Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2061: Hidden blood power

In an enclosed space on the ninth floor, Jiang Chen was sitting on a huge futon and quickly adjusted his state to the best.

The entire space is filled with strong gold gas. These gold gas is very rich, just take a breath, it makes people feel happy and uncomfortable.

However, no amount of gold gas is of much use to Jiang Chen. Even if he is madly absorbed here for two days, at best, he has condensed two thousand dragons. Two thousand dragons are taboo for him. No use.

The number of dragons in Jiang Chen’s body is 1.78 million, and there are 20,000 dragons in the distance from the third-class emperor.

According to Jin Chichen, the golden tower, which represents the symbol of the golden family, should contain the true blood heritage, which is purer than the blood of many people in the golden family.

It should be known that although the golden family is a descendant of the Jinwu family, there is almost no real golden blood, but at best it is only with the blood of Jinwu, so they call it the golden family, and the blood contained in the body is also called the golden blood. It is not the golden blood.

Even the blood of the Emperor of the Golden Emperor and the Emperor Xiaoyao is not the finished Jinu blood, but the composition of the blood is relatively high.

The only true gold in the family of gold is the golden lupin, which can be seen from the dust of the sun through the sun **** feathers.

Therefore, Jiang Chen wants to promote the third-grade emperor, not only to absorb the golden gas here, but also to absorb the inheritance of the blood contained in it. Only this powerful blood pulse can make Jiang Chen two days. Advance to the third-level emperor, otherwise, there is no chance to promote the third-level emperor.

Jiang Chen’s momentum is shocking, and the great refining spirits are spread out. It is like the tide of the soul. The power of the soul pervades every corner of the golden tower. A lot of gold gas enters the body of Jiang Chen, and the operation of the dragon It was quickly absorbed by the refining.

However, in the blink of an eye, Jiang Chen has already applied the great refining spirit to the extreme, and still has not absorbed anything related to the blood of Jinwu, which makes Jiang Chen very disappointed.


Jiang Chen put away the power of the soul, his brows slightly.

There was no progress in the three hours, and even if it was done in the same way for three days, the end result was still nothing, which is almost certain.

Since this method does not work, then Jiang Chen will change the way.

Jiang Chen took out the sun **** feathers and sacrificed the fire of the sun. These two things are related to the inheritance of the blood, and maybe they can play a role.


At the moment when the sun fire and the sun **** appeared, the golden gas in the space instantly swayed. Jiang Chen once again exerted the power of the soul, and immediately realized the invisible blood force, which made Jiang Chen incomparable. Excited, it seems that this method is still very good.

A trace of blood flow into the body of Jiang Chen, this is the power of the source, directly integrated into the origin of Jiang Chen, under the absorption of the dragon, the power of the blood quickly became a pure energy. Gather a dragon pattern.

There are a lot of blood in the body of Jiang Dust, so it is very easy to absorb any blood, almost effortless.


The sound of humming sounds in the sea, the distance is swaying, and a new dragon pattern is condensed. Between the eyes, there are 10,000 dragon patterns.

But unfortunately, the use of the sun's fire and the blood power absorbed by the sun **** feathers can only help the river dust to condense 10,000 dragon patterns. It is impossible to continue to gather more dragon patterns. The power of blood is still Too little, not enough.

But the sun's fire and the sun's feathers seem to be so attractive. Jiang Chen tries to use them to continue to absorb the hidden blood power and find that nothing has been achieved.

In desperation, Jiang Chen had to put away the sun **** and the fire of the sun.

Now the problem is coming. There are still 10,000 dragons in the distance from the third-class emperor. It is almost impossible for the 10,000 dragons to condense in a short time, unless they can absorb more blood.

Jiang Chen thought hard for two hours and still could not find a means to absorb blood.

Suddenly, there was a sudden jump in the depths of the sea. This movement immediately attracted Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen paid attention to the past and found that the beating was a fairy mark that had been silent for a long time.

This fairy has not been used for a long time, and it has been a long time. Jiang Chen has almost forgotten it.

However, Jiang Chen knows that this fairy mark is very extraordinary. He once gave Jiang Chen a lot of help. When he was in the Shengyuan continent, the fairy mark could blind the heavens, so that the immortals of the Xiao family could not fly, and when they were flying Because of this fairy mark, I escaped the attack of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

Unceremoniously, this fairy mark has contributed too much to Jiang Chen to save his life.

At this moment, Xianting jumped a bit and immediately caused great attention from Jiang Chen.

"This fairy mark doesn't know what to come to. Even if my cultivation has reached the point of today, there is still no way to explore the mystery. Now I can't communicate more blood power, maybe this fairy mark can help."

Jiang Chen dark road.

So, with a mentality of trying, he gave the fairy mark a sacrifice.


At the moment when the fairy marks appeared, the entire golden tower trembled fiercely. The golden gas in all the spaces from the first floor to the ninth floor was vigorously swaying and screaming, as if a wave of wind and waves had been set off. general.


The next moment, at the top of the Golden Pagoda, an illusory Golden Wushen bird emerged. This thought seems to be from the inside of the Golden Pagoda. It is the representative of the Golden Family, which is the symbol of the totem.


The deafening whistling, as if from the ages, immediately alerted everyone in the Golden family, and the tyrannical figure flew out from different directions and looked at the Golden Tower.

"Look, it is the golden eagle bird, the pure blood hidden in the golden tower, the totem of our golden family."

"The golden tower has existed for countless years. The true ancient blood has never appeared. It has appeared today. It must be who cultivated in the golden tower and inspired the blood."

"My God, who is inside? Is it Jintianyuan? This is incredible."


No one was shocked, everyone’s eyes fell on the golden bird, and the face glowed with excitement.

High-ranking figures such as Jin Chih-Hui also appeared. They looked at each other and saw the shock in the eyes of the other party. Others did not know who was practicing in the Golden Tower, but they were clear.

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