Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2078: From the war

Within a deep space of the Imperial Region, eight powerful nine-level emperors came together.

Emperor Lingtian, Cyclone Emperor, Emperor of Heaven, Emperor Taichong, Taixu Emperor, Emperor of Heaven, Emperor of the Fire, Emperor of Fire, Thunder Emperor, Eight Great Emperors, each is the peak of the 9th Emperor, they are the domain of the emperor The eight masters have always controlled the emperor's domain and hindered the brethren.

"The younger generation of Jiang Chen, I have seen your predecessors."

Jiang Chen gave a gift to the eight people.

"Taiwan Emperor, Thunder Emperor, this person has just returned from the barbarians, snatched the blood of the gods from the altar of the Uk family, and made a great contribution to our fairyland."

"I have investigated Jiang Chen. This person is the most outstanding genius enchantress in my tens of thousands of years. Before the return of the golden family, Jiang Chen was recognized by the golden feather fan and became the new owner of the golden plum fan. The emperor's cultivation is to kill the six-level sage of the savage world. The breath and flame that he exudes from him is the biggest nemesis of the barbarians. The degree of restraint has exceeded that of the golden family."

Ling Tiandi and the whirlwind emperor said that it is also a matter of minutes to use their cultivation to find a person.

After truly knowing Jiang Chen’s past deeds, their attention to Jiang Chen has also increased a lot. Otherwise, he will not be allowed to attend such a meeting.

The status of Taixu Emperor and Thunder Emperor in the Diocese is obviously the highest, because the two of them are survivors of the last catastrophe. Their existence has been very old, and their identity and status have exceeded.

Taixu the Great is a veteran. He looks at Jiang Chen, and his eyes are also out of the color of appreciation: "Well, quite good, a young man, in front of us eight people can still be so calm, it is rare, the old way I run not long ago The celestial plane gave a glimpse of the fate of the immortal world. The image shows that the catastrophe is the greatest catastrophe in the fairy world. One person can turn the tide and change the fate of the fairy world. This person is not the eight of us, nor the golden one. Old ancestors, it seems that it is likely to be Jiang Chen."

It has been said that the eyes of other people have changed again. The calculation index of the vain people is still very powerful. They all believe 100%.

Taixu Emperor rarely praises a person so much. Since he said it, it shows that Jiang Chen is not ordinary. As the Emperor of Taixu said, Jiang Chen is likely to be the one who changed the fate of this fairyland.

"Jiang Chen has snatched the blood of the gods, and it has already turned out to be a preliminary situation. Next, in order to get the blood of the gods, the barbarians will definitely take the initiative to launch the war. We must prepare as soon as possible."

Thunder the Great said.

"In my opinion, the ultimate battle on the Teijin side will not come so soon. Jiang Chen’s current cultivation is only a three-level emperor. He needs war to bring great tempering. I think Jiang Chen is temporarily returning to the fairyland. Well, the fairy world is the situation, and people need to be in control."

The Cyclone Emperor said.

"Back to the fairyland? The attack of the savage world, is it not directly from the emperor?"

Jiang Chen a glimpse.

"Jiang Chen, you are wrong. This is a war. It is a catastrophe. Whether it is for the savage or the fairy world, it is an unprecedented war of the past. No one can escape from this catastrophe. Once the catastrophe On the advent, the savage world will open countless passages into the fairy world. The savage world is a militant race. They launch a war to destroy the beliefs of the fairy world and completely destroy the fairy world. Therefore, after the battlefield begins, the real battle It won't come so soon, they will be fully developed, and every level of barbarism in the savage world will come to the battle of life and death. At that time, the war will come to every corner of the fairyland until the final decisive battle."

The Sirius Emperor said: "So, this period of time is the process of Jiang Chen’s growth. Only when you grow up can you qualify for the final battle. If you can’t grow up, the last battle can only rely on us. This is the old bone."

"The younger generation understands, I will not let you down."

Jiang Chen’s expression was shocked, and his body automatically overflowed with a passion. The eight kings looked at Jiang Chen’s secret nod. This kind of enchanting, as long as he gave him enough room for growth and future achievements. It is bound to be limitless.


Too big emperor and pointing to the sword, pointing to the void, directly draw a space channel out: "Jiang Chen, you leave now, the fairyland has you, the general trend has been fixed, we can rest assured, as for that body There is a little girl with a **** god, we will protect her well, and here she is the safest."


Jiang Chen did not hesitate in the slightest. He stepped out and disappeared directly into the crack of space. He knew that there was nothing wrong with the Emperor of the Emperor, and that there was a blood of the gods on the left, and that was the most important person. Will let the left Linger fall into the hands of the barbarian, will definitely protect.

Looking at the whole fairyland, I am afraid that I can no longer find a safer place than the guardian of the Eight Great Emperor. Jiang Chen has nothing to worry about.

Jiang Chen knows that he went back this time, and it was different from before. This time, he went through a great mission, and the war came at any time.


Shortly after Jiang Chen left, there was a thick and old bell ringing over the emperor's domain. This bell has not sounded for tens of thousands of years.

This is the sound of the alarm, only when the catastrophe comes.

Along with the boring bells, the great cities in the Imperial Region began to show great incitement.

"The catastrophe is coming, and the savage world is going to make a second attack."

"Mom, it’s coming sooner or later, and fighting with them."

"Come on, this time Laozi has been waiting for many years. The last time the catastrophe did not participate, it was my regret."


Many people are extremely excited. People who can enter the Imperial Region are not easy to learn. What's more, they know what they mean when they come to the Imperial Region. The significance of the existence of the Imperial Region itself is to fight against the brethren. It was built for the second catastrophe.

Now that the catastrophe is coming, everyone will quickly adjust their mindset and be fully prepared.

"I am finally coming."

Yang Junlong's expression is indifferent. For him, it is an honor to be able to participate in the Battle of Holocaust. Even if he is killed, he will die.

Fairy, the golden family.

After Jiang Chen came back, the first one came to the golden family. Regarding the mortal world, he must tell the gold family the first time. According to the trend, once the savage world is killed, even the people of the golden family, all the six or above. The great emperors must also go to the emperor's domain. Otherwise, their existence will attract more brute-handed masters. For the fairy world, it is not only a kind of protection, but an injury.

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