperor hits, under the iron bar of the dragon thirteen, is completely vulnerable and destroyed by the destruction of the ancients.

The dragon thirteen is murderous, and his speed is almost at its peak. The ordinary four-level emperor is on him, and that is only the part that has been crushed.

"not good."

Seeing the other's iron rod appearing on the top of his head with the thunder, the four-level emperor only had a bad voice, which felt a great danger, and even the breath of death, he knew that he was careless and despised. The opponent thought that when he saw a third-class emperor, he would be a soft persimmon to pinch. He did not expect to encounter a hard battle.

Now that I want to avoid it, it’s too late. Under the absolute strength, the only one who can meet him is death.


The dragon thirteen was ruthlessly smashed by the iron rod on the fourth-level emperor. The old man made a scream of screams and was smashed into a bolognese. He died on the spot.

"It's amazing, where did the young man come from?"

Someone exclaimed.

"This man is terrible, I will deal with him."

A five-level emperor shouted and then killed the dragon thirteen.

"It's a little bit more to play with you."

The arrogance of the dragon thirteen face, even if it is a powerful five-level emperor, he still does not care.


The battle broke out completely, and the entire fairy court was filled with countless battlefields. The impact of so many great deities of the great emperor was completely the end of the world. When the battle just came up, the master of the great emperor fell, and the blood floated in the void. In it, it creates a great depression.

The disciples and elders of Xianting are paying close attention to this battle. Everyone’s face is full of sorrowful colors. Those who are fighting for life and death at this moment are all themselves on weekdays. Life and death.

However, everyone understands that since the return of the Emperor, Xianting is not calm, and the dark tide is surging. There can be no two emperors in Xianting. There will be a contest between the two factions sooner or later.

The rhubarb dog is boundless, and the two five-level emperors can't deal with him any damage to him. Instead, the two five-level emperors are dwarfed, and the rhubarb dog can't breathe.

Long Xie, let alone, after killing a fourth-class emperor, the five-level emperor was already seriously injured in his hands, realized his horror, and ran over three five-level emperors, causing the dragon ten. The power of the Trinity is against the situation of the four fifth-level emperors, and there is no drop in the wind.

"Mother's, where come so many metamorphosis."

When you encounter such an opponent, even if it is the cultivation of the fifth-level emperor, you can't help but swear.

The most important thing for both sides is the gap between strength and quantity. On Jiang Chen's side, there are only two five-level emperors, and they have already been confronted with a five-level emperor.

However, the remaining five-level emperor on the other side of the star emperor has been taken over by Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog and the dragon thirteen. All the five-level emperors are fighting against the three of them, so that they will alleviate the others. Less stress.

But for the four emperors on the side of the Emperor of Heaven, the pressure is still very big. The difference in the number of the two sides is too big. It is not a level at all. So many masters are rushing, even if they have three heads and six arms. It is not an opponent at all.


The feathering wind made a scream, and one arm was torn, and it was life-threatening.

After all, he is only a second-class emperor. Although he has the first genius of Longtang, he can't cope with it in such a battle.

"Yu Huafan, speed is coming in."

Jiang Chen couldn't watch the feathers being killed. He opened the door of the Zulong Tower. A black portal floated over the head of Yuhuafan, and the powerful attraction directly absorbed it.

"Jiang Chen, you betray the Star Emperor, and you should die for it."

Opposite Jiang Chen, the elder of a five-level emperor said coldly. Now there are five five-level emperors around Jiang Chen. He is now in a situation of one enemy and five.

"Betrayal? I Jiang Chen itself has nothing to do with the Star Emperor, how to betray, if it is betrayal, it is also the Star Emperor betrayed the Emperor, your old stubborn still with the Star Emperor to die, really no cure, if you If you surrender now, you may be able to do whatever you want with the magnanimity of the Emperor."

Jiang Chen said loudly.

"Jiang Chen, you are still mad at the end of your life, you and the Emperor, there will be no good end."

Another five-level emperor said.

"Haha, it seems that you have forgotten how Huang Tianbao died."

Jiang Chen laughed loudly, and Tianlongjian smashed the past with one of the five great emperors in an extremely sturdy posture.

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