Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2055: Emperor


The starlight sword stabbed the Jianglong's Tianlong battle armor, and wiped out a large spark, but the horrifying scene appeared. The star emperor made a full blow, but did not leave traces on the Tianlong battle armor. Don't say that it hurts Jiang Chen in the armor.


The Emperor of the Stars yelled, as if he saw the ghost. How strong his attack was, only he knew it. The attack that was enough to destroy everything did not hurt Jiang Chen’s points, and did not even destroy the defensive armor. This is too far off the mark.


On the occasion of the Emperor of the Stars, the attack of the Emperor and Ling Liqun also came, and the Wanhua Star and the Sword pierced the body of the Emperor.


A blood spurted out from the mouth of the star emperor, but the star emperor did not seem to feel pain. His eyes were still staring at the dust in front of him, and his eyes were full of doubts.

"What is that armor?"

The star emperor asked, even if he died, he would die.

"Dragon armor can defend against an attack by the Eighth Great Emperor."

Jiang Chen said alone, and then the Tianlong armor was collected. The Emperor of the Stars had been seriously injured and became the end of the strong, unable to pose a threat to himself.

The effect of Tianlong Battlegear is very satisfying to Jiang Chen, but the consumption that he brings to Tianlong Battlegear is also great, and this consumption will become bigger as the strength of the attacking opponents increases. The consumption is enough to describe it with horror.

That is to say, Jiang Chen is such a metamorphosis, and the body is so powerful that it can withstand the consumption of Tianlong Battle Armor.

However, according to Jiang Chen's estimation, if it is a squad of the eight-level emperor, the Tianlong armor will be able to take all his energy away.

In other words, even if you have the life dragon of the Dragon Warrior, if you fight against the Eighth Emperor, you can only use it once or twice in a short time.

This is undoubtedly a fly in the ointment.

However, Jiang Chen is already very contented. In any case, Tianlong Battlegear is a great life-saving card.

"The star is over, and it is destined to fall."

"Have you seen it? Jiang Chen has just displayed a set of defensive armor, and it is easy to resist the strong attack of the Emperor, which is too outrageous."

"Nothing is outrageous. In this abnormal state, anything can happen."


No one is not surprised, but for Jiang Chen's metamorphosis, many people have begun to numb, even if Jiang Chen makes something that is abnormal, no one will be too confused.

In the mouth of the emperor, another blood spouted out, and the smile on his face began to become extremely bleak. He knew that he had completely failed, and he was defeated.

"Emperor, give me a whole body."

Star Emperor turned his head and looked at the Emperor. He knew that he was exhausted and could leave a whole body. It was his last request.

"Star Emperor, you do it yourself, I will not kill you."

The Emperor of Heaven extracted the star of the Wanhua Star and said it lightly.

"it is good."

The Star Emperor nodded and then died of his own life.

The tragic death of an emperor is a sad thing, but there are some things that can't be done. If you do, there will be someone paying the price. Sometimes the price may be unbearable.

"Congratulations to the return of the Emperor."

Ling Liqun hugged the heavenly emperor and said loudly.

"Congratulations to the return of the Emperor."

"Congratulations to the return of the Emperor."

"Congratulations to the return of the Emperor."


Countless Xian Ting's disciples and elders shouted in unison, and all the previous hazes disappeared with these sounds. The era of the Emperor was destined to become history and to disappear into the long river of history.

Nangong asked the people who looked at the fairy courts, and there was not so much joy and excitement on his face. After he was born again, he was only asked by the Nangong, no longer the Emperor, and what he pursued was no longer the supreme right.

He wanted to spend a lifetime, but he was trying to make fun of it. Since fate once again pushed himself to this height, he had no reason to retreat.

Past and present, the two emperors, Nangong asked Tian is accepting his new identity.

In the end, Nangong asked Tian to bury the star emperor and buried the star emperor in the Emperor's Palace. He only sealed the Emperor's Palace, but did not destroy it.

The Emperor of Heaven is a person who is empathetic and righteous. It is enough to show his generosity. This alone makes many people accept this new emperor, a emperor with a strong sense of righteousness. A ruthless emperor is always more comfortable.

Inside the Emperor's Palace, Jiang Chen, Tiandi, Long XIII, and Dahuang Dog, the four gathered together, and placed an ordinary table in the middle. The four men talked and sang, and laughed.

"Monkey, I will introduce you to you. This is Nangong, who is the reincarnation of the Emperor, and my life and death brother. The reason why I came to Fengchi Xianting is for him."

Jiang Chen said: "Anan, this is the dragon thirteen, the body has a complete battle of dragons and blood, this guy has a more arrogant identity, the first generation of the demon island."

After the introduction of Jiang Chen, Nangong asked Tianhe Long 13 to be familiar with everything soon. They all know that those who can make a difference with Jiang Chen’s life and death are definitely not bad. They are basically people in the channel.

The conversation between the two was also very happy, so that after the two guys directly shouldered their backs, the brothers and brothers were short, and it was called a hateful night, completely ignoring Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog.

"The two guys, how are you so ill?"

The rhubarb dog said silently.

"Anan, there is a very important thing, I have to tell you."

Jiang Chen suddenly brows slightly.

"whats the matter?"

Nangong asked Tiantian, and all three people can feel that things that can be so valued by Jiang Chen are definitely small.

"Before I got the ancient elephant blood in the Xiaofeng Chijie, I met a person who was also interested in the ancient elephant blood. This person took the blood and was finally killed by me."

Jiang Chen said.


The Emperor of Heaven, in this world, in addition to himself, he is convinced that there will be no second person to know the hidden places of the ancient elephant blood. What makes him even more puzzled is that there are still people who are very interested in the ancient elephant blood, and he will not hesitate to enter the small Feng Chijie went to snatch, and this person is obviously not related to the Emperor.

"It’s a savage person."

Jiang Chen’s nephew flashed a cold mang.

"What? Man from the horrible world?"

This time, Emperor Tian, ​​Dragon XIII and the big yellow dog were both exclaimed. They knew about the barbarians. The big yellow dog didn’t need to say it. The last time the participants of the catastrophe, Nangong asked Tian as the emperor, for that catastrophe. Naturally, it is no stranger. Dragon 13 and Jiang Chen entered the barren ancient land to save the big yellow dog. They have already seen the brute force.

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