Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2068: Uk Mountain

A mountain-like pressure struck, and the oppressed man was pale, and he was repaired by his half-empire.

"I ask you what you are answering, or you will die very badly."

The young man in white is very cold, and the young man in white who suddenly appears is Jiang Chen.

"You are a human being, and you dare to mix into the wild and ancient land. I really don't know how to live and die. I will not give in to Ukrainian mountains. It will not take long for us to kill the celestial world and let you know the world." The creature is coated with charcoal."

Although the man was completely suppressed by Jiang Chen, the words were still filled with the pride of their barbarians. In their hearts, their barbaric blood is supreme and nobler than human beings.


Jiang Chen did not use the Wu Keshan nonsense, waved a wave of fire, and instantly shrouded the Uk Mountain.


Suddenly, the screams of screaming sounded, there was a gap between Wukeshan and Jiangchen that could not be crossed. Coupled with the flame of Jiang Chen, the restraint was too embarrassing and completely a natural enemy. It can be burned directly to the soul of Uk Mountain, making him unhappy.

"My patience is limited, you better not challenge me."

Jiang Chen said incomparably coldly that he would not have a bit of politeness and mercy for the barbarian. If it wasn’t for the news that he would like to know about Zuo Linger from the front of the Uk Mountain, Uk Mountain is now a dead man.

The feeling of burning the soul of the flame made Uk Mountain unbearable, and under such painful suffering, he had to surrender quickly.

"I said, what do you want to know?"

Uk Mountain Road.


When Jiang Chen grabbed his hand and the flame was drawn back to his body, he said, "I will ask you, where is Uk Linger now? Have you come to this wild land?"

"The saints have been promoted to the great emperor not long ago, and will not appear in the ancient wilderness. Three days later, our ancestors of the Uk family will have a blood sacrifice to extract the blood of the goddess in the saint."

Ukshan did not dare to hide and said everything he knew.

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen's face suddenly changed, the dark road itself is really guessing, Zuo Linger has been promoted to the Great, the Wuke family's ancestors began to work, once the left Linger was drawn blood, the end will be very miserable, Moreover, the blood of the gods falls into the hands of the barbarian emperor. For the fairy world, the consequences are absolutely catastrophic.

"When did you experience the end?"

Jiang Chen continued to ask, now the time is very urgent, he must be mixed into the savage as soon as possible, mixed into the Uk family, there are still three days away from the blood sacrifice of Zuo Linger, this time anyway, Jiang Chen must put Zuo Linger To save it, if the left Linger has a long and two short, Jiang Chen’s heart will be permanently blamed.

"Tomorrow is over. I told you all the questions you asked. Can you kill me?"

Wu Keshan said that his eyes were full of horror and fear.


Jiang Chen took a shot on the head of Wukshan. He already knew the information he wanted to know. It was useless to stay in Wukshan. If he left Wukeshan, he would not kill him. When attacking the fairy world, maybe someone will die in the hands of Uk Mountain.

Subsequently, Jiang Chen's face was distorted for a while, and it turned into the appearance of Wukeshan. He even changed his bones and changed his body like Wukeshan. Jiang Chen showed his ancestral tower and used the Wukanshan barbarian. The gas is completely absorbed. These barbarians are not directly refining by the Zulong Tower, but are used by Jiang Chen to disguise themselves.

With the cover of these barbarians, Jiang Chen has completely become a Uk Mountain, no matter from the appearance or the body, or the special atmosphere of the barbarian.

This is Jiang Chen's unique means, once used, but this change time is limited, even if he is now a third-level emperor, but at most it can hold for three or five days, when the time will appear.

However, three or five days is enough for Jiang Chen. With his current appearance, it is unkind to say that even if the most familiar people in Wukshan stand here, there will be no slightest notice.

Jiang Chen changed into the appearance of Wu Keshan. After the end of the calendar, he could successfully merge into the Uk family. The only regret for Jiang Chen is that he does not know the memory of Wu Keshan.

In other words, Jiang Chen is nothing more than the appearance of Wukeshan, but it is not known about the memory of Wukeshan on the Uk family.

But Jiang Chen can be sure that Wukshan must be a famous genius of the younger generation of the Uk family. Of course, this genius is only relative to the emperor. After all, the Uk Mountain is already the cultivation of the semi-emperor peak, perhaps throughout The Uk family is not a big deal, but for the barbarians who participated in the power of the wild and ancient land, it is absolutely top-notch, and it is almost a representative figure of the Uk family.

After killing the Uk Mountain, Jiang Chen’s body disappeared directly and disappeared. He went to the depths of the wild and ancient land. Since this is a savage experience, he used the identity of the Uk Mountain to make a big noise. At least, at least some damage will be caused to the brethren. Otherwise, isn’t this time coming?

In front, a ridiculous Montenegro, there is a struggle, Jiang Chen looks at it, at least 30 people are fighting, are Xianzun, and three and a half.

These people are dressed in three different colors, plus their embroidered logo on their chests. They are three different families.

The forces of the three parties, one is black, one is purple, one is yellow, and black clothes represent the Uk family. According to what Akasaka gave to himself, purple must represent the purple family and yellow is the black and yellow family.

At this moment, the three forces are vying for a large piece of light gray stone. The stone is full of one person, and it contains a lot of energy. Jiang Chen knows at a glance that this should be a useful energy treasure for the barbarian, just like The Yuanshi of the fairy world is the best, so it will cause competition.

Moreover, the experience of the barbarian itself is incomparably fierce, as long as the barbaric ancient land is opened, the people who enter here will experience life and death.

There are many barbarian personnel, and this has always been the way to survive the fittest, which has also created the horror of the barbarians.

The people of the Wuzi family and the Wuhuang family chose to unite after a brief fierce battle. Twenty people surrounded the Uk family with more than a dozen people, and only started to cause a lot of casualties to the Uk family.

Jiang Chen sees this in his eyes. He is not in a hurry to let the guys kill each other for a while, then he will shoot again and save one or two people from the Uk family. He will mix into the Uk family tomorrow, so even He is reluctant, still have to do something for the Uk family.

[At 9 o'clock in the evening, I arrived home. Today is still a day, and I will resume two more tomorrow. 】

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