Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2075: Crazy killing

The shock is not just the ancestors of Uk, many people in the Uk family have changed their faces. Even those who have never seen the golden lupins have heard of the legend of the golden lupins. They have a heartfelt fan for this fan. The fear, in those years, their peerless ancestors, all died under this big fan.

This is the nemesis of the entire barbarian. It is the hardship of the entire barbarian to be mentioned. Nowadays, the golden feather fan reappears and the psychological blow caused to them is very huge.

One of the things that makes Uke’s ancestors happy is that it’s not the golden emperor who is the one who makes the barbarian stunned at the moment. It’s just a powerful kid.

Therefore, Uk's ancestors made up their minds to kill the dragon man anyway today, and then completely destroy the golden feather fan, breaking the barbaric's biggest threat.

At this moment, a majestic figure suddenly appeared, and the figure was looming, standing under the golden feather fan, like a **** of war, the momentum that was exhaled at random, all respected by heaven and earth.

"Golden Emperor."

Seeing the sudden appearance of this figure, Uke’s ancestors seemed to be caught in the neck. He shouted and almost didn’t pick it up directly.

“Isn't the Golden Emperor fallen in the last catastrophe? How come it again.”

Uke Manjun is also shocked, watching the figure of the Golden Emperor, his eyes full of fear.

It is a legend, a legend of the generation, the shadow of the so-called human name tree, the name of the Golden Emperor traversing the past and the present, but it is not blown out.

However, this character, which should have disappeared into the long history of history, has once again appeared, and the vibration caused by it is naturally enormous.

At that time, the fairyland was an era of great prosperity, and there were such powerful characters as the Golden Emperor, the Emperor of the Immortal, the Emperor of the Immortal, and the Emperor of the Void. However, in that era, the barbarians also had extreme powers, which were comparable to the Emperor, but only that catastrophe. After that, such a worldly figure disappeared.

"No, it’s just a **** thought left by the Golden Emperor."

Wu Ke's ancestors soon saw the truth and reality, and this was a relief. If the real gold emperor appeared, he must immediately summon all the nine-level savage gangs to confront.

"A mind can only be where you can go."

Uk's ancestors murdered, and he lifted the crutches in his hands and smashed the golden emperor and the golden feather fan.


This blow, the void was smashed on the spot, the whole world is about to collapse, and the strong attack of the 9th-level emperor can destroy a world. If it wasn’t for Uk’s ancestors to deliberately open up a battlefield, the entire Uk family To be destroyed.

In the face of such a strong blow, the Golden Emperor raised his eyes, his face was indifferent, his eyes were like two rounds of glare, and the illusion of the golden black bird was flashing in his eyes.


The golden emperor extended his big hand and grabbed the golden lupin. At this moment, the **** bird above the golden lupin seemed to live alive and began to whirl in the void.


The golden lupin fan broke out the most powerful power in the hands of the Golden Emperor, and then fanned over the crutches of Uke's ancestors.


The heavens and the earth have changed color, the void has been completely shattered, and the aftermath of the battle has been released, destroying one building after another of the Uk family. Some of the Uk family have been burned into nothingness because they are not dodging.

"Mother's, it's amazing."

Jiang Chen's mouth, the attack of the Nine-level Emperor, he is a knowledge, the kind of energy that destroys the earth and destroy the earth, it is impossible to really control it.


Under the strong blow of the Golden Emperor, Uke's ancestors stepped back after a few dozen steps to barely stabilize his body. His face was pale, and wow spurted a blood, and the hands holding the crutches trembled fiercely.

On the other hand, after exerting a powerful blow, the figure of the Golden Emperor began to slowly disappear. This is the last glorious glory of the Golden Emperor staying in this world. From then on, there will be no more gold Emperor. .

For this kind of situation, Jiang Chen is somewhat sad, but in order to save the left-wing children for a glimmer of life, Jiang Chen can only consume the residual attacks in the golden lupin. Only in this way can he have a chance.

"at this time."

Jiang Chen’s eyes were fast, and he grabbed the fan handle of the golden lupin. The big void technique was applied to the extreme, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The attack of the Golden Emperor just ruined the blockade of Uck’s ancestors on the entire space of the Uk family. This is the only opportunity for Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is not in love with the war, and does not dare to fight. At this time, nothing is more important than escape.

"Hunt him, don't let him run away."

Uk ancestors shouted.


Uk Manjun’s momentum was shocked. The first one chased him out. Many of the Uk family’s masters also chased them out. They have already seen that the Golden Emperor can only play an attack, but the dragon must stay. Once you let it escape, the harm is too great.

At the same time, Wu Ke's ancestors took out a black magical symbol and put it into the void to start summoning: "The wind and thunder and lightning, the four races, quickly went to the wild and ancient land to chase down a fairyland."

The Uk family and the wind and thunder and lightning have made good connections. Now Wuke’s ancestors were hit by the Golden Emperor. To be on the safe side, he directly summoned the ancestors of the four races to go to the wild and savage. It can be seen from this that Wu Ke’s ancestors have paid attention to Jiang Chen to what extent.

The main thing is that Jiang Chen’s performance is too different, and with the appearance of a golden feather fan, it is difficult for him to think about it.

More importantly, Zuo Linger was taken away by Jiang Chen. The blood of the gods is related to the prosperity of the entire barbarian. It must be recovered. With the blood of the gods, the barbarians can have enough confidence to destroy the fairy world, but if it is quite If the blood of God is lost, all the efforts made before will be abandoned.


Just as the call of Wu Ke’s ancestors was just issued, four extremely arrogant breaths emerged from four different directions of the savage world, and quickly rushed to the wild and ancient land.

That is the four ancestors, four nine-level sage.

Wu Ke's ancestors know that Jiang Chen wants to escape to the fairyland, and the ancient land is the only way to go. What they have to do now is to block Jiang Chen in the wild and ancient land before Jiang Chen escapes to the fairyland.

At the same time, Uke's ancestors adjusted their status and chased them out.

As Wu Ke's ancestors said, Jiang Chen at this moment has already relied on the big emptiness to escape to the wild and ancient land. He did not return, and went crazy to the field of the fairy world.

After the pursuit of chasing after, Jiang Chen has a hunch, this time he played the Uk family, may have to directly cause the catastrophe to come.

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