Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2062: Third-level emperor

"The patriarch, this son is really not ordinary, can actually stimulate the blood power in the golden tower, even if we can not do it, no wonder he can get the recognition of the sun **** feather."

An elder said with amazement.

"Let's continue to see it. This Jiang Chen is by no means simple. He has a lot of air and greatness beyond everyone.

The Red Emperor said that he had heard about the deeds before Jiang Chen, so the Red Emperor has always been extremely valued by Jiang Chen.

Moreover, Jiang Chen can control the sun **** feathers, and indirectly also means that he has been recognized by the Golden Emperor. This is very important. Otherwise, the Akasaka Emperor will not be so easy to let an outsider join the gold family.

Above the Golden Pagoda, the red-colored golden eagle bird shadows the cave, which is full of brilliance, attracting the attention of all the golden tribes.

The turbulence caused by such a scene in the golden family is undoubtedly great. After all, the power of the blood, this is the most important thing in the golden tower. For a long time, the people in the golden family are not the power of no one to get the blood, but can It has never been seen that the blood power of this source exists.

So everyone wants to look at it, who can inspire the blood of the source, who is it.


And when everyone was guessing who it was, an earth-shattering dragonfly came out of the golden tower. The next moment, a white youth flew out like a ghost, and the volley was suspended at the top of the golden tower. Not someone else, it is Jiang Chen.

"Who is this? I have never seen it, but it looks good."

"It is Jiang Chen, the Jiang Chen who once guarded the remains of our golden family. I didn't expect him to come to the golden family. It is hard to be done. The blood power in the golden tower is not what he inspired. How is this possible? He is not us at all. The people of the golden family."

"It is Jiang Chen. I have seen his images. He has been recognized by the Sun God Feather. The body has already had the blood of our golden family, so it can stimulate the power of the bleeding pulse."

"This is too much against the sky. Even Jin Tianyuan can't provoke the pure blood power. Jiang Chen actually inspired it. This is a miracle."


No one is shocked, no one has thought that the person who can inspire the blood power of the Golden Tower is not the golden day of the golden family, but an outsider.

For this outsider, it is really familiar to everyone. Jiang Chen is a legend for the gold family. Everyone has seen the image of Jiang Chen guarding the golden family, whether they know Jiang Chen or not, but The image of Jiang Chen, that is very good.

At the top of the golden tower, Jiang Chen grabbed the big hand and the illusory bird immediately plunged into his body. Under the operation of the dragon, the blood's power began to be madly refining.

In the air, Wanlong roared, and a new dragon pattern began to form gradually. Soon, 10,000 dragon patterns were completely condensed.


Everyone heard a squeaking sound, which was the sound of breaking through the realm. That is to say, at this moment, Jiang Chen’s cultivation was directly impacted by the second-level emperor to the third-level emperor.

"Great, I know this guy won't disappoint."

Dancing bamboo is extremely exciting. For a long time, Jiang Chen has created too many miracles. No matter where he went, it was accompanied by the birth of miracles. On the first day of the golden family, the blood power in the golden tower was stimulated. Such a huge shock.

This is Jiang Chen, the man who danced bamboo.

In the sky, Jiang Chen continued to absorb the power of the blood. After repairing to reach the third-level emperor, the blood's power still did not stop. In just a few minutes, Jiang Chen once again condensed 30,000 dragon patterns, so that The number of dragons in Jiang Chen directly reached as much as 1.83 million, even if it is only a step away from the fourth-class emperor.

The power of the blood is consumed, and this time the harvest is too great, so that Jiang Chen’s cultivation has directly impacted the peak of the second-class emperor to the peak of the third-class emperor. Such great progress has made him more in the test after two days. Grasp some.

The Red Emperor looked at Jiang Chen, who was in the air, and his eyes burst into a glowing light: "This is the true pride of the sky. In the coming catastrophe, he will play an extremely important role, even this time. The fate of the fairy world is on him."

The words of the Red Emperor of the Red Emperor could not help but stun the high-ranking elites around them. They never heard that Akasaka had given such a high level of peace to the people. Even the future of the fairy world was on this young man, which made them unacceptable. Do not look at Jiang Chen from a deeper level.

They may not understand Jiang Chen, but they are very familiar with Akasaka the Great. His words are definitely not targeted.

In the crowd, a young man wearing a golden armor looks at Jiang Chen, and his complex taste, admiration, embarrassment, and unwillingness.

This young man is the first talent of the golden family, Jin Tianyuan. In the younger generation of the golden family, he is the one who absorbs the blood power from the golden tower, but compared with Jiang Chen, the gap will suddenly disappear.

This makes Jin Tianyuan feel very uncomfortable, and in his view, the blood power in the golden tower should have belonged to the gold family. Although Jiang Chen has the grace of the golden family, he is also an outsider.

At the same time, Jin Tianyuan’s heart is also very admired by Jiang Chen, because Jiang Chen has done things that he can’t do. People like Jin Tianyuan are generally arrogant and arrogant, whoever refuses to accept, only admire people who are stronger than themselves. .

"Tianyuan brother, it seems that after two days of comparison, you have a strong opponent."

One smiled and said.

"It is really unusual to be able to absorb the blood power in the Golden Tower, but he is the third-level emperor after all, and it does not pose any threat to me. The golden feather fan is still mine."

Jin Tianyuan said with confidence.

"Tianyuan brother, still pay attention to a little good, this guy is a super metamorphosis, he left the image you also saw, across three levels of killing are like playing, although you are two levels higher than him, but Also can't be careless."

Someone made a reminder.

Jin Tianyuan nodded secretly. He saw the images left by Jiang Chen and knew the horror of Jiang Chen. However, Jiang Chen of the third-level emperor, Jin Tianyuan still did not care, and he was very confident in his own strength.

However, the appearance of Jiang Chen still makes Jin Tianyuan very excited. He is a militant person. If he does not encounter a decent opponent in the trial, he will feel extremely disappointed.

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