Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2067: Re-enter the ancient land

"I intend to go quietly to the savage world and mix into the Uk family."

Jiang Chen said.


Yang Junlong refused on the spot: "Jiang Chen, you are not a fool, you have seen the strength of the Uk family. You want to go to the Uk family to save people. It is you, even a nine-level emperor will not succeed. And the breath of your body is very obvious, and the smell of the barbarian is not the same, it is easy to be recognized."

"I have my own way of doing this, but Linger must save. It is always necessary to fight once. I will come to see you, not to find you to discuss, just to see you."

Jiang Chen said that the tone is extremely firm and there is no room for thought.

"Jiang Chen, this matter still has to be considered for a long time. It is better for me to see the eight major domain owners and discuss countermeasures."

Yang Junlong said that he knows that Jiang Chen is a man. When he says it is done, the decisions he has made are even more difficult to change. This time he had already taught him when he saved the big yellow dog. In order to save his friends, he can be desperate. Even out of his own life.

"The eight major domain owners?"

Jiang Chen doubts.

"It is the master of the domain of the emperor, they are all nine emperors, the blood of the gods is important, we talk to the domain owner, the domain owner will definitely pay attention."

Yang Junlong said.

"It seems that Akasaka is right, the nine-level emperor of the fairy world is indeed not as good as the rant."

Jiang Chen secretly said that the Emperor Akasaka had told himself that although he did not understand the situation of the Imperial Region, he was sure that the number of the nine-level emperors in the immortal world was not much.

Now from the mouth of Yang Junlong, it is known that there are eight nine-level emperors in the emperor, and that the elders of the golden family are only nine, and there are twelve in the sacred world.

Although there are only three gaps, when this gap rises to the 9th-level emperor, it is said that there are three, even if it is one, it is also far away, and it can change the situation.

Jiang Chen can imagine how terrible the catastrophe will be in the near future. For the fairy world, it may be a doomsday existence.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen is more eager to upgrade his own strength, and in his current situation, the rapid improvement of cultivation is only dependent on the Zulong Tower. What is better is that the barbarian barbarians are the ancestral towers. nourishment.

In other words, if Jiang Chen wants to improve his training quickly, he will have to wait for the catastrophe to really come and improve his cultivation in the catastrophe.

"Predecessors, wait until the eight major domain owners make a decision, Linger may have been sent to the altar, and you said before, even if the nine-level emperor shot, may not be able to save people from the Uk family, I go However, I am sure that there is something. As for the breath problem you said, I have a solution."

Jiang Chen said, waving his hand to the void, drawing a big hole in the void, and the cold breath came out from inside, which is the space leading to the ancient land.

"Well, Jiang Chen, I know that you can't change the decision you made. I also know that you have the ability to make a miracle, but this time different, in any case, you must be careful and take your life. Put it first."

Yang Junlong couldn’t stop Jiang Chen, but he couldn’t help but sigh.

In fact, Jiang Chen’s desperation and go-ahead are the places where Yang Junlong appreciates Jiang Chen.

"Reassure the predecessors, there have always been many people who want my life, but I still live a good life."

Jiang Chen smiled and then hugged Yang Junlong, and his body entered the wild and ancient land.

The barbaric ancient land is a connected space connecting the emperor and the barbarians. In fact, it is a territorial domain belonging to the barbarians.

The whole space is full of ancient and cold atmosphere, barbaric, and the power of killing is floating everywhere.

After Jiang Chen came in, he drove straight and walked in the direction of the savage world.

Soon, Jiang Chen entered the deep zone of the ancient wilderness. He found that the barbaric atmosphere here was as strong as when he came last time.


There was a fierce battle ahead, and even if they were far apart, Jiang Chen could see a group of barbarians fighting each other.

"The people of the savage world have come here to practice."

Jiang Chen frowned, but he soon wanted to understand that the barbarians had to launch an attack on the fairyland because they had to launch an attack on the fairyland. The purpose was to temper.

Even Jiang Chen has to say that this kind of tempering of the savage world is fierce, and once it is right, it is a life-and-death fight.

However, such tempering can really enhance the overall strength of the savage, making the already brutal barbarians become more bloodthirsty and more crazy.

After experiencing this life and death tempering, once the battlefield is over, the advantage of the barbarian will be fully revealed. By then, the gap between humans and barbarians will be directly opened.

It is conceivable that humans and barbarians of the same level are right. If there is no restraint and suppression on the attributes, there is almost no chance of success for human beings.

Jiang Chen, he is really worried about the upcoming catastrophe.

The power of Jiang Chen’s soul spread and found that this time it was tempered more than the previous scale, but the highest level was only half of the emperor. This scale does not pose any threat to Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen's display of the big void is like a ghost, and it always appears in different places. Not far from the front, a barbarian is single.

Jiang Chen rushed forward and grabbed the barbarian's neck, and the strong breath instantly enveloped it.

"Don't stop, don't talk."

Jiang Chen’s voice is extremely cold.

Although the barbarian has the cultivation of Xianzun later, how is Jiang Chen’s opponent, in front of Jiang Chen, this is simply an ant.

"You, are you human?"

The barbarian looked at Jiang Chen and said tremblingly.

"Tell you, which family are you from?"

Jiang Chen asked, ignore the other party's problems.

"Uchi family."

The man said truthfully.

"Where are the people of the Uk family?"

Jiang Chen continued to ask.

"I don't know, the twelve major families have been practicing at the same time, but they have been mixed together, but I have just escaped the killing of several Uk family members."

Said the man.

"where is it?"

Jiang Dust Road.

"It's over there."

The man pointed his finger.


Jiang Chen's palms are hard, and they are smashed and crushed. For the barbarians, his shots are not welcome, and there is no credit to speak.


Jiang Chen was extremely fast, and went to the direction specified by the man before, and soon found three barbarians in a valley.

The three were looking for something. Suddenly, two flashes of light flashed through the heads of two of them. The two men’s heads burst on the spot and died in the ground.


The rest of the expression immediately showed a panic color.

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