Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2069: Undetected



The strong roar of battle is accompanied by the sound of screams. In the case of the combination of the two sides, only a few minutes before and after, the Uk family lost half of the people, and the remaining half also received or Light or heavy injury.

"Haha, Uk, you are finished."

A master of the Wu Zi family laughed and laughed, completely looking at each other.

The young man named Wu Kehong, who is the leader of the Uk family, has the cultivation of the peak of the semi-empire, but in the case of an enemy two, it is also a disorder of breath and ugly face.

The people who saw the Uk family have been killed in half, and Jiang Chen is not far away to prepare for the shot.

"The Wu Zi family, the Wuhuang family, you dare to unite to besiege our Uk family, it is simply not knowing how to live and die."

At this moment, a big drink suddenly sounded from a distance, everyone looked at the sound, and saw a black-faced Uk Mountain momentum rushed to kill.

"Mountain brother."

When I saw the Uk Mountain suddenly appearing, the faces of the Uk family suddenly showed a surprise color. In any case, Uk Mountain is a semi-emperor master. At this critical moment, it still makes it almost close. Everyone in despair sees hope.

"Okay, come back to die."

"Uk Mountain, today just solves the grudge between you and me."

Seeing the comers, the two purples of the Wuzi family and the Wuhuang family suddenly said coldly that Jiang Chen did not know the half-emperor genius of the Wuhuang family, but from the attitude of the other side towards himself, before the Uk Mountain And this guy should have some hatred.

"Hey! Just because you also want to kill me, I really don't know how to live and die."

Jiang Chen snorted and then took the lead. He shot a black wave of horror and instantly enveloped the genius of the Wuhuang family.

At the same time, Jiang Chen was extremely fast, and he came to the other side in the blink of an eye.

An extremely strong dangerous atmosphere instantly rose from the bottom of the man's heart. It was an extremely dangerous atmosphere. In crisis of life, the man had a bad voice. He did not think why the Uk Mountain, which was originally comparable to his own strength, suddenly changed. It’s so powerful.

But at this moment, it’s too late to think about it, because Jiang Chen’s attack has arrived, carrying the black air of the palm of his hand, and slamming it on the man’s head, only listening to the bang, the man’s head is directly Burst open, tragic death on the spot.


The half-emperor of the Wuzi family exclaimed on the spot. The look of Wukeshan seemed to see ghosts. The eyes were full of shocks. When they came up, they killed a half-emperor. This kind of shock is too great.

More importantly, Uk Mountain itself is also a semi-emperor. Whether it is repairing or fighting, they are equal to each other. They have also played against each other more than once, so Uk Mountain suddenly became so powerful that he could not accept it. .

"Hey! Let's die together."

However, Jiang Chen did not stop at all. The horrible air wave completely locked the Wu Zi family that day. He did not give the other party a chance to escape. He pointed out that his fingers were like the sharpest sword, piercing the other’s head with a bang. It was also tragic on the spot.

In an instant, Jiang Chen killed two and a half emperors, and both sides were not his enemy. This kind of shock is too big. At one time, some people were shocked by the mouth, even the Uk family. The same is true for people, and their shock is even bigger than their opponents.

Because they are all Uk family people, they know more about the strength of Uk Mountain. Although the other side is the leader of the younger generation of the Uk family, it is not so powerful. It is really exaggerating to kill two people. .

"What are you doing, kill me."

Jiang Chen screamed at Wu Kehong and others who were worried, and then he did not know where to extract a sword from his hands, full of brute force swords.

The horrible sword swept out and immediately screamed at the end of the day. At least seven or eight people died under his sword. It was not a grade at all. With the strength of Jiang Chen, it was necessary to kill these fairy gods and kill them. There is no difference between ants alone.


Uk Red screamed and led the rest of the Uk family to kill the past. Now it’s not a shock to why Uk Mountain suddenly became so powerful. Now it’s important to kill the enemy and die. The people revenge.

Ah, ah...

Screaming in the sky, only a few breaths before and after, all the people of the Wuzi family and the Wuhuang family were killed, and the death was clean.

Looking at the dead bodies in this place, Jiang Chen’s face has no half-heart feelings. Those who kill these barbarians will not have a slight wave of emotions. These people are all enemies of the fairy world. If they die, they will reduce the pressure on the fairy world. .

"Mountain brother, you, how suddenly did you become so powerful?"

Uk Red couldn't believe the Uk Mountain.

"Uk Red, I have been promoted to the level of the Great, killing them, as simple as crushing ants."

Jiang Chen looked at Wu Kehong and said very coldly. He learned the name of Wu Kehong from the previous dialogue, so he would not be wrong at the moment.

Subsequently, Jiang Chen grabbed a large piece of stone and collected it. No matter what kind of energy contained in the stone, Jiang Chen can absorb it.

Seeing that Jiang Chen had collected the stones, Wu Kehong and others did not have any objection. After all, Jiang Chen had just saved their lives, and Jiang Chen was his own person. He had just been promoted to the Great, and their status was not comparable to them.

The barbarian ranks are strict, the emperor is high, and the semi-empire and the emperor are two different concepts in the barbarian status. After Uksan became the emperor, he has already qualified to become the top of the Uk family and can participate in high-level meetings.

"Congratulations to the mountain brother to become a man."

"Mountain brother is really amazing. This time, it is sure to get some great adventures and promote the great emperor. From then on, the status within the family will skyrocket. Later, we also hope that the mountain brother will bring more."

"That is, we will follow the mountain brother in the future."


A few people began to slap their arrogance, and there was no doubt about Jiang Chen’s identity.

This is also normal. It is really that Jiang Chen’s disguise is too powerful. Whether it is appearance or sound or momentum, it is exactly the same as Wu Keshan. It will not cause people’s doubts.

"Well, but the experience will only end tomorrow. Today, the Wuzi family and the Wuhuang family dare to deal with us. In the following time, we will specifically kill the people of the Wuhuang family and the Wuzi family, and avenge the death of our dead people. ""

Jiang Chen’s momentum was shocked and he said.

"Well, what the mountain brother said is right, Grandma's, Wuhuang family and Wuzi family are really abominable. They must not be able to stop with them and let them know that we are powerful."

Uk red said evilly.

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