Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2066: Goodbye Yang Junlong

Jiang Chen knows that the image of the golden emperor in the golden lupin fan is the most powerful card that the golden lupin fan can currently display. When the barbaric is reached, this card may have a great effect. This is almost unquestionable.

Now that he controls the golden lupin, Jiang Chen can launch the attack at any time. Unfortunately, this kind of attack that is enough to fight the nine-level sage can only be used once. If it can be used without limit, it will be arrogant.

However, this is obviously unrealistic and wants to use unlimited restrictions unless the Golden Emperor returns.

On the side of the Golden Akasaka, Jiang Chen saw the golden feather fan so fast, and he was fully recognized by the golden feather fan. His emotions were also very excited.

"Okay, okay, it is very good, Jiang Chen, you really are the people selected by the Golden Emperor. No one but you can control the golden lupin."

Jin Chiqiu even called three sounds, and saw the whole process of Jiang Chen controlling the golden plum fan. Jin Chiyu understood it. This Jiang Chen is itself the person chosen by the Golden Emperor. This is from the time when the gold kills the domain dust and gets the sun **** feather. It is already doomed, otherwise, Jiang Chen can't control the golden lupin so quickly.

According to the estimates of Jin Chisong, Jiang Chen had to control the golden lupins, at least to encounter great obstacles and difficulties, but where did he think that this golden plum fan seemed to belong to Jiang Chen at the beginning, and it was completely handy.

"With this golden lupin now, I have a strong card, and I am ready to go to the squad."

Jiang Chen said that he does not want to continue to delay time. It is imperative to go to the savage world. Zuo Linger is in danger at any time.

"Well, since you have made your decision, go ahead, it’s horrible, even I have never been there, you should be more careful."

Jin Chih-hsien said: "But before you go, I will tell you about the general situation of the savage world. There are a total of twelve families in the singular world. Each family has a nine-level sage, sitting in the town, except the one you met last time. Beyond the Uk family, there are also colorful families and wind and thunder and lightning. The colorful family is the seven families of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. The names of the twelve families are preceded by a black character, such as the Uk family. Wuchi family, Wu Orange family, the main goal you are going to this time is the Uk family, so try not to provoke other families. When you return this barbaric, I estimate that the rant will also launch an attack. Coming, it must be the same as the previous one. Every space in the fairy world will fall to the savage master, not just the emperor."

After listening to Jin Chihuan, Jiang Chen is also a shock. The strength of the savage world is far more horrible than he imagined. The Uk family is already strong enough. He originally thought that a family like the Uk family had three or four. It’s not bad. I don’t think there are twelve terrorist families.

"I don't know how many nine-level emperors we have in the fairy world."

Jiang Chen asked.

"Don't marry you, the gold family now has a superficial elder, and the nine-level emperor's cultivation. As for the emperor, I am not too clear. When the emperor was built, the golden family has disappeared, but I can be sure. The number of the 9th-level emperors in the fairy world will certainly not be more than the savage world. Therefore, you must grow up quickly, and our time is really not much."

Jin Chia patted Jiang Chen’s shoulder and said with a strong heart.

"I know."

Jiang Chen nodded, then he said goodbye to Jin Chi, and directly tore the void passage leading to the emperor, and his body disappeared after disappearing.

Monks of the Immortal World, as long as they reach the level of the Great Emperor, can feel the existence of the Emperor's domain, and can directly open the Diocese to open the space channel and enter the Dimension.

The Great Emperor level is the basic condition for entering the Imperial Region, but it is easy to enter. It is difficult to come back. Since the establishment of the Imperial Region, the Emperor who entered the Imperial Region is not allowed to return. Yang Junlong is a good example. The empire is in trouble, and Yang Junlong just has a avatar.

Di Tian, ​​Liusha City!

Here is the border zone of the Imperial Region. As always, after the arrival of Jiang Chen, the first to come is the Liusha City.

The last time to save the big yellow dog, Yang Junlong risked his life as they entered the wild and ancient land. This time they came to Liusha City again. Jiang Chen felt it necessary to take a look at this old predecessor.

Beyond the gates of the Liusha City, the two first-class Emperor-level old guards guarded the gates, and when they saw someone coming over, the two suddenly stopped.

"Hey? You are not the last young man who came with the grown-ups? How come again."

"Yes, I have an impression on you, but at that time you were the cult of Xianzun. I didn't expect that it would take long before the repairs have reached the Great."

The two said that as a great emperor, the memory is extremely terrifying. Even if they only saw one side last time, their impression of Jiang Chen is very profound. After all, they saw it in this hell. It is the emperor. Suddenly there is a big emperor, and naturally remember clearly.

"Well, I am looking for Yang's predecessors."

Jiang Chen smiled at the two.


Jiang Chen’s voice just fell, a light and shadow rushed out of the quicksand city, and landed in the blink of an eye to Jiang Chen, not who is Yang Junlong.

At this moment, Yang Junlong, who has reached the level seven emperor, has improved a level compared to before. He noticed that Jiang Chen arrived, so he came out the first time.

Yang Junlong replaced one level, Jiang Chen is not unexpected, people like Yang Junlong, the future is limitless.

Jiang Chen is not unexpected, but Yang Junlong can be shocked. He looks at Jiang Chen with his eyes wide open, as if he saw a ghost.

"Predecessors, why are you looking at me like this?"

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"You kid, this is going against the sky, the third-level emperor, how long has it been?"

Yang Junlong's face is speechless, he rarely admire a person, but Jiang Chen is definitely the most ruthless person he has ever seen.

"Right, this time there will be something in the emperor domain?"

Yang Junlong asked, he still knows very well about Jiang Chen. If this guy does not have big things, he will not come to the Imperial Region so soon. After all, the third-level emperor has not yet reached the point where he must not come to the emperor.

"I am going to save the spirit."

Jiang Chen said.

"You mean the last girl who has the full blood of the gods?"

Yang Junlong’s look changed. He remembered very clearly about Zuo Linger. If he was not left Linger, he might not be able to stand here now.

"Yes, I foresee that the spirit is in danger, so I have to come to the rescue."

Jiang Dust Road.

"What are your plans? Linger is in the savage world, in the Uk family, how can you save?"

Yang Junlong asked.

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