Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2052: Lonely

Chapter 2052, a lonely man

"We surrender."

Where the two dared to be a little bit sloppy, almost did not even think about surrendering, and repaired to reach their level, death is too far for them, once faced, it will be infinite horror.

Moreover, in the hearts of many people, this is not a battle about the survival of Xianting or the immortality of Xianting. It is only for the struggle between the emperors. In the eyes of many people, who is the emperor is really not important, let alone the Emperor. It is the emperor before Xianting, even if they do not admit it, but this fact has already been preoccupied.

This is the battle inside Xianting. There is no need to lose his life for such a battle. Such a war may not have any meaning.

"You two will leave the battlefield to get hurt."

Jiang Chen said.


When the two men were stunned, they immediately withdrew from the battlefield. At the moment of making the decision, the hearts of the two suddenly felt incomparably relaxed.

The two people are very clear that the era of the Emperor of the Stars is about to pass, and Xianting will usher in a new era. Jiang Chen alone is enough to change the situation of the entire Xianting.

It’s a worldly wizard, his horror, there’s no way to get a coach, because it’s betting on life.

No one can afford it because there is no second life.

The surrender of the two five-level emperors has caused too much influence, and the morale of the camp of the Emperor has fallen to the extreme.

This kind of blow to morale can seriously affect the mood of the other party, and this kind of surrender can spread, and it will plant a seed for surrender in everyone's heart. Jiang Chen will let them know that the outcome of not surrendering, then It is death.

This is itself one of the purposes of Jiang Chen to let the two five-level emperors surrender.

We must know that whether it is the general power or the great emperor, as long as it is war, morale and psychological factors are extremely important.

"Haha, they all surrendered, do you still have to insist on it?"

Dragon Thirteen laughed and said to the four five-level emperors who had been completely suppressed by themselves.

If this is said at the beginning, it will definitely be countered by the other party’s words. But now, the four people do not have one to speak. No one will think that this unsuspecting battle will progress to such a degree. .


The dragon smashed the sky, Jiang Chen dragged the body of the mad dragon, and killed it in the big melee below. Because there are too many masters on the side of the star emperor, it has caused great pressure on the heavenly emperor, making the heavenly emperor People, all suffered minor or serious injuries.

Jiang Chen rushed to this time. For the people on the side of the Emperor of Heaven, it was just an excitement. In addition, there were already two five-level emperors surrendering, which made all their despair disappeared.


There is no extra movement in Jiang Chen. The wave is a sword. The horrible sword has directly turned into a long-awaited sword. The boundless swords are sprinkled, and a large piece of void is completely shrouded.


The screams of screaming and screaming, flesh and blood, Jiang Chen, this sword, at least seven or eight people died, the rest of the great masters, one scared of the liver and gallbladder, began to run away, facing the dust of this life madman They don’t even have the desire to fight.

"Everyone listens, surrenders or dies."

Jiang Chen’s five elements were launched, and all the people were shrouded. The endless shrewd spurt out of his body. At this moment, he was like a demon king, a demon-killing demon, and every movement was shocking. soul.

Looking at Jiang Chen’s **** cold scorpion, countless people were frightened and pale, and they were almost unbelievable. Even if they all shot together, Jiang Chen’s killing, in front of Jiang Chen, they were the four emperors or The third-level emperor is simply an ant, as long as Jiang Chen is willing, he can crush them at any time.

"We surrender."

"If you don't fight, it's just that you are someone who beats yourself. It doesn't mean anything."

"Death in such a war, there is no point, I don't fight, I surrender."


Surrendering this kind of thing will indeed spread, especially when most people are in despair, when one person surrenders, they will surrender with a large piece.

Still, no one wants to die. The more a good person, the more he does not want to die, the more he knows the preciousness of life.

An earth-shattering battle of the great emperor is coming to an end soon. The people on the other side of the Emperor have a surprise color on their faces. Before they made the decision, they did not expect that such a change would occur. Jiang Chen One person has turned around.

Not to mention who will win in the battle between the Emperor and the Emperor of the Stars. As far as the following is concerned, Jiang Chen has completely controlled it, and the Star Emperor will soon become a loner.

"Since it has surrendered, immediately withdraw from the battlefield and stand there and don't move."

Jiang Chen shouted.

Those people, such as those who are arrogant, dare not violate Jiang Chen’s words and begin to withdraw from the battlefield in an orderly manner.


Jiang Chen moved again. He came to the big yellow dog in the blink of an eye. At this moment, the two five-level emperors who played against the big yellow dog had been injured by the rhubarb dog. At this moment, Jiang Chen arrived and was instantly frightened.

"Don't fight, I won't fight, and surrender."

A five-level emperor immediately put away the emperor in his hand, and the other person quickly followed suit. For them, this is the most sensible choice. If you continue to fight, it will be shredded by the opponent in minutes. This kind of battle, There is no meaning at all. Knowing that death and continuing to fight, it is a fool.

After the surrender of these two five-level emperors, the four five-level emperors who played against the dragon thirteen also wisely gave up the battle directly. They were all smart people, and they did not have to wait for Jiang Chen to come over. The extent is not that they can control or fight for it.

The Emperor of Heaven received the support of Jiang Chen and almost got everything. The era of the Emperor of the Stars is destined to pass. They do not want to lose their lives in such a battle. There is no value.

At this point, the original peak battle, the end of the fastest speed, the battlefield of the battle has stopped, there are still three battlefields in the battle.

Getting these people is very important for this battle. The people of the Star Emperor all surrendered, making the Star Emperor immediately become a lonely man. Only one Hu Yun and Li Yanghu are still fighting, but their faces have changed very much. Unsightly.

"Jiang Chen is so powerful that he soon settled a big battle. Next, it will be more powerful to see the Emperor and the Emperor."

Many people are embarrassed.

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