Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2076: Terran empire

"Kid, where are you going?"

Ukman is the fastest, has been chased up, his cultivation has reached the peak of the eight-level barren, even if it is only a step away from the nine-level emperor, as the patriarch of the Uk family, Ukman Undoubtedly very terrible.

Moreover, Wu Ke Manjun was chased up at the moment when Jiang Chen just fled, so even if Jiang Chen had a big void in the body, it was a normal thing to be caught up.

"Gathering the world."

Wu Kebanjun murdered the sky, and he came up with a powerful attack that was enough to destroy the earth. He evolved a savage demon, full of hundreds of feet, horrible, locked in the dust and body of Jiang Chen, and slammed come.


Jiang Chen couldn't help but scream, and the golden feather fan in his hand burst into an endless color, and the fan was fanned over.

The powerful golden lupin is the biggest nemesis of the barbarian. However, the current strength of Jiang Chen is not enough to play the true power of the fan. With the golden feather fan, he can deal with the general seven-level sage, even if it is general. The eight-level emperor can't help Jiang Dust.

But for the existence of the peak of the eight-level emperor like Ukman, it is a bit of a dwarf.

However, Jiang Chen obviously does not want to be entangled with it, because he has already felt that there are nine squadrons who are thinking about flying here quickly. Once they are trapped in the encirclement of the nine-level sage, the consequences are unimaginable.


The golden brilliance of the golden lupin fan greatly weakened the power of the savage demon, and the moment after Jiang Chen exhibited the golden lupin, the Tianlong battle armor appeared on him.


The whole power of the savage devil hits the top of the Dragon Warrior. With the defensive power of the Dragon Warrior, it is not a problem to bear the strong blow of the savage.

Jiang Chen just used this attack to quickly escape.

The fact is also true. Under the strong attack of the savage demon, Jiang Chen was directly hit by the air, flew into the void and disappeared completely.

"Hey boy, this guy has so many babies, this is a potential threat to my barbarian, it must be removed."

Ukman’s black cockroach flashed, and the murderousness was even better. He stepped out and continued to follow the trail of Jiang Chen.

At the same time, Wu Ke's ancestors also killed the four ancestors of the storm.

"What about people?"

Uk ancestors looked at Ukman.

"Running, this kid is a lot of treasure."

Wu Keman said.

"Kill, absolutely can't let him escape to the fairyland. This kid is too harmful. He has the means to restrain us. And he can absorb the essence of our barbarian to enhance his cultivation. If we fight, we barbarian It must be his nourishment up and down, and the blood of the gods is still in his hands."

Wuke's ancestors said.

"Uk ancestor, why are you so careless, even the blood of the gods can not see."

Wu Lei’s ancestors said nothing.

"Don't say it, catch up with him first."

Wu Ke's old ancestors had to spurt blood, and he was a squad of the nine-level emperor. Today he even ate a big loss in the hands of a kid. Not only did he lose the blood of the gods, he himself was attacked by the golden feather fan.

Jiang Chen's emptiness has been applied to the extreme and continues to appear in space cracks.

"Mom, it is locked."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but snorted. According to the previous calculations, he was already showing his limits, but the reaction of the barbarian was too fast. Now he has been locked in the atmosphere by the nine-level sage, even though he constantly appears differently. The cracks in the space are still unable to completely get rid of the chasing of the nine-level sage.

Jiang Chen’s current work is to successfully escape to the emperor’s domain before the ninth-level emperor catches up with him. When he reaches the emperor’s domain, he is safe, and there are eight majors in the emperor’s domain. Even these nine-level The emperor did not dare to go directly to the emperor, unless he went directly to war.


Jiang Chen is like a dragon. It is like a ghost and a ghost. The big void makes him appear in different space cracks.

"How fast is this bastard?"

Wu Lei’s ancestors, you know, they are all powerful nine-level emperors. The general three-level emperor is in front of them is the ants in the ants, let alone succeeded in escaping from them. It is a An impossible thing.

However, in front of this human being, the cultivation of the third-level emperor of the district has made it impossible for them to catch up with the five nine-level emperors. This is simply too far off the mark.

However, this situation also makes the four ancestors of the wind and thunder and lightning really feel the threat of Jiang Chen. This is a potentially huge threat. If you can't take this opportunity to get rid of it, the barbarian will not know that it will be lost in the hands of Jiang Chen in the future war. How many.

"Tianluo network."

The Wufeng ancestor broke out, and the violent black wind wave struck from him. For a time, the positive film was in a strong hurricane.

The hurricane that was enough to destroy everything formed a large net, and directly shrouded a piece of void.

This is the real network of the sky, once it is shrouded, there is no way to escape.

"not good."

Jiang Chen’s dark road was not good. The gap between him and the ninth-level emperor was too big. Now he is overwhelmed by the wind network and wants to continue to escape.

"Kid, see where you are going."

The Wufeng ancestors crossed the thousand-story space and appeared on the top of Jiang Chen with other ancestors.

"Big brother."

In the Zulongta, Zuo Linger sees this in his eyes, and his expression is full of worry.

At this critical moment of life and death, a golden sky and big hand suddenly came across countless voids. The big hand was able to smash everything between the heavens and the earth. Just a moment, it would tear the big net that covered the dust.

At the same time, the incomparable Guanghua from the other end turned into four tall, stalwart figures, when Jiang Chen was near.

When I saw these four people, Jiang Chen was really relieved. The breath of the four people was not weaker than the five ancestors of the opposite barbarian. It was the real figure standing at the top of the world, a powerful nine. Great emperor.

Almost no need to think about Jiang Chen, these four people must be the eight masters in the emperor's domain, otherwise they will not come out to save themselves at such a critical moment.

Jiang Chen knows that Yang Junlong must not be assured of himself, and then told his own things about these nine-level emperors, and these nine-level emperors also realized the seriousness of the situation. After all, they are related to the blood of the gods, so they decisively went to the barbarians. In ancient times, it happened that Jiang Chen was chased by the five ancestors of the barbarian, and naturally stopped.

"The whirlwind emperor, Lingtian the Great, Tai Chong the Great, Tian Ming Emperor, well, the four great emperors of the fairy world have appeared. It seems that this is your plot."

Uk's ancestors said evilly.

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