Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2072: Inside the altar

From a distance, the Uk family is like a giant castle. The sky is filled with gray fog. Any breath here is not suitable for human survival. Even if a fairy is here, it will feel invisible. pressure.

Jiang Chen came to the ugly Uk family with Wu Kezhen. According to the previous agreement, Jiang Chen directly chose to retreat.

Jiang Chen’s retreat was re-arranged after he was promoted to the Great. For Jiang Chen, this is a good thing, because if he was to find his former residence, he would not find it at all, and it would inevitably be revealed.

A small closed palace, after Jiang Chen came in, he never went out again, until late at night, he quietly walked out of the palace.

During the day, Jiang Chen has noticed that the ugly family building, coupled with the wonderful array of methods, is like a labyrinth. I want to find the place where Zuo Linger is located in such a maze. It is undoubtedly an impossible thing.

Of course, this kind of impossible thing is no longer a problem in Jiang Chen. There is no big problem. There is no problem in Jiang Chen’s calculation of where Zuo Linger is.

Jiang Chen was running a large-scale machine, and did not find the half-scent of Zuo Linger, but this situation is also expected by Jiang Chen. Zuo Linger is now detained in a very secret place, if she can feel her Breath, not normal.

However, for Jiang Chen, it is no harm to feel the feeling of Zuo Linger. The difference of Datianji is far from being comparable to the general method. Even if there is no breath of Zuo Linger to guide, Zuo Linger is judged. The general orientation is also no problem.


The big heavenly machine exudes the sound of humming, and Jiang Chen quickly judged the general position of Zuo Linger. He immediately applied the big emptiness and flew away in that direction.

Jiang Chen incarnates a black ghost and continues to appear in different parts of the Uk family.

Like this kind of walking around the core of the Uk family, I am afraid that only Jiang Chen can do it.

Jiang Dust at the level of the third-level emperor, plus the big void, can go anywhere in the world, even if it is an eight-level emperor, I still want to discover his trace.

Soon, Jiang Chen came to the black square at the center of the Uk family. On this square, there was a huge black altar. The altar was full of barbaric taste and was engraved with complicated roads. Rune, at the very top of the altar, is a huge cross, with a sly portrait of a sacred **** hanging above the cross.

Standing under the altar, you will feel the pressure from the depths of infinity, and the oppressed soul will tremble.

"Linger is in this altar."

Jiang Chen judged the specific location of Zuo Linger, but his brow could not help but squat directly, because it was too difficult to get into the altar to rescue Zuo Linger.

Jiang Chen can feel that there is a powerful seal of the powerful nine-level sages outside the altar. He said that he entered the seal through the seal. As soon as he touched the seal, he would immediately be noticed by the nine-level emperor. When you don't mention saving the left-winger, it's not bad to be able to escape.

But Zuo Linger must be saved, and this time to save Zuo Linger is the best chance. If the blood festival begins the next day and wants to steal the left Linger from the hands of the Uk family ancestors, it is almost a piece. Impossible things, even if he has a golden feather fan.

The golden feather fan can only display the attack of the Golden Emperor. Even if this attack can injure the Nine-level Man, it is only a wound. It is impossible to kill the other.

At that time, he will fall into the Longtan Tiger Cave and be besieged by the masters of countless Uk family. The best result is that he relies on the big void to escape, but the fate of Zuo Linger can't be changed.

"Zulong Tower, I can only rely on you now."

Jiang Chen’s scorpion shines. At this time, the only one he can rely on is the Zulong Tower.

The Zulongta has now reached the 66th floor. It has already been a long time ago. At the beginning, Jiang Chen used the cover of the Zulong Tower to steal the regenerative lotus. Now that the Zulong Tower is strong, he believes that he depends on the Zulong Tower to enter the altar. There is still no problem.

Jiang Chen's body swayed into the Zulong Pagoda, and the invisible Zulong Pagoda seemed to be a dust in the void. Under the free movement, there would be no slight difference.

The only regret is that when you move inside the ancestral tower, the speed is not going to be fast, as if you are walking on a mountain.

Soon, the Zulongta was close to the altar, and Jiang Chen became a little nervous. This is the seal of the nine-level sage. After all, he did not know if the ancestral tower could successfully pass through. If it could not, everything would I will give up before the meeting.

"Gambling a hand."

Jiang Chen bit his teeth. At this moment, he must gamble. The life of Zuo Linger must be saved. This is the only chance.


When the ancestral tower touched the seal, it went straight through the past without any hindrance, and the next moment appeared in the inner space of the altar.


This scene obviously made Jiang Chen somewhat unprepared, but this did not hinder the joy in his heart, but also let him understand that the 66-story Zulong Tower is already strong enough to pass through everything, even the nine The seal of the Emperor is no problem at all.

"It seems that I was worried about it before. I don't know what it looks like after the ninety-nine layers of the Dragon Tower. I really look forward to it."

Jiang Chen’s heart is full of joy, and his expectations for the Zulong Tower are even greater.

The inner space of the altar, in a round prison, is fastened to the top of the altar.

At this moment, Zuo Linger was sitting in the prison. Her eyes were closed, her face was indifferent, and there was no imaginary fear.

The more this is the case, the more Jiang Chen feels distressed, the left Linger who does not know the fear, shows that she has experienced too much in this savage world, and these experiences have changed the mind of Zuo Linger. This process is often Unpleasant.

Jiang Chen’s body jumped out of the ancestral tower and shouted: “Linger.”

This call called for the shock of Zuo Linger's body. She suddenly opened her eyes. When she saw Jiang Chen, the whole person fell into an endless shock.

"Big brother."

Zuo Linger jumped up and slammed into the arms of Jiang Chen, tears falling.

It is a kind of unspeakable joy. It is a kind of dawn under endless desperation. Zuo Linger dreams of countless scenes where Jiang Chen will appear in front of him at the last moment, but after all, it is just a dream. She knows that. Everything is extravagant, because Jiang Chen is coming, and can't change the facts at all, can't really save himself, but she still longs for it.

Nowadays, dreams are realized without warning. Even Zuo Linger, whose heart has changed greatly, cannot control his emotions at all.

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