Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2054: Peerless


In the void, two screams and screams were issued at the same time. Under the eyes of the public, Hu Wei was pierced by Ling Liqun’s long sword, and was also attacked by Jiang Chen’s horror dragon. He was killed on the spot. On the other hand, Li Yanghu was also terrible. The head is smashed by the dragon and thirteen sticks.

With the tragic death of Hu Yu and Li Yanghu, the entire Emperor Xianting, the Star Emperor completely became a loner, there is no more powerful warrior.

Countless people in Xianting couldn't speak, and no one thought of today's war. It would be such an ending. Jiang Chen's sudden emergence is too abnormal. Except for the Star Emperor and the Emperor, there are still other battlefields. It was completely ruthless by Jiang Chen, and one person turned around.

The star is over.

At this time, everyone has no hope for the Emperor, and the best ending of the Emperor is to be able to escape, and then look for opportunities to make a comeback, but Xianting, there is no place for the Emperor.

"Ling old, you and I shot together, besieged the emperor, don't give him the chance to escape."

Jiang Chen said to Ling Liqun.

"it is good."

Ling Liqun nodded, and the two went to the battlefield at the highest point. Ling Liqun was not a fool. Naturally, he knew how much the danger of the Emperor of the Stars. If you can’t get rid of the Emperor of the Stars today, you will be embarrassed by the Emperor’s heart. No day.

Moreover, this is the best time to kill the Emperor.

Two figures flashed, Jiang Chen and Ling Liqun rushed into the battlefield. The two men and the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of the Heavens encircled the Emperor in the corner. This battlefield was completely blocked, and the opportunity to escape from the Star Emperor was not given. .

"Star Emperor, you are finished, you will be stunned, and in the past, I can spare you a life."

The Emperor said openly.


The star emperor heard the words and laughed loudly, but this laughter was full of unwillingness and helplessness.

Star Emperor's eyes look at Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, you are the key to the ultimate defeat of the Emperor. I only blame the Emperor for choosing to believe in you. If I started early, you and the Emperor, you will die, you will not have this today. The ending."

To say that the Emperor is the most hated now, I am afraid that it is not the Emperor, but Jiang Chen, all his plans, and finally destroyed in the hands of Jiang Chen.

At this time, the emperor's heart is unwilling, but also regrets.

Yes, he regretted it very much and regretted that he did not pay attention to Jiang Chen earlier. When he wanted to pay attention, he also regarded Jiang Chen as his own.

If Jiang Chen had chosen to kill him when he first entered Xianting, it would definitely be a lasting problem and smooth all his obstacles.

It is a pity that this kind of thing in the world is regrettable. It is useless to regret. Unless the time can be reversed, it is a pity that even if he is the master of the sky, he does not have the ability to turn back the clock.

"The king is defeated, the star emperor, this truth you know."

Jiang Chen said that he did not say anything about the ending of the Emperor. He had nothing to say about the ending of the Star Emperor. From the Sanyuan Continent to the present, there have been too many wars he has experienced.

In this world of strength and respect, there is nothing to be true. The defeat of the king is the truth. People will only pursue the strong, and the deceased, at best, is only remembered.

"Emperor, Jiang Chen, Ling Liqun, do you think that you can kill me if you join forces? It’s too naive, I want to leave here, you can’t stop it.”

The star emperor said coldly.

"Is it? I don't know if the Emperor has heard of the big void."

Jiang Chen said faintly, before he was in a fierce battle with the Emperor, he did not hear him and Hu Wei say that the big void is going on, so this time he said it again, the purpose is very simple, that is, to fight against the Emperor. psychological.

"You mean the big void of the Nether Emperor?"

The star emperor has a cluster of brows.

"Star Emperor, it seems that you know too little about me. On the trip to the Fairy Island, I and the Tianpeng Emperor worshipped the opposite **** brothers, because I was a descendant of the Nether Emperor, and I ignored it. The ultimate reason for your failure, with my current strength, under the guidance of the big emptiness, you are afraid that it is difficult to escape from this space."

Jiang Chen said.

Wen Yan, the face of Star Emperor changed instantly. He knew that Jiang Chen was not threatening himself. Maybe this guy is really a descendant of the Nether Emperor. If that is the case, I am afraid it is really difficult.

The Nether Emperor is famous for the fairyland. It is a character of the era of the Emperor and the Emperor of the Immortal. Under the heavens, no one can escape the tracking of the Nether Emperor. Now Jiang Chen has got a big void and wants to follow himself. Undoubtedly it is a very easy thing.

"Star Emperor, all this is your greed. After I returned, I did not intend to compete with you for the position of the Emperor. I originally intended to get the things of the Emperor's Palace, and I left Xianting directly, and Xiaochen. The child goes to the fairyland, but you don't give me this opportunity. I want to kill me, let me know that once I leave Xianting, I will die, so I have to give the little dust, if not you. Be sure to kill me, you may still be your emperor, but all this has no meaning now."

The Emperor said that the situation today is not what he wants, but it is counterproductive.

"If you lose, you will lose. You don't have to fake it."

The star of the star is cold.

Later, Star Emperor looked at Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, even if this seat is defeated, I will pull you to bury."

Saying, the Emperor of the Star suddenly had no warning signs, and he was a peerless starlight sword in his hand. The speed was so fast that he reached the front of Jiang Chen in the blink of an eye.

"Be careful."

Both Emperor Tian and Ling Liqun exclaimed. They did not think that the Emperor said that he would take a shot and there was no sign.

A lightning strike of a six-level emperor's peak master, even if it is the Emperor, it is too late to rescue.

The Emperor of Heaven exhibited the star of the Wanhua Star, and the lightning struck out. Ling Liqun also stabbed the sword with his sword, attempting to force the Emperor to return to resist, thus saving Jiang Chen.

At this moment, the Star Emperor is determined to kill Jiang Chen, even if he is seriously injured, he must also take Jiang Chen to bury himself.

In the face of the peer-to-peer, Jiang Chen understands that even if he resists with all his strength, he is definitely not an opponent, but Jiang Chen’s face still can’t see the slightest panic, because he still has a big card without a display.

"Dragon armor."

Just as the Star Emperor’s Starlight Sword is about to stab himself, Jiang Chen suddenly screams, and outside his body surface, a layer of **** armor emerges immediately, and the dragon shadow flashes on the armor, so it’s mighty. .

After getting the Tianlong armor, Jiang Chen had not had time to test the power of this armor. At this moment, facing the powerful attack of the star emperor, Jiang Chen just came to check it.

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