Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2060: Gold tower

Akasaka waved his hand and told other people not to talk. Then he looked at Jiang Chen: "So, if you want to get a golden lupin, Jiang Chen must join the gold family. Only the tribes of the gold family are eligible to participate in the test of the day after tomorrow. ”

"Well, I am willing to join."

Jiang Chen almost didn't even think about it. He immediately agreed to join him. He didn't lose a little bit to him. If he could get the golden lupin, then he would enter the savage and undoubtedly got a huge card, the first time. In the process of the catastrophe, with the golden emperor famous together, there is this golden lupin.

"The patriarch, this..."

Someone still wants to say something, but it is once again stopped by Jin Chixiao: "You, we are all people who have experienced catastrophe. How strong the barbarians are, you know best, the reason why our golden family reappeared in the world is to cope with this second. The second catastrophe, Jiang Chen went to the savage world to save people, but also to prevent the barbarian from getting the blood of the sacred god, the importance of which you understand."

"And, no one can control the golden lupin. If the catastrophe is still unable to find the owner, it is a great loss. Jiang Chen has made great contributions to our golden family, and he has received the sun **** feather. Recognized, the body is already a trace of the blood of our golden family. If he can control the golden plum fan, it is also a good thing for us."

Jin Chi-chi said that the reason why he let Jiang Chen come to participate in the contest is that Jiang Chen has been recognized by the sun **** feather. The sun **** feather itself is part of the golden feather fan, since it can be recognized by the sun **** feather. , then it is very likely that you will get the recognition of the golden lupin.

In the future catastrophe, if you lose the golden lupin fan, it is a loss for the fairy world.

"Of course, Jiang Chen, you want to get the golden lupin, you must defeat all the participants, the golden feather fan only accepts the strongest, and then choose whether it is recognized, so the best is the first step, I will give you Providing the qualification to participate in the test, but in the end you can get the golden feather fan, or rely on your own skills, this seat has to remind you that it is not an easy thing to become the strongest in the younger generation of the golden family. I know that your talents are against the sky, and the leapfrog killing is not a problem, but it is very difficult to defeat all the younger generations of the Golden family."

Jin Chixiao said with a smile.

"Oh, Jiang Chen, you are now a member of our gold family, but you are doing this, this seat is really not very optimistic."

The old man of a seven-level emperor smiled, and other people’s faces also showed a smile. This is not a mockery, but a confident smile. It is a confidence for the golden genius. They believe that even if they will get the golden red Weakness can participate in the test after two days, but the results are not optimistic.

"It is an honor for me to be able to fight with the real Wizards."

In the eyes of Jiang Chen, there is a hint of warfare. The genius of the golden family is imaginable. It is certainly not the same as those of Xianting. The first day of Xianting’s emergence is if it is placed here, I am afraid that it will not be level.

"In two days, you can let the saint take you to the Golden Tower to cultivate and absorb the pure gold gas, which may be helpful to you."

Jin Chichen said.

"Okay, then I will leave."

Jiang Chen held a fist to Jin Chi, and then withdrew from the hall.

"What is the gold tower?"

After walking out of the hall, Jiang Chen asked.

"The Golden Pagoda is the place where the golden family cultivated. It has the purest gold gas. You have been recognized by the sun **** feathers before. There is already a fire of the sun in the body, so it is not difficult to absorb the gold gas. It is said that the golden tower The intrinsic nature of Jinwu's blood is the most recent yang-like existence between the heavens and the earth, but this power is very small, and few people can absorb it. If it is absorbed, it will definitely benefit, if you can absorb it. Blood power may be able to hit the third-level emperor, and only if you reach the third-level emperor, you will have the chance to win the test after two days."

Said Wu Ningzhu.

"Can the third-level emperor win? How strong is the genius of the gold family?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help himself.

"If you can promote the third-level emperor, then you only need to pay attention to one person. His name is Jin Tianyuan, and the cultivation of the fifth-level emperor, together with the horror of the golden family, can easily kill the sixth-class emperor."

Wu Ningzhu said, his face is full of worry.

"It’s not a golden family. It’s such a bad thing, but it’s good. I haven’t tried the pressure for a long time. I’m still looking forward to fighting this kind of genius.”

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a smile, Jin Tianyuan's existence, not only did not let Jiang Chen give birth to a little fear, the whole person became extremely excited, and such a genius battle, always able to stimulate his passion and fighting spirit.

"I heard that the golden lupin fan contains the things left by the golden emperor. It is very scary. If you get the golden lupin fan, if you have this card, go to the savage world and get a little more control, I will be relieved."

Wu Ningzhu said that for her own man, she showed distress, this heavy-hearted guy always puts himself in the most dangerous situation, which makes people feel scared.

But it is precisely because of this, Wu Ningzhu is deeply in love with Jiang Chen. Jiang Dian has always been her greatest pride.

"I will definitely get a golden lupin."

Jiang Chen is full of self-confidence. This time he went to the straits to save Zuo Linger. He didn't have a little grasp, so he wants to increase everything that can be added.

"I believe you can do it, let's go, I will take you to the Golden Tower now. It will be very difficult to promote the third-level emperor in two days, but it seems that there is no too difficult thing for you."

Wu Ningzhu laughed, she is full of confidence in Jiang Chen. For a long time, what Jiang Chen wants to do has not been done.

The Golden Pagoda is a symbol of the golden family. It has nine floors and is open to all the tribes of the Golden family. Whether it is the genius of the younger generation or the elders of the Great Emperor level, they can enter the Golden Tower to practice.

Of course, the tribe of the Golden family is the only qualification to enter the Golden Tower and is also a necessary condition.

As a sacred bamboo saint, you can enter and exit any layer of the Golden Pagoda. The dance bamboo directly brings Jiang Chen to the ninth floor. This is the most concentrated place of gold gas, and it is also the most likely to be absorbed into the blood. The place of force.

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