Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2051: Blood-washing metamorphosis (below)

When Jiang Chen dealt with Huang Tianbao, he did not exert his full strength at all. Today’s situation is urgent. Jiang Chen’s shot will not stop at a little bit. He has just experienced the ever-changing Tianlong sword. Today, it is destined to follow Jiang Chen’s exhibition. Kill everything.


The Tianlong sword broke out with a deafening sound of dragons and dragons. In the hands of Jiang Chen, the Tianlong sword completely turned into a **** dragon. The violent swordsmanship was like a storm, and the five-level emperor was instantly shrouded.


The five-level emperor shouted, and only one stroke made him feel the endless crisis. Only then did he understand that when Jiang Chen killed Huang Tianbao, he did not exert his full strength at the moment. Sword, let him be completely chilly.

You must know that the five-level emperor in front of him is not as powerful as Huang Tianbao. Even if he does his best, how can he resist the horrible Tianlong sword of Jiang Chen.

"Getting it together."

The other four people also felt the horror of Jiang Chen, one of them was a big change, and even more dare to scorn. They knew very well that any of them and Jiang Chen’s killing were not opponents at all, only by Jiang Chen. This is undoubtedly true.

At this time, only five people together can make a battle with Jiang Chen.

Unfortunately, they still looked down on Jiang Chen. In the face of the attack that four people launched from four different directions, Jiang Chen did not even look at it. When he locked one person, he must kill one shot and cause others to Great heart blow.

Moreover, Jiang Chen's big emptiness has reached the point where the fire is pure, and he wants to avoid other people's attacks, which is also a matter of thought.



Tianlongjian is really amazing. After suffering the tyrannical tyrannical, it has completely changed. There is almost the trend of the first sword in the world. The five-level emperor is too late to defend, even the law of the emperor is smashed, and then the whole person is smashed. In the two halves, the blood of the Emperor was mad, and the whole scene seemed to be **** to the extreme.


At this time, the attacks of the other four fifth-level emperors also arrived, but their violent attacks did not cause any harm to Jiang Chen.

"Haha, you are too weak."

Jiang Chen laughed wildly, and then the whole person turned into a real dragon. The dragon sword was one. He had to issue a real death attack. Next, each sword had to lock one person, and each sword would kill one person. .

"My God, how can Jiang Chen be so horrible to this extent, the fifth-level emperor is not his enemy."

"It’s too horrible. If you follow this kind of battle, he can turn things around, and the dog and the yellow robe youth, although there are only three emperors, but one is more abnormal than one."

"Too bad days, today's Xianting is simply a doomsday."


Those disciples and elders who watched the war were speechless and they couldn’t speak. They knew that Jiang Chen’s horror. After all, Jiang Chen killed Huang Tianbao, but he did not think that it was so horrible. The five fifth-level emperors joined forces, not only could not He was hurt in the slightest, and he was instantly killed by one person.

The horrible sword of war has reached the point of being unsuccessful and unstoppable.

On other battlefields, the hardships of the Emperor and the Emperor of Heaven are inextricably linked. These two are the most powerful existences of Xianting. They have reached the peak of the Sixth Emperor and want to win the game in a short time. An impossible thing.

Hu Wei’s battle against Ling Liqun and Li Yanghu’s battle against the scenery are all half a catty, which is difficult to cause substantial damage to the opponent in a short time.

At present, the key factors determining the outcome are like Jiang Chen and Long XIII.


Another fierce scream, a five-level emperor died under the sword of Jiang Chen.

This scene is too bloody, too shocking, the fifth-level emperor is connected with a degeneration, the fall of every five-level emperor, for Xianting, it is a huge loss.

However, this kind of loss is nothing to do. Xianting has to undergo a big turmoil. To undergo a major change, it is necessary to have a baptism of blood, and then it will produce a qualitative change, and then it can truly develop rapidly.

More importantly, Jiang Chen and Nangong can not think so much now. They have to save their lives. These people are going to kill them. That is their enemy, their enemies and their enemies. They have always been dead and alive. There is nothing to say. of.

The two five-level emperors died in a tragic death, which caused an invisible shock to the entire battlefield. Under this shock, the morale of the emperor's side has begun to gradually weaken. All eyes on Jiang Chen seem to be like It is the same as the fear of death, from the bottom of my heart.

"Star Emperor, have you seen it? Jiang Chen, one can withstand thousands of troops, not to mention you, even if you have more than five emperors under your hand, but Jiang Chen alone killed."

The smile of the Emperor Tiandi has always been the creator of the miracle. From the day he entered Xianting, he knew that he could save himself. As long as Jiang Chen can change the situation of Fengchi Xianting, only Jiang Chen, so he asked Han Feng to look for Jiang Chen at all costs.

"damn it."

Star Emperor's face is incomparably ugly. Jiang Dian's strength is naturally in his eyes. In addition to his anger, he is also very sorry. Such a wonderful wizard, if it is used for him, then who is the status of his star emperor, who can still Inciting.

It is a pity that such a person can not only be used for himself, but also become his own enemy. This is what Star Emperor wants to see the most, and he does not want to face it.


When he spoke, another scream was made, and the third five-level emperor died in the hands of Jiang Chen.

The remaining two five-level emperors have been scared and scared. They stood in the dust of Jiang Chen, trembled and even forgot to launch an attack.

brush! brush!

They were there, but Jiang Chen did not mean to keep their hands. The two swords were as fast as lightning, and the two five-level emperors were killed by one arm.

The two were pale, but the heart was deeply relieved. After all, Jiang Chen just smashed their arms, instead of directly smashing them into two halves.

In fact, after Jiang Chen killed three fifth-level emperors in a row, the remaining two had no courage to fight. They only felt that as long as they shot, they would die under Jiang Chen’s sword.

"You two, now have the opportunity to surrender the Emperor, just one chance, and make a choice immediately."

Jiang Chen's tone is extremely cold. These masters are the solid strength of Xianting, and they are also the forces against the brethren in the future. If they can be used for their own purposes, it is best. After all, the other party is a powerful five-level emperor.

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