Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2073: Fall into the encirclement

"Big brother, how did you find it here? There is a seal of the nine-level sages outside the altar. How did you come in?"

Surprisingly, Zuo Linger couldn't help but wonder.

"I guess you may have been promoted to the Great, worried about your safety, so once again entered the barren ancient land, just happened to encounter the barbarian once again experience, I killed the Uk family of the Uk family, changed into him The appearance is mixed into the Uk family. As for this altar, I naturally have my own way to come in."

Jiang Chen laughed, he is now the original appearance, so Zuo Linger recognized it at a glance.

"But, big brother, this is too dangerous. You still have to leave yourself. Linger’s life is like this. You can’t ruin your big brother because of Linger.”

Zuo Linger left from Jiang Chen’s arms and said very seriously.

She is very happy now. Jiang Chen can save himself from the Uk family regardless of his own safety. This has made Zuo Linger full of happiness, even if she died on the altar tomorrow, she is already content.

"Stupid girl, what do you say? You listen to me, you will hide in the ancestral tower, I will take you out of here."

Jiang Chen said.

"No, as long as I leave the altar, the ancestors of the Uk family will immediately feel that the entire Uk family is a closed space. With the strength of your third-level emperor, it is impossible to escape."

Zuo Linger immediately shook his head.

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen can't help but frown. Now it seems impossible to take the left Linger away quietly, as Zuo Linger said, as long as she leaves the altar, she will immediately It will be discovered that with the help of the Uk family, even if you have the help of the Dragon Tower and the Great Void, you will not be able to retreat.

"Big brother, you still have to go, Linger can't harm you."

Said left Linger.

"Little girl, what do you think of your big brother? I have done too many dangerous things in my life. In the end, I have not lived until now. I have always wanted to kill me. How many people can succeed? You do what I said, and the rest is left to me. I have to leave the savage world. I have to know that your big brother can never do things that are not sure."

Jiang Chen said that he directly opened the portal of the Zulong Tower.

In fact, this time he is really not sure, but sometimes he has to fight for it. If you don’t fight, you will definitely have no chance. If you fight, there is still a chance.

Moreover, since Jiang Chen has come, there is no possibility of returning without success.

"Big brother."

Zuo Linger looked at the resolute Jiang Chen, and his heart was infinitely warm.

"Come on, believe me."

Jiang Chen smiled.


Zuo Linger nodded and then entered the ancestral tower. She certainly believed in Jiang Chen. If there is another person in the world who can let him believe in everything, she can let her hand to death and death. It must be Jiang Chen.

As Jiang Chen said, he has created too many miracles in his life. For a long time, there are too many people who want to kill Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen is still alive.

Just as the left Linger entered the ancestral tower, an incomparably powerful momentum instantly rushed from the interior of the Uk family, and then a black wave rushed out and became an old man with a cane.

The old man’s cultivation is extremely tyrannical, and he has almost stood at the top of the world. The huge momentum has filled the entire Uk family and is frightening.

"Old ancestors, what happened?"

The ancestors of the Uk family, Wu Kejun, also appeared. The ancestors’ dispatched almost instantly alerted the entire Uk family, and all the powerful figures flew out from different places.

Now that the blood sacrifice is coming, it is not a trivial matter to be able to attract the ancestors to personally move out at this time.

"Someone entered the altar and tried to take away the saint and immediately blocked the entire family."

The voice of Wu Ke's ancestors was extremely cold, and just in the moment, the breath he left on Zuo Linger disappeared and was completely blocked. This made him very shocked, so he came out the first time.

Just as the voice of Wu Ke’s ancestors just fell, a golden light rushed out from the altar, and the golden light was dazzling, but it contained infinite power, which was enough to destroy everything. Under the impact of that golden light, the whole The altars collapsed.


The huge altar became a ruin, the black smoke rolled, and the golden light became a blood dragon.

Jiang Chen knows that when he left the ancestral tower, he was exposed. In this case, there is no need to hide it anymore. Anyway, Zuo Linger has been successfully rescued. Next, he is trying to leave the Uk family.

"It's a fairyland person, how did he break into our family."

"The **** Terran has destroyed our symbolic altar. It is damn."

"Kill him, the saint is in his hands."

Numerous masters will trap Jiang Chen in the center, everyone is murderous, watching Jiang Chen hate the teeth, the altar is a long-standing existence of the Uk family, almost a symbol of the Uk family, carrying Their faith.

Now an uninvited guest has destroyed the altar, which is equivalent to destroying their beliefs, which makes them feel good.

The eyes of Uke's ancestors and Ukman Jun are locked in Jiang Chen's body. Their eyes are full of shock, because they don't know what method the human beings in this fairy world use to mix into the Uk family silently. The savage atmosphere of the barbarians cannot be hidden at all, and once they come in, they will be detected.

What surprised Wu Ke’s ancestors was that this person could enter the altar without a sound, and he did not even notice it. Such a means, even if he was a nine-level emperor, could not understand.

"The **** human being, leaving a life."

A four-level savage man directly shot, with a black knife in his hand, in the blink of an eye, Jiang Chen came to the front, a knife smashed out, the black flame shot, the void was split into two halves, the horrible murderous Jiang The dust is completely shrouded.


Jiang Chen snorted, and the huge blood-colored dragon claws slammed out like a **** mountain. The four-level emperor made a fierce cry and was shot on the spot.

The Zulong Tower opened a mouth and cleaned the four-level Emperor, and there was no residue left.

A four-level sage, directly bringing Jiang 5,000 a thousand dragons, and Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowing with a sneer. These barbarians are completely serving their own food. It’s conceivable that when the catastrophe comes, these The barbarian people will become their own nourishment and become the nourishment of the Zulong Tower. Jiang Chen has been a bit eager to wait. Org

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