Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2053: Who can escape the tracking of the big void

The current situation of the war has become very clear. The era of the Emperor of the Stars is over, and the new era of Xianting is coming soon.

After all the masters surrendered, Jiang Chen’s eyes locked in Hu Wei, who was fighting Ling Lingqun, and Li Yanghu, who was fighting against Yang.

"Monkey, you go killing Li Yanghu, I am going to kill Hu Wei."

Jiang Chen said to Dragon XIII, he is now to let the Star Emperor become a true loner, sweeping everyone and then deal with him.

Hu Wei and Li Yanghu are the absolute confidants of the Emperor of the Stars. These two people are absolutely unable to stay and must be killed.

"it is good."

The dragon thirteen responded with a hand stick to the Liyang Tiger, and on the other hand, Jiang Chen also took the sword and killed him.

The battle between Li Yanghu and Jingyang did not take advantage of it. As the owner of the Longtang Church, the strength of the scenery Yang is definitely the first person under the Sixth Emperor Xianting. At this moment, there is another Dragon XIII, Li Yanghu. There is an impulse to spurt in an instant.

Li Yanghu saw the strength of the Dragon Thirteen with his own eyes. In the case of an enemy four, he will also fight against the opponents. Now, a dragon and a thirteen plus a scenic yang, I am afraid that only the murdered.

"No, I surrendered."

Li Yanghu screamed with anger, how can this be played?

"You have no right to surrender."

Long Thirteen said nothing, the iron rod came up and went down. Jiang Chen told him that he killed Li Yanghu. According to his understanding of Jiang Chen, that is the Liyang Tiger is in the list of killing.


Scenery Yang also decisively shot, there is no trace of mercy, people like Li Yanghu, can not stay, even if surrender today, his day may be a scourge, maybe in the future will become the second star emperor.

"Mother's, you are pushing me."

Li Yanghu yelled.

"What about forcing you."

Dragon Thirteen laughed, a five-level emperor, he simply did not put it in his heart, under the circumstances of single-handedly fighting, even without the help of the scenery Yang, Dragon 13 can easily kill Li Yanghu, and ensure that the other side even fled There are no opportunities.

On the other hand, after Jiang Chen joined the battle group, Hu Wei immediately showed his appearance. He looked at Jiang Chen’s eyes and did not dare to be scorned. He was only able to see the scene of the five-level emperor. Although Jiang Chen is only a second-class emperor, his performance is enough to show that he already has the strength of the six-level emperor.

Hu Xi’s cultivation is equivalent to that of Ling Liqun. Otherwise, it will not be so long-lasting that he won’t be able to win the game. But now that Jiang Chen has joined in, the outcome will soon be changed.


Jiang Chen is also nonsense. It is the most powerful attack. He directly uses the dragon and sword to unite. The horrible sword dragon is enough to destroy everything between the heavens and the earth and go to the crazy impact of Hu.

Such a fierce attack, even if it is Hu Wei, has to be taken seriously.

"Damn, how can this **** be so powerful."

Hu Yu’s heart was awkward, and a long gun in his hand was swayed by the tiger’s wind, and he stabbed the dragon sword of Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen’s Dragon Sword and Hu Wei’s guns collided with each other, and the horrible air waves immediately rolled up. With the strength of Jiang Chen, even if the dragon and sword were combined, they wanted to harm the six-level emperor’s scorpion. It is also very difficult.

Of course, the purpose of Jiang Chen is not to directly cause substantial serious harm to Hu Yu. What he wants is to attract all the fighting power of Hu Yu.

The fact is also true, even if Hu Wei and Jiang Chen hit the moment, Ling Liqun also decisively shot, Ling Liqun's emperor is also a sword, his sword is different, the sharp sword is like a poison dragon, in an instant It was stabbed on Hu Wei’s body.


Ling Liqun’s sword was pierced by Hu’s arm, and then the devastating sword burst open. Even if it was Hu Yu, it could not resist, and an arm was crushed on the spot.


Hu Wei was awkward, but he couldn't help it. Jiang Chen and Ling Liqun were too strong, and the attack was very strange. He couldn't be distracted and dealt with two at the same time, which gave one of them a chance.


Jiang Chen simply did not give Hu Wei a chance. After Ling Liqun smashed his arm, Jiang Chen’s dragon sword came again, and the speed reached its peak.


The terrible thing is not just these. Ling Liqun’s attack has also been killed in another direction, and suddenly Hu Yu has been in an abnormal state of passiveness.

"Star Emperor, I can't help it."

Hu Wei shouted at the Emperor, and then his body swayed, ready to escape. At the last moment of this life and death, nothing is more important than life-saving. Hu Yu knows that surrender is impossible, with his previous actions. The other party will not accept their own surrender. The only thing that can be done now is to escape.

With the repair of his sixth-level emperor, even if he can't beat it, there is no problem in running away.

Unfortunately, this is just a wishful thinking.

Hu Yu’s tears emptied the void, and the whole person’s brush disappeared.

"Don't let him run."

Ling Liqun exclaimed that he and Hu Wei are quite equal. If Hu Yi is bent on trying to leave, even if he has already abolished his arm, it is not a problem to escape.

"Reassured, he can't go."

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a sneer, his body swayed, but also broke into the void, the next moment, only heard a roaring sound from the void, the already escaping Hu Yun, was actually forced out from the void.

"How can it be?"

Hu was shocked and looked at Jiang Chen with a look of horror. He couldn't believe how the other side accurately captured his escape route. A six-level emperor wants to escape is just a matter of moments, but it is in a twinkling Hu Yu did not do it.

"Hu Wei, don't you say that, even if it is a star emperor, do you think you can escape the tracking of the big void?"

Jiang Chen looked sneer.

"What? The big void of the Nether Emperor, you have learned the big void."

Hu Yu once again exclaimed, thinking of the body method that Jiang Chen just showed, is not a big void or what, and as Jiang Chen said, if Jiang Chen really has a big void in his body, it is said that He, even if it is a star emperor, would like to escape.

In this world, there are not many people who can escape the tracking of the big void. Unless there is a big gap in power, it is a pity that he is not in this category. The gap between him and Jiang Chen is not big. .

"Hu Hu, let's just smash it, kill the dragon seal."

Jiang Chen did not give the other party any chance to breathe. He came up with a horrible killing dragon seal. He carried a **** killing mad dragon and rushed out and rushed to Hu.

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